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Last active August 29, 2015 13:57
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// Since the ContactsApiHelper exists, we'll extend it
// If it didn't we would just extend the SugarBeanApiHelper
class CustomContactsApiHelper extends ContactsApiHelper
// Mimic the SugarBeanApiHelper->formatForApi() class
public function formatForApi(SugarBean $bean, array $fieldList = array(), array $options = array())
// First off, call the parent class
$data = parent::formatForApi($bean, $fieldList, $options);
// Make sure they requested the top_opp field, or no field restriction at all
if (empty($fieldList) || in_array('top_opp', $fieldList) ) {
// Build a list of the fields we care about
static $oppFields = array(
// Make sure we don't populate this some other way
if (!isset($bean->top_opp) && !empty($bean->id)) {
// Get a seed for Opportunities
$oppSeed = BeanFactory::newBean('Opportunities');
$q = new SugarQuery();
// Set the from bean
// Join in using the 'contacts' link field
$contactJoin = $q->join('contacts');
// Limit our join to just the contact we care about
$q->where()->equals($contactJoin->joinName().'.id', $bean->id);
$q->where()->notIn('sales_stage', array('Closed Lost', 'Closed Won'));
// Sort by the "usdollar" amount, the normal amount field could be in
// different currencies and so the sorting will be all wrong.
$q->orderBy('amount_usdollar DESC');
// Just get the top opportunity
// Use fetchFromQuery and pass in the fields we care about
$beans = $oppSeed->fetchFromQuery($q, $oppFields);
if (count($beans) > 0) {
// Even though we had a limit of 1, fetchFromQuery still returns an array
// They are indexed by ID, so let's just fetch the first and only one
$bean->top_opp = array_pop($beans);
} else {
// Flag it so we know we tried to set it, there just wasn't anything there
$bean->top_opp = null;
$data['top_opp'] = array();
if ($bean->top_opp != null) {
// getHelper will get us the helper we want
$data['top_opp'] = ApiHelper::getHelper($GLOBALS['service'], $bean->top_opp)
->formatForApi($bean->top_opp, $oppFields);
// formatForApi returns the bean formatted as a hash in API format
return $data;
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