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Last active January 26, 2024 00:53
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  • Save SupaMic/e52e9b02dda8ecbeedf2ea2f635918ef to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save SupaMic/e52e9b02dda8ecbeedf2ea2f635918ef to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Windows BAT file for deleting the files in a Git repo based on patterns in the .gitignore. This file is designed to be run in a parent directory with multiple Repo folders within it. Can run bat file with -y flag to Automatically confirm deletions but I'd recommend doing the Yes/No confirm for each file as the patterns can be unpredictable and n…
@echo off
setlocal enabledelayedexpansion
:: Check for '-y' argument
if "%~1"=="-y" set "AUTO_CONFIRM=1"
:: Set the parent directory to the directory where the batch file is located
set "PARENT_DIR=%~dp0"
echo Parent Directory: %PARENT_DIR%
:: Loop through each subdirectory in the parent directory
for /d %%d in ("%PARENT_DIR%*") do (
echo Entering directory: %%d
pushd %%d
if errorlevel 1 (
echo Failed to enter directory: %%d
goto nextdir
set "ROOT_DIR=%%d"
echo Processing directory: !ROOT_DIR!
:: Check if .gitignore exists in the subdirectory
if exist ".gitignore" (
echo Found .gitignore in !ROOT_DIR!
:: Initialize PATTERNS
:: Read .gitignore and build a list of patterns to delete
for /f "tokens=*" %%a in ('type ".gitignore"') do (
set "pattern=%%a"
:: Replace forward slashes with backslashes and remove leading/trailing backslashes
set "pattern=!pattern:/=\!"
if "!pattern:~0,1!"=="\" set "pattern=!pattern:~1!"
if "!pattern:~-1!"=="\" set "pattern=!pattern:~0,-1!"
:: Skip lines starting with '#' or '!'
if not "!pattern:~0,1!"=="#" and not "!pattern:~0,1!"=="!" (
set "PATTERNS=!PATTERNS! !pattern!"
:: Display the patterns for verification
echo Patterns to delete in !ROOT_DIR!: !PATTERNS!
:: Delete matching items
for %%p in (!PATTERNS!) do (
echo Checking pattern: %%p
for /r %%f in (%%p) do (
if exist "%%f" (
echo Found: %%f
if "!AUTO_CONFIRM!"=="1" (
echo Auto-confirming deletion of: %%f
if exist "%%f\*" (
rmdir /s /q "%%f"
) else (
del /q "%%f"
) else (
set /p "confirm=Delete this item? (Y/N/Q for Quit): "
if /i "!confirm!"=="Y" (
if exist "%%f\*" (
echo Deleting directory: %%f
rmdir /s /q "%%f"
) else (
echo Deleting file: %%f
del /q "%%f"
) else if /i "!confirm!"=="Q" (
echo Exiting script.
exit /b
) else (
echo Skipped: %%f
) else (
echo .gitignore not found in !ROOT_DIR!
echo Leaving directory: %%d
echo Done.
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SupaMic commented Jan 26, 2024

Windows BAT file for deleting the files in a Git repo based on patterns in the .gitignore. This file is designed to be run in a parent directory with multiple Repo folders within it. You can run bat file with -y flag to Automatically confirm deletions but I'd recommend doing the Yes/No confirm for each file as the patterns can be unpredictable and nothing goes to the Recycle bin, all permanent deletes. If your .gitignore has many complex paths with wildcards, might do a quick comment out of those before running.

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