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Created April 16, 2018 19:45
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  • Save Supamiu/ae5df40232a6427c57950575cf794286 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save Supamiu/ae5df40232a6427c57950575cf794286 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
"Timers": "Timers",
"Copy_isearch": "Copy isearch macro",
"Isearch_copied": "/isearch {{itemname}} copied to clipboard",
"Required_for_final_craft": "{{amount}} needed for final items",
"Compact_sidebar_toggle": "Toggle compact sidebar",
"Confirmation": "Confirmation",
"Is_working_on_it": "{{name}} is working on it",
"Work_on_it": "I'm working on it",
"Add_as_collectible": "Add as collectable",
"Compact_display": "Compact display",
"Mute_alarms": "Mute alarms",
"Hide_used": "Hide used rows",
"Retainer_ventures": "Retainer ventures",
"Workshops": "Workshops",
"Add_lists": "Add lists",
"Add_workshop": "Add workshop",
"Delete_message": "Deleting a workshop won't delete the lists in it, they will only be brought back to workshop-less lists",
"List_selection_title": "Select lists to add to workshop {{workshopName}}",
"Name_dialog": "Workshop name",
"Created_by": "Created by {{name}}",
"Share_link_copied": "Workshop share link copied",
"Not_found": "Workshop not found or you don't have access to it",
"Shared_workshops": "Workshops shared with you"
"ABOUT": {
"title": "About",
"Copyright_notice_title": "Copyright notice",
"Copyright_notice_content": "FINAL FANTASY is a registered trademark of Square Enix Holdings Co., Ltd.<br>FINAL FANTASY XIV © 2010 - 2017 SQUARE ENIX CO., LTD. All Rights Reserved.<br>FFXIV Teamcraft is not affiliated with Square Enix.",
"Thanks_title": "Thanks",
"Data_sources": "Data sources",
"Patreon_supporters": "Patreon supporters",
"Contributors": "Contributors"
"Title": "10k lists Giveway",
"Body": "In order to thank you properly for the 10k lists created on the app, a 60 days timecard giveway has been created, it will last until Feb. 09.\n Thank you for using this app, I hope it helped you a lot, the app is what it is thanks to you.",
"Access": "Access giveway"
"Hide_if_empty": "Hide if empty",
"No_favorites": "No Favorite",
"Ephemeral_list": "Will be deleted once completed",
"Quick_list_create": "Create quick list (deleted once completed)",
"Tag_filter": "Tags",
"Public_lists": "Community lists",
"Public_list": "Community list",
"Profile": "Profile",
"X_for_total": "{{amount}} for total",
"Save": "Save",
"Reset": "Reset",
"Total": "Total",
"User_id": "User ID"
"No_alarm": "No alarms set",
"Add_alarm": "Add alarm",
"Alarm_created": "Alarm created"
"Item_name": "Item name",
"No_items_found": "No item found",
"Select_all": "Select all",
"Do you really want to reset the list?": "Do you really want to reset the list?",
"Yes": "Yes",
"No": "No",
"Crystals": "Crystals",
"Gathering": "Gathering",
"Other": "Other",
"Pre_crafts": "Pre crafts",
"Items": "Items",
"New_List": "New List",
"Please_enter_a_name": "Please enter a name",
"Lists": "Lists",
"Recipes": "Recipes",
"items": "items",
"Confirm": "Confirm",
"Cancel": "Cancel",
"Edit": "Edit",
"Add_a_list": "Add a list",
"List_name": "List name",
"Recipe_name": "Recipe name",
"No_matching_recipe": "No matching recipe",
"Reset_progression": "Reset progression",
"Gardening": "Gardening",
"Hunting": "Hunting",
"Desynth": "Desynth",
"Vendors": "Vendors",
"Open": "Open",
"Trade": "Trade",
"Filters": "Filters",
"Check_all": "Check all",
"Uncheck_all": "Uncheck all",
"Level": "Level",
"auth/credential-already-in-use": "Account already in use",
"auth/email-already-in-use": "Email already in use",
"Registration": "Registration",
"Google_register": "Register with Google",
"Facebook_register": "Register with Facebook",
"Google_login": "Log In with Google",
"Facebook_login": "Login in with Facebook",
"Login": "Login",
"Disconnect": "Disconnect",
"Password": "Password",
"Password_Confirmation": "Confirmation",
"Submit": "Submit",
"Invalid_credentials": "Invalid credentials",
"Verification_mail_sent": "Verification email sent, please check up your mailing box",
"Not_verified": "Your email has not been verified yet, please check your mailing box",
"Lodestone_already_used": "This character is already used",
"Anonymous_Warning": "You should create an account to avoid losing your lists and enable more features like adaptive filter",
"Game_Term/DoH": "Disciples of the Hand",
"Game_Term/DoL": "Disciples of the Land",
"Reduction": "Reduction",
"Upgrade_list": "Recreate list with latest app update",
"List_recreated": "Recreated list properly",
"List_popup_title": "Regenerating the list, please wait",
