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Created June 22, 2018 09:31
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SARSA controller for MLE+
function [eplus_in_curr, userdata] = RadiantControlFileBaseline(cmd,eplus_out_prev, eplus_in_prev, time, stepNumber, userdata)
if strcmp(cmd,'init')
epsilon1 = 0.7; % Initial value
epsilon2 = 0.7; % Initial value
epsilon3 = 0.7; % Initial value
discount = 0.8;
learnRate = 0.99;
successRate =1;
% Temperature setpoint and actual temp state space definition
tsps = [15:0.2:26];
temps = tsps; % setting the same
actions = [0, -0.1, 0.1];
% [states, R, Q] = RL_setup(tsps, temps, actions);
load Q1.mat;
load Q2.mat;
load Q3.mat;
load states.mat
load R.mat
% Q3 = Q;
% Q2 = Q;
% Q1 = Q;
z3 = [20, 15];
z2 = [20, 15];
z1 = [20, 15];
[next_state, state_index3] = min(abs(sum(states - repmat(z3,[size(states,1),1]).^2, 2)));
if (rand()>epsilon1) && rand()<=successRate
[~,action_idx3] = max(Q3(state_index3,:)); % Pick the action the Q matrix thinks is best!
action_idx3 = randi(length(actions),1); % Random action!
act = actions(action_idx3); % Taking chosen action
%% Update Q matrix (z1 has to be updated at this step)
z3_new = [20, eplus_out_prev.temp3(end)];
z2_new = [20, eplus_out_prev.temp2(end)];
z1_new = [20, eplus_out_prev.temp1(end)];
[~, new_state_index3] = min(abs(sum(states - repmat(z3_new,[size(states,1),1]).^2, 2))); % Interpolate again to find the new state the system is closest to.
%OLD_one = Q(next_state_index, action_idx)
%% Updating Action-Value function with Sarsa
Q3(state_index3, action_idx3) = Q3(state_index3,action_idx3) + learnRate * ( R(new_state_index3) ...
+ discount*max(Q3(new_state_index3,:)) - Q3(state_index3,action_idx3));
Q2(state_index3, action_idx3) = Q2(state_index3,action_idx3) + learnRate * ( R(new_state_index3) ...
+ discount*max(Q2(new_state_index3,:)) - Q2(state_index3,action_idx3));
Q1(state_index3, action_idx3) = Q1(state_index3,action_idx3) + learnRate * ( R(new_state_index3) ...
+ discount*max(Q1(new_state_index3,:)) - Q1(state_index3,action_idx3));
userdata.currState3 = z3_new;
userdata.currState2 = z2_new;
userdata.currState1 = z1_new;
eplus_in_curr.tsp1 = 20+act;
eplus_in_curr.tsp2 = 20+act;
eplus_in_curr.tsp3 = 20+act;
userdata.old_tsp3 = eplus_in_curr.tsp3;
userdata.old_tsp2 = eplus_in_curr.tsp2;
userdata.old_tsp1 = eplus_in_curr.tsp1;
userdata.Q1 = Q1;
userdata.Q2 = Q2;
userdata.Q3 = Q3;
userdata.states = states;
userdata.R = R;
epsilonDecay = 0.98; % Decay factor per iteration.
epsilon1 = epsilon1*epsilonDecay;
epsilonDecay = 0.98; % Decay factor per iteration.
epsilon2 = epsilon2*epsilonDecay;
epsilonDecay = 0.98; % Decay factor per iteration.
epsilon3 = epsilon3*epsilonDecay;
userdata.epsilon1 = epsilon1;userdata.epsilon2 = epsilon2;userdata.epsilon3 = epsilon3;
elseif strcmp(cmd,'normal')
z3_new = [eplus_in_prev.tsp3(end), eplus_out_prev.temp3(end)];
z2_new = [eplus_in_prev.tsp2(end), eplus_out_prev.temp2(end)];
z1_new = [eplus_in_prev.tsp1(end), eplus_out_prev.temp1(end)];
temperature = [z1_new(2),z2_new(2),z3_new(2)]
Q3 = userdata.Q3;
Q2 = userdata.Q2;
Q1 = userdata.Q1;
%load Q.mat;
R = userdata.R;
actions = [ 0, -0.1, 0.1];
states = userdata.states;
successRate = 1;
epsilon1 = userdata.epsilon1; % Initial value
epsilon2 = userdata.epsilon2; % Initial value
epsilon3 = userdata.epsilon3; % Initial value
epsilonDecay = 0.98; % Decay factor per iteration.
