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Last active August 2, 2022 13:06
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  • Save Sucareto/e425aca510a656ad1bfbae5ed3e0aa9b to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save Sucareto/e425aca510a656ad1bfbae5ed3e0aa9b to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
from time import sleep
keycode = {
"KEY_1": '\x1e', # Keyboard 1 and !
"KEY_2": '\x1f', # Keyboard 2 and @
"KEY_3": '\x20', # Keyboard 3 and #
"KEY_4": '\x21', # Keyboard 4 and $
"KEY_5": '\x22', # Keyboard 5 and %
"KEY_6": '\x23', # Keyboard 6 and ^
"KEY_7": '\x24', # Keyboard 7 and &
"KEY_8": '\x25', # Keyboard 8 and *
"KEY_9": '\x26', # Keyboard 9 and (
"KEY_0": '\x27', # Keyboard 0 and )
"KEY_Q": '\x14', # Keyboard q and Q
"KEY_W": '\x1a', # Keyboard w and W
"KEY_E": '\x08', # Keyboard e and E
"KEY_R": '\x15', # Keyboard r and R
"KEY_T": '\x17', # Keyboard t and T
"KEY_Y": '\x1c', # Keyboard y and Y
"KEY_U": '\x18', # Keyboard u and U
"KEY_I": '\x0c', # Keyboard i and I
"KEY_O": '\x12', # Keyboard o and O
"KEY_P": '\x13', # Keyboard p and P
"KEY_A": '\x04', # Keyboard a and A
"KEY_S": '\x16', # Keyboard s and S
"KEY_D": '\x07', # Keyboard d and D
"KEY_F": '\x09', # Keyboard f and F
"KEY_G": '\x0a', # Keyboard g and G
"KEY_H": '\x0b', # Keyboard h and H
"KEY_J": '\x0d', # Keyboard j and J
"KEY_K": '\x0e', # Keyboard k and K
"KEY_L": '\x0f', # Keyboard l and L
"KEY_Z": '\x1d', # Keyboard z and Z
"KEY_X": '\x1b', # Keyboard x and X
"KEY_C": '\x06', # Keyboard c and C
"KEY_V": '\x19', # Keyboard v and V
"KEY_B": '\x05', # Keyboard b and B
"KEY_N": '\x11', # Keyboard n and N
"KEY_M": '\x10', # Keyboard m and M
shift_keycode = {
"KEY_`": '\x00\x00\x35', # Keyboard ` and ~
"KEY_-": '\x00\x00\x2d', # Keyboard - and _
"KEY_=": '\x00\x00\x2e', # Keyboard = and +
"KEY_~": '\x02\x00\x35', # Keyboard ` and ~
"KEY__": '\x02\x00\x2d', # Keyboard - and _
"KEY_+": '\x02\x00\x2e', # Keyboard = and +
"KEY_!": '\x02\x00\x1e', # Keyboard 1 and !
"KEY_@": '\x02\x00\x1f', # Keyboard 2 and @
"KEY_#": '\x02\x00\x20', # Keyboard 3 and #
"KEY_$": '\x02\x00\x21', # Keyboard 4 and $
"KEY_%": '\x02\x00\x22', # Keyboard 5 and %
"KEY_^": '\x02\x00\x23', # Keyboard 6 and ^
"KEY_&": '\x02\x00\x24', # Keyboard 7 and &
"KEY_*": '\x02\x00\x25', # Keyboard 8 and *
"KEY_(": '\x02\x00\x26', # Keyboard 9 and (
"KEY_)": '\x02\x00\x27', # Keyboard 0 and )
"KEY_[": '\x00\x00\x2f', # Keyboard [ and {
"KEY_]": '\x00\x00\x30', # Keyboard ] and }
"KEY_\\": '\x00\x00\x31', # Keyboard \ and |
"KEY_;": '\x00\x00\x33', # Keyboard ; and :
"KEY_'": '\x00\x00\x34', # Keyboard ' and "
"KEY_,": '\x00\x00\x36', # Keyboard ', and <
"KEY_.": '\x00\x00\x37', # Keyboard . and >
"KEY_/": '\x00\x00\x38', # Keyboard / and ?
"KEY_{": '\x02\x00\x2f', # Keyboard [ and {
"KEY_}": '\x02\x00\x30', # Keyboard ] and }
"KEY_|": '\x02\x00\x31', # Keyboard \ and |
"KEY_:": '\x02\x00\x33', # Keyboard ; and :
'KEY_"': '\x02\x00\x34', # Keyboard ' and "
"KEY_<": '\x02\x00\x36', # Keyboard ', and <
"KEY_>": '\x02\x00\x37', # Keyboard . and >
"KEY_?": '\x02\x00\x38', # Keyboard / and ?
"KEY_ ": '\x02\x00\x2c', # Keyboard Spacebar
with open("/dev/hidg0", "rb+", buffering=0) as f:
while True:
for i in input():
if not 0x1F < ord(i) < 0x7F:
print(i+" not support")
data = "\x00"
if i.isalnum():
if i.isupper():
data = "\x02"
data += "\x00"
data += keycode["KEY_"+i.upper()]
data = shift_keycode["KEY_"+i]
data += '\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00'
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