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Created May 5, 2023 02:27
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Get the lobes of the MWA FEE primary beam.
#! /usr/bin/env python
# extra comment
import argparse
import numpy as np
from scipy import ndimage # For lobe finding in the primary beam images
from scipy.spatial import distance
from import fits
from astropy.time import Time
from astropy.coordinates import SkyCoord, EarthLocation, AltAz, FK5
from astropy import units as u
from astropy.wcs import WCS
from mwa_pb.primary_beam import MWA_Tile_full_EE
MWA = EarthLocation.from_geodetic(lat=-26.703319*u.deg,
import logging
class Lobe(object):
"""Class to hold information about a lobe of the primary beam."""
def __init__(self, x, y, arr):
self.original_x = x
self.original_y = y
# TODO control +/-1 values to ensure there are actually pixels there
self.arr = arr[min(x)-1:max(x)+2, min(y)-1:max(y)+2]
self.x, self.y = np.indices((self.arr.shape[0]-1, self.arr.shape[1]-1))
self.x = self.x.flatten()
self.y = self.y.flatten()
# These are manually added to:
self.ra = None
self.dec = None = None
self.maximum_size = None
def max_size(self):
"""Calculate max separation between pixels in the array."""
boundary = [Lobe.is_boundary(self.x[i], self.y[i], self.arr) \
for i in range(len(self.x))]
self.boundariesx = self.x[np.where(boundary)]
self.boundariesy = self.y[np.where(boundary)]
boundaries = [(self.boundariesx[i], self.boundariesy[i]) \
for i in range(len(self.boundariesx))]
self.size = distance.cdist(boundaries, boundaries, "euclidean").max()
def is_boundary(x, y, arr):
"""Determine if arr[x, y] is a boundary pixel."""
if arr[x, y] == 0.:
return False
if x == 0 or x == arr.shape[0]-1 or y == 0 or y == arr.shape[1]-1:
return False
indicesx = np.array([x+1, x+1, x+1, x-1, x-1, x-1, x, x])
indicesy = np.array([y+1, y-1, y, y+1, y-1, y, y-1, y+1])
if 0 in arr[indicesx, indicesy]:
return True
return False
def pix_to_world(x, y, wcs):
"""Convert pixel to world coordinates."""
return wcs.all_pix2world(x, y, 0)
def peak(x, y, arr):
"""Find peak of a set of points in a an array."""
x = x.flatten()
y = y.flatten()
a = arr[x, y].flatten()
apeak = np.where(a == np.nanmax(a))
return x[apeak], y[apeak]
def centroid(x, y, arr):
"""Find weighted centroid of a set of points."""
x = x.flatten()
y = y.flatten()
a = arr[x, y].flatten()
asum = np.nansum(a)
cenx = np.nansum(x*a)/asum
ceny = np.nansum(y*a)/asum
return int(cenx), int(ceny)
def parse_metafits(metafits):
"""Read in metafits file and return relevant information."""
m = fits.getheader(metafits)
delays = [int(d) for d in m["DELAYS"].split(",")]
t = Time(m["DATE-OBS"], format="isot", scale="utc")
freq = m["FREQCENT"] * 1.e6 # in Hz
pnt = SkyCoord(ra=m["RA"], dec=m["DEC"], unit=(u.deg, u.deg))
return t, delays, freq, pnt
def beam_value(ra, dec, t, delays, freq, interp=True, return_I=False):
"""Get real XX and real YY beam value at given RA and Dec.
Adapted from `` by N. Hurley-Walker.
ra : float or np.ndarry or list
RA to get beam value at.
dec : float or np.ndarray or list
Dec. to get beam value at.
t : astropy.time.Time object
Time object in 'isot' format and 'utc' scale.
delays : list
List of 16 dipole delays.
freq : float
Frequency at which to get beam value, in Hz.
interp : bool, optional
Passed to MWA_Tile_full_EE. [Default True]
Array of real XX beam values for given RA, Dec. values.
Array of real YY beam values for given RA, Dec. values.
if len(delays) != 16:
raise ValueError("There are only {} delays: there should be 16.".format(
if not hasattr(ra, "__getitem__"):
ra = np.array([ra])
dec = np.array([dec])
elif not isinstance(ra, np.ndarray):
ra = np.asarray(ra)
dec = np.asarray(dec)
radec = SkyCoord(ra*u.deg, dec*u.deg)
altaz = radec.transform_to(AltAz(obstime=t, location=MWA))
za = (np.pi/2.) - altaz.alt.rad
az =
if not hasattr(za, "__getitem__"):
za = np.array([za])
az = np.array([az])
rX, rY = MWA_Tile_full_EE(za=[za],
if return_I:
# TODO: check that this shouldn't be halved!
return 0.5*(rX[0] + rY[0])
return rX[0], rY[0]
def make_beam_image(t, delays, freq, ra=None, dec=None, outname=None,
npix=1500, return_hdu=False, reference_image=None):
"""Make a FITS image of the psuedo-I beam response.
t : int or float
GPS time in iso format.
delays : list
List of delays.
freq : float
Frequency in Hz.
ra : float, optional
RA for center of the image. Defaults to zenith.
dec : float, optional
DEC for center of the image. Defaults to zenith.
outname : str, optional
Output file name for the beam FITS image. If not outname is specified,
the beam is not written to disk.
npix : int, optional
Size of the beam image. This changes the pixel dimensions. [Default 1500]
return_hdu : bool, optional
Select True if wanting to return the HDUList object. [Default False]
reference_image : str, optional
If supplied, the Stokes I beam is made for a reference image.
