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Last active February 9, 2023 03:46
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"sections": [
"title": "Mo. 16.01.2023",
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"title": "Javascript in a Nutshell",
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"title": "Typescript - Basics",
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"title": "Di. 17.01.2023",
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"logo": "GoogleDocs",
"title": "Aufgabe - Axios & Vite Teil 1",
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"title": "Aufgabe - Axios & Vite Teil 2",
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"title": "Mi. 18.01.2023",
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"title": "Do. 19.01.2023",
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"title": "Advanced: Craft Beer Shop",
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"title": "Schere Stein Papier - Example",
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"title": "Fr. 20.01.2023",
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"title": "Aufgabe - Tick Tack Toe",
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"title": "Tick Tack Toe - Example",
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"title": "Mo. 23.01.2023",
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"title": "Vue Basics",
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"logo": "GitHub",
"title": "Vue Basics - Examples",
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"title": "Di. 24.01.2023",
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"title": "Reactive Variables with ref()",
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"title": "Template Syntax",
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"title": "Computed Properties",
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"title": "Class & Style Bindings",
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"title": "Conditional Rendering - v-if / v-else",
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"title": "List Rendering - v-for",
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"title": "Form Input Bindings - v-model",
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"title": "Mi. 25.01.2023",
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"title": "Assignment - Expression Calculator",
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"title": "Watch und WatchEffect",
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"title": "Component Lifecycle",
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"title": "Debounce Example",
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"title": "Do. 26.01.2023",
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"title": "Typescript with Props",
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"title": "Typescript with Emits",
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"title": "Fr. 27.01.2023",
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"title": "Vue Router - Setup",
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"title": "Mo. 30.01.2023",
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"title": "Aufgabe - Schere Stein Papier",
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"title": "Create Vue App",
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"title": "Di. 31.01.2023",
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"title": "Aufgabe - Todo Liste",
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"title": "Todo App",
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"title": "Mi. 01.02.2023",
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"title": "Vue Router - Presentation",
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"logo": "Vue",
"title": "Vue Router - Cheat Sheet",
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"logo": "GitHub",
"title": "Vue Router - Demo",
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"title": "Do. 02.02.2023",
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"title": "Aufgabe - Travel Tipps",
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"title": "Fr. 03.02.2023",
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"title": "Aufgabe - Open Movie Db Watchlist",
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"logo": "VueUse",
"title": "VueUse - Vue Composition Utilities",
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"title": "VueUse - Examples",
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"title": "Mo. 06.02.2023",
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"title": "State Management with Pinia",
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"title": "Pinia - Cheat Sheet",
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"title": "Aufgabe - CyberShop Teil 1",
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"title": "Di. 07.02.2023",
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"title": "Vue Router - Guards",
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"title": "Mi. 08.02.2023",
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"title": "Aufgabe - CyberShop Teil 2",
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"logo": "GitHub",
"title": "CyberShop - Login Example",
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"title": "Do. 09.02.2023",
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"title": "Vue 3 - Advanced",
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"title": "Fr. 10.02.2023",
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