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Created October 26, 2021 18:44
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interface RestApi<Request, Response> {
* Function that will receive [Response] from server and return [Response]
fun obtainResponse(request: Request): Response
* [Request] - input data
* [Response] - response dto
* [T] - final result
abstract class RestApiRepository<Request, Response, T> @Inject constructor(
private val restApi: RestApi<Request, Response>
) : NonNullFunction<RestCallback<T>, RestCallback<T>> {
* Function that takes in [Request], converts it to [Response]
* and passes it to [getResult] to return [T].
* @param request Input data that will be used to [obtainResponse].
* @return Observable that will pass [RestCallback] to observer
fun getData(
request: Request,
applyScheduler: Scheduler = AndroidSchedulers.mainThread()
): Observable<RestCallback<T>> {
val observable = Observable.create<RestCallback<T>> { emitter ->
try {
val parsedResponse = restApi.obtainResponse(request)
val result = getResult(parsedResponse)
if (emitter.isDisposed.not()) {
} catch (e: Exception) {
val parsedError = parseExceptionToResult(e) ?: return@create
if (emitter.isDisposed.not()) {
if (emitter.isDisposed.not()) {
return observable
.concatMap {
abstract fun getResult(response: Response) : T
abstract fun parseExceptionToResult(exception: Exception): RestCallback.Error<T>?
// methods for testsing observer results
fun getSuccessMessage(result: T): RestCallback.Success<T> {
return RestCallback.Success("Success", result)
fun getLoadingMessage(): RestCallback.Loading<T> {
return RestCallback.Loading()
sealed class RestCallback<T> {
class Success<T>(val message: String,val data: T): RestCallback<T>()
class Error<T>(val errorType: ErrorType): RestCallback<T>()
class Loading<T>: RestCallback<T>()
sealed class ErrorType {
object InternetConnectionError: ErrorType()
object TimeOutError: ErrorType()
data class ServerErrorCodeException(val code: Int, val message: String): ErrorType()
data class ParsingException(val exception: Throwable): ErrorType()
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