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Last active January 1, 2024 13:40
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My Visual Studio Code Essenstials

My Visual Studio Code Essenstials


I always recommend to first install an Extension Pack for whichever language you are coding in. The listed extensions are to be installed in addition to the extensions provided in popular Extension packs. I do not own any of the extensions listed, nor is this an AD.

Table of Contents

For AI integration (Copilot)

GitHub Copilot Logo

Both extensions combined lets you chat directly with ChatGPT via Github's Copilot. You get autocomplete suggestions and the ability to generate code with the Copilot understanding the complete context of your project.

This saves a bunch of time and I find it way more convient versus feeding all the different files I have to ChatGPT and then asking for help. Troubleshooting and finding errors becomes a breeze.

Name ID VS Marketplace Link
GitHub Copilot GitHub.copilot Link
GitHub Copilot Chat GitHub.copilot-chat Link


These extensions require GitHub Copilot access which is Paid. However, if you are a student, you can gain free access by signing up for GitHub Student Developer Pack.

General Quality of Life Improvements

Error lens

Error Lens changes the way you interact with Errors on VS Code. Instead of having to stare at the "Problems" Pane in VS Code to identify the line where the error is, now you can see the culprits directly in your code in real time by distinctive coloring for Errors and Warnings. The extension also comments the reason for the Error/Warning on the same line.

This extension is highly configurable and allows you to change its behavior to suit your every need. This extension be a built in feature to be honest.

Screenshot of ErrorLens

Name Extension ID Link
Error Lens usernamehw.errorlens Link

Better Comments

Allows you to add colors to comments by using tags, and brings color to TODOs, commented code and other stuff. In short, makes the code a lot more lively.

Better Comments

Name Extension ID Link
Better Comments aaron-bond.better-comments Link


Name Description Extension ID Link
Prettier - Code Formatter A really useful code formatter that works for almost every language (not for Python though). esbenp.prettier-vscode Link
Path Intellisense Adds file path suggestions to Intellisense (the autocomplete thing). christian-kohler.path-intellisense Link
TODO Highlight Highlights TODO's & FIXME's wayou.vscode-todo-highlight Link
Code Runner Instead of seeing your code run in your default terminal, you get a fancy Output Log. It's a preference. formulahendry.code-runner Link

Web Development

I'm no web developer but with the small experience I have using HTML, Node.js, JavaScript, I came across these extensions which I found super essenstial.

Name Description Extension ID Link
Live Preview Lets you view the website you are working on Live inside of VS Code. The page updates in real time so you don't have to worry about refreshing the page each time like you would if you were using something like Live Server. Link
Auto Close Tag Everytime you create a HTML tag, it instantly creates the closing tag. Eg: Typing <body> gives you <body></body> instead. Link
Auto Rename Tag Made by the same developer, when changing the name of a HTML tag, it automatically updates the name of the respective closing tag (and vice versa) like a cute pair. Link
HTML CSS Support Lets you use IntelliSense (autocomplete) in a HTML file for attributes of IDs and classes from linked CSS files ecmel.vscode-html-css Link


JavaScript Logo

Name Description Extension ID Link
Node.js Exec Lets you directly run the selected node.js file using the run button in VS Code instead of being forced to run it through console each time. miramac.vscode-exec-node Link
NPM Intellisense Adds intellisense to NPM import statements christian-kohler.npm-intellisense Link


Python Logo

Name Description Extension ID Link
Black Formatter Allows you to format your python code. Link
Pylance Quality of life improvement for python and IntelliSense's compatability with Python ms-python.vscode-pylance Link
Python Extended Adds even more IntelliSense code snippet's tushortz.python-extended-snippets Link
isort Sorts your python imports and arranges them according to conventions ms-python.isort Link
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