if reference_image is None:
# Set RA/DEC as ALT/AZ = 90.0/180.0:
if ra is None or dec is None:
altaz = AltAz(alt=90.*u.deg,
radec_at_zenith = altaz.transform_to(FK5)
ra = radec_at_zenith.ra.value
dec = radec_at_zenith.dec.value
# Initialise a FITS image:
hdu = fits.PrimaryHDU()
arr = np.full((npix, npix), 0.) = arr
hdu.header["CTYPE1"] = "RA---SIN"
hdu.header["CTYPE2"] = "DEC--SIN"
hdu.header["CRVAL1"] = ra
hdu.header["CRVAL2"] = dec
hdu.header["CDELT1"] = -(180./npix)
hdu.header["CDELT2"] = 180./npix
hdu.header["CRPIX1"] = npix//2 - 1
hdu.header["CRPIX2"] = npix//2 - 1
hdr = hdu.header
indices = np.indices(arr.shape)
x = indices[0].flatten()
y = indices[1].flatten()
ref =
ref_arr = np.squeeze(ref[0].data)
hdr = ref[0].header
arr = np.full_like(ref_arr, 0.)
indices = np.where(~np.isnan(ref_arr))
y = indices[0].flatten()
x = indices[1].flatten()
w = WCS(hdr).celestial
# Now get beam values for each pixel:
stride = 2250000 # 1500*1500
for i in range(0, len(x), stride):
r, d = w.all_pix2world(x[i:i+stride], y[i:i+stride], 0)
arr[y[i:i+stride], x[i:i+stride]] = beam_value(r, d, t, delays, freq,
if outname is not None:
fits.writeto(outname, arr, hdr, overwrite=True)
if return_hdu:
return hdu
def find_lobes(hdu, perc=0.1, centroid=True):
"""Find main lobe and any sidelobes in a beam image.
hdu : object
The HDUList object of the Stokes I beam.
perc : float, optional
Stokes I percentage to source-find the lobes down to. (Like floodclip).
[Default 0.1 (i.e. 10 per cent)]
centroid : bool, optional
Select True if wanting the centroid of the beam lobes. Otherwise,
the peaks of the lobes are given. [Default True]
Lobes object with lobes and information about the lobes.
w = WCS(hdu.header) # For converting to world coordinates.
# First set everything < 0.1 to zero and set nans to zero:[np.where(np.isnan(] = 0.[ < perc] = 0.
# Convert to a data format usable by scipy:
arr ="float64")
lobe_image, nlabels = ndimage.label(arr)
lobes = {}
lobe_numbers = set(lobe_image.flatten())
for lobe in lobe_numbers:
x, y = np.where(lobe_image == lobe)
l = Lobe(x, y, arr)
l.maximum_size = l.size * hdu.header["CDELT2"]
l.cenx, l.ceny = Lobe.centroid(x, y, arr)
l.peakx, l.peaky = Lobe.peak(x, y, arr)
if centroid:
ra, dec = Lobe.pix_to_world(l.ceny, l.cenx, w)
ra, dec = Lobe.pix_to_world(l.peaky, l.peakx, w)
# Avoid those pesky zero-sized arrays:
l.ra = float(ra)
l.dec = float(dec) = SkyCoord(ra=l.ra, dec=l.dec, unit=(u.deg, u.deg))
lobes[lobe] = l
return lobes
def main():
description = """
Find the location and approximate size of the lobes of the MWA primary
beam. Note that the mainlobe is returned as the first lobe.
ps = argparse.ArgumentParser(description=description)
ps.add_argument("image", help="Image of the psuedo-Stokes I beam.")
ps.add_argument("-p", "--perc", type=float, default=0.1,
help="Percentage of attenuation out to which determines "
"the size of the primary beam. [Default 0.1]")
ps.add_argument("-m", "--metafits", action="store_true",
help="Supply a metafits file to make a primary beam image. "
"If this option is used the positional argument should "
"be the metafits file.")
ps.add_argument("-S", "--sidelobes", action="store_true",
help="Switch to return only the sidelobes.")
ps.add_argument("-M", "--mainlobe", action="store_true",
help="Switch to return only the mainlobe.")
ps.add_argument("-P", "--peak", action="store_false", dest="centroid",
help="Find peak of lobes rather than centroids. [Default False]")
args = ps.parse_args()
if args.sidelobes and args.mainlobe:
return RuntimeError("No lobes to find!")
if args.metafits:
t, delays, freq, pnt = parse_metafits(args.image)
hdu = make_beam_image(t, delays, freq,
hdu =[0]
lobes = find_lobes(hdu, perc=args.perc, centroid=args.centroid)
main_lobe = None
# Try to find the main lobe:
if args.metafits:
min_sep = 1e9
for i in lobes.keys():
coords = SkyCoord(ra=lobes[i].ra,
unit=(u.deg, u.deg))
sep = coords.separation(pnt)
if sep.value < min_sep and sep.value < lobes[i].maximum_size:
min_sep = sep.value
main_lobe = i
main_lobe = 1
if not args.sidelobes and main_lobe is not None:
# Main lobe:
print("main: {:.2f} {:.2f} {:.2f}".format(lobes[main_lobe].ra,
if not args.mainlobe:
for i in lobes.keys():
if i != main_lobe:
print("side: {:.2f} {:.2f} {:.2f}".format(lobes[i].ra,
if __name__ == "__main__":
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