"List_popup_p": "This should be fast, here's a gif to wait a bit",
"Not_own_list_outdated": "This list is outdated, please ask the owner to regenerate it",
"Own_list_outdated_before_button": "This list is outdated, please regenerate it using ",
"Own_list_outdated_after_button": "button",
"Home": "Home",
"Import": "Import",
"Favorites": "Favorites",
"Favorite": "Favorite",
"filters/ilvl": "Item level",
"filters/lvl": "Required level",
"filters/craft_lvl": "Recipe level",
"filters/worn_by": "Worn by",
"filters/crafted_by": "Crafted by",
"Adding_recipes": "Adding {{amount}} recipes to list {{listname}}",
"Recipe_Added": "{{itemname}} added to list {{listname}}",
"Recipes_Added": "Results added to list {{listname}}",
"Character_name": "Character Name",
"Character_informations": "Character informations",
"Server_name": "Server Name",
"Add_all_recipes": "Add results to a list",
"Character_not_found": "Character not found",
"List_forked": "List copied to your account",
"List_fork": "Copy this list to your account",
"List_not_found": "List not found or you don't have access to it",
"Requirements_for_craft": "See requirements",
"Zone_breakdown": "Area breakdown",
"Timer_options": "Timer options",
"Early_by": "Early by (eorzean hours)",
"Sound": "Sound",
"Share_link_copied": "List link copied in the clipboard",
"Share": "Share",
"Patreon_popup_title": "We need your help",
"Patreon_popup_body": "As the user base is getting bigger, FFXIV Teamcraft will need a better hosting to make sure everything is working properly with good response time. Because of that we need your support to ensure we have enough funds to pay for the hosting you deserve, to make your experience with the tool the best possible.",
"Patreon_popup_body_end": "Please consider supporting us on patreon, by doing this you'll help the team and the users.",
"Current_funds": "Current funds",
"Close": "Close",
"Forgot_password": "Forgot password",
"Email_enter": "Email",
"Email_not_found": "Email not found",
"Email_sent": "An email has been sent with instructions to change your password.",
"HOME_PAGE.title": "Create lists, share, contribute, craft",
"HOME_PAGE.count": "lists currently stored",
"HOME_PAGE.lists_created_count": "lists created using FFXIV Teamcraft",
"HOME_PAGE.p1": "Hi, I'm Miu Asakura on Louisoix. I'm the creator of FFXIV Teamcraft, a tool that allows you to create crafting lists online, share them with your friend and contribute together in realtime. Because we were struggling to manage big lists using actual tools, I wanted to have a way to create lists that are stored, on which every could say \"I have that, I can provide it\". So I started creating FFXIV Teamcraft.",
"HOME_PAGE.p2": "Then I thought \"If my FC finds the app useful, why would others not find it useful too?\". So I bought a domain name, I made a reddit topic and started adding more features. At the moment the app is able to store your crafting lists, show you what you can gather/craft by yourself, all of this in your language (some translated assets are still missing but they will be available in the future) with a single link. Wether you are French, English or Deutsch speaker, the app will show you a version of the list that you can understand. That's the main goal of the application.",
"HOME_PAGE.p3": "FFXIV Teamcraft is here do to the maths, so you can focus on the essential part of crafting and forget your calc sheets and your paper with everything written on it. Simply add a recipe to a list, give the link to your friends and start creating awesome stuff together !",
"HOME_PAGE.support_patreon": "Support us on patreon",
"HOME_PAGE.features": "Features",
"HOME_PAGE.FEATURES.list_creation_title": "List creation",
"HOME_PAGE.FEATURES.list_creation_content": "Simply search for a recipe, add it to a list, and it's done !",
"HOME_PAGE.FEATURES.realtime_translations_title": "Realtime translation",
"HOME_PAGE.FEATURES.realtime_translations_content": "Recipes are language-independant, they can be seen in any language !",
"HOME_PAGE.FEATURES.item_details_title": "Item details",
"HOME_PAGE.FEATURES.item_details_content": "Get details on how to obtain each item of your recipe, no more endless searchs !",
"HOME_PAGE.FEATURES.node_timers_title": "Timer node alerts",
"HOME_PAGE.FEATURES.node_timers_content": "Never miss a timed node !",
"HOME_PAGE.FEATURES.area_breakdown_title": "Area breakdown",
"HOME_PAGE.FEATURES.area_breakdown_content": "Reduce your gil and your time spent for farming !",
"HOME_PAGE.FEATURES.search_filters_title": "Search filters",
"HOME_PAGE.FEATURES.search_filters_content": "Easