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Created December 8, 2022 04:11
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Small benchmarking for triangle calculations
from timeit import timeit
from networkx import __version__, erdos_renyi_graph, triangles
def _triangles(G, nodes=None):
"""Compute the number of triangles.
Finds the number of triangles that include a node as one vertex.
G : graph
A networkx graph
nodes : container of nodes, optional (default = compute for all nodes in G)
Compute triangles for nodes in this container.
out : dictionary or int
Number of triangles keyed by node label (dict) if nodes is a container of nodes.
Number of triangles for a specific node (int) if nodes is a specific node.
>>> G = nx.complete_graph(5)
>>> print(nx.triangles(G, 0))
>>> print(nx.triangles(G))
{0: 6, 1: 6, 2: 6, 3: 6, 4: 6}
>>> print(list(nx.triangles(G, (0, 1)).values()))
[6, 6]
Self loops are ignored.
# if nodes is None, then compute triangles for the complete graph
if nodes is None:
return _triangle_count(G)
# if specific nodes are provided, then for efficiency create a subgraph
# that preserves the edges among the alters for each node in the `nodes`
from networkx import ancestors
if _return_single_value := not hasattr(nodes, "__contains__"):
_return_node = nodes
nodes = [nodes]
subset_nodes = set(nodes).union(*(ancestors(G, n) for n in nodes))
G_subgraph = G.subgraph(subset_nodes)
# compute the triangles for the subgraph
# note that the triangle counts will be correct only for nodes in the `nodes`
# since the other edges are not preserved when G_subgraph is created
triangle_counts = {
node: n_triangles
for node, n_triangles in _triangle_count(G_subgraph).items()
if node in nodes
# if only one node is passed, then the returned value should be the triangle count
if _return_single_value:
return triangle_counts[_return_node]
return triangle_counts
def _triangle_count(G):
"""This is a utility function to calculate triangles via a single pass."""
# dict used to avoid visiting the same nodes twice
# this allows calculating/counting each triangle only once
later_neighbors = {}
# iterate over the nodes in a graph
for node, neighbors in G.adjacency():
later_neighbors[node] = {
n for n in neighbors if n not in later_neighbors and n is not node
# instantiate with a zero count for each node
# add 1 to the count if a nodes neighbor's neighbor is also a neighbor
triangle_counts = {node: 0 for node in G}
for node1, neighbors in later_neighbors.items():
for node2 in neighbors:
for node3 in neighbors & later_neighbors[node2]:
triangle_counts[node1] += 1
triangle_counts[node2] += 1
triangle_counts[node3] += 1
return triangle_counts
setup = """
from networkx import triangles, erdos_renyi_graph
G = erdos_renyi_graph(1500,0.1)
time_current = timeit(stmt="triangles(G)", setup=setup, number=10)
setup = """
from networkx import erdos_renyi_graph
G = erdos_renyi_graph(1500,0.1)
time_proposed = timeit(
print(time_proposed, time_current)
# a few checks on correctness
G = erdos_renyi_graph(500, 0.1)
assert _triangles(G) == triangles(G)
_nodes = [1, 2, 3]
assert _triangles(G, _nodes) == triangles(G, _nodes)
_nodes = 1
assert _triangles(G, _nodes) == triangles(G, _nodes)
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