discount = 0.8;
learnRate = 0.99;
%% curr state
z3 = userdata.currState3;
z2 = userdata.currState2;
z1 = userdata.currState1;
[~, state_index3] = min(sum(abs(states - repmat(z3,[size(states,1),1])).^2, 2));
[~, state_index2] = min(sum(abs(states - repmat(z2,[size(states,1),1])).^2, 2));
[~, state_index1] = min(sum(abs(states - repmat(z1,[size(states,1),1])).^2, 2));
if (rand()>epsilon3) && rand()<=successRate
[~,action_idx3] = max(Q3(state_index3,:)); % Pick the action the Q matrix thinks is best!
action_idx3 = randi(length(actions),1); % Random action!
if (rand()>epsilon2) && rand()<=successRate
[~,action_idx2] = max(Q2(state_index2,:)); % Pick the action the Q matrix thinks is best!
action_idx2 = randi(length(actions),1); % Random action!
if (rand()>epsilon1) && rand()<=successRate
[~,action_idx1] = max(Q1(state_index1,:)); % Pick the action the Q matrix thinks is best!
action_idx1 = randi(length(actions),1); % Random action!
act3 = actions(action_idx3); % Taking chosen action (which way change TSP)
act2 = actions(action_idx2);
act1 = actions(action_idx1);
%% New state acquired
[~, new_state_index3] = min(sum(abs(states - repmat(z3_new,[size(states,1),1])).^2, 2)); % Interpolate again to find the new state the system is closest to.
OLD_Q3= Q3(state_index3, action_idx3);
Q3(state_index3, action_idx3) = Q3(state_index3,action_idx3) + learnRate * ( R(new_state_index3)...
+ discount*max(Q3(new_state_index3,:)) - Q3(state_index3,action_idx3));
Change3= R(new_state_index3) + discount*max(Q3(new_state_index3,:)) - Q3(state_index3,action_idx3) ;
[~, new_state_index2] = min(sum(abs(states - repmat(z2_new,[size(states,1),1])).^2, 2)); % Interpolate again to find the new state the system is closest to.
OLD_Q2= Q2(state_index2, action_idx2);
Q2(state_index2, action_idx2) = Q2(state_index2,action_idx2) + learnRate * ( R(new_state_index2)...
+ discount*max(Q2(new_state_index2,:)) - Q2(state_index2,action_idx2));
Change2= R(new_state_index2) + discount*max(Q2(new_state_index2,:)) - Q2(state_index2,action_idx2) ;
[~, new_state_index1] = min(sum(abs(states - repmat(z1_new,[size(states,1),1])).^2, 2)); % Interpolate again to find the new state the system is closest to.
OLD_Q1= Q1(state_index1, action_idx1);
Q1(state_index1, action_idx1) = Q1(state_index1,action_idx1) + learnRate * ( R(new_state_index1)...
+ discount*max(Q1(new_state_index1,:)) - Q1(state_index1,action_idx1));
Change1= R(new_state_index1) + discount*max(Q1(new_state_index1,:)) - Q1(state_index1,action_idx1) ;
% Output
indexes = [ state_index1, new_state_index1;state_index2, new_state_index2;state_index3, new_state_index3;]
% epsilon
% Best_Q = discount*max(Q3(new_state_index3,:));
% ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
userdata.currState3 = z3_new;
userdata.currState2 = z2_new;
userdata.currState1 = z1_new;
eplus_in_curr.tsp1 = userdata.old_tsp1 + act1;
eplus_in_curr.tsp2 = userdata.old_tsp2 + act2;
eplus_in_curr.tsp3 = userdata.old_tsp3 + act3;
userdata.old_tsp3 = eplus_in_curr.tsp3;
userdata.old_tsp2 = eplus_in_curr.tsp2;
userdata.old_tsp1 = eplus_in_curr.tsp1;
userdata.Q3 = Q3;
userdata.Q2 = Q2;
userdata.Q1 = Q1;
TSPs = [ userdata.old_tsp1, userdata.old_tsp3, userdata.old_tsp3]
epsilon1 = epsilon1*epsilonDecay;
epsilon2 = epsilon2*epsilonDecay;
epsilon3 = epsilon3*epsilonDecay;
userdata.epsilon1 = epsilon1;
userdata.epsilon2 = epsilon2;
userdata.epsilon3 = epsilon3;
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