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import threading
import time
class ThreadingExample(object):
""" Threading example class
The run() method will be started and it will run in the background
until the application exits.
Broad summary:
- Elections are on Sunday 5th, July.
- This is the first time an e-voting system is used in Buenos Aires city.
- Researchers and IT professionals had been warning about potential issues with the way the system works (short summary at the end).
- Government officials have said on-record that the machines are only "printers with no memory". There is video evidence that the machines are in fact standard PCs running Ubuntu. USB and VGA ports are located behind a lid on the side. See videos here:
Sukelluskello /
Last active August 29, 2015 14:25 — forked from bnagy/

GPG / Mutt / Gmail


This is a collection of snippets, not a comprehensive guide. I suggest you start with Operational PGP.

Here is an incomplete list of things that are different from other approaches:

  • I don't use keyservers. Ever.
  • Yes, I use Gmail instead of some bespoke hipster freedom service
Sukelluskello /
Created January 17, 2016 12:41 — forked from mywaiting/
The example to how to shutdown tornado web server gracefully...
#!/usr/bin/env python
How to use it:
1. Just `kill -2 PROCESS_ID` or `kill -15 PROCESS_ID` , The Tornado Web Server Will shutdown after process all the request.
2. When you run it behind Nginx, it can graceful reboot your production server.
3. Nice Print in
Sukelluskello / ghost_xmlrpc.rb
Created April 2, 2016 08:55 — forked from rcbarnett-zz/ghost_xmlrpc.rb
GHOST gethostbyname() Vuln (CVE-2015-0235) - Wordpress XML-RPC Pingback Vector
# --[ Trustwave SpiderLabs Research Team ]--
# Ref:
require "net/http"
require "uri"
if ARGV.count != 2
puts "Usage: #{ARGV[0]} [Target URL] [count]"
Sukelluskello /
Created April 3, 2016 18:46 — forked from fideloper/
Create vHost Ubuntu Lamp-Server (bash and python)
#! /usr/bin/python
from sys import argv
from os.path import exists
from os import makedirs
from os import symlink
from os import system
import getopt
WannaCry2: Petya Ransomware attack.
Got new info? Email at
*********** Possible malware files:
Archive password: virus
*********** Malware dropped file:
Sukelluskello / libHash.cpp
Created November 4, 2018 07:48 — forked from maldevel/libHash.cpp
Dexter SHA 256 Hash snippet
//GNU General Public License v3.0
std::string libHash::sha256(std::string input) {
std::string hash;
sha256_context ctx;
Sukelluskello / gist:7bda13d402a632d3df7eab3228f7c4b9
Created May 17, 2019 04:40 — forked from kirk-sayre-work/gist:6ebdee9eff31ba8bd6e35ec3f9efd726
Yara Rule to Detect Office Files Modified to Hide VBA Modules in Office VBA IDE.
rule vba_hidden_from_editor {
    $header_office = { D0 CF 11 E0 }
    $has_macros = "\x0aDocument="
    $s1 = /\x0aDocument=.{3,1000}\x0d?\x0a\w{4,30}=(\{|"|[a-zA-Z])/
    $s2 = /\x0aDocument=This(Docume|Displa)[a-zA-Z](\x00.){10,}/
Sukelluskello / audit.rules
Created June 20, 2019 12:49 — forked from kost/audit.rules
Linux Auditd Best Practice Configuration
# ___ ___ __ __
# / | __ ______/ (_) /_____/ /
# / /| |/ / / / __ / / __/ __ /
# / ___ / /_/ / /_/ / / /_/ /_/ /
# /_/ |_\__,_/\__,_/_/\__/\__,_/
# Linux Audit Daemon - Best Practice Configuration
# /etc/audit/audit.rules
# Compiled by Florian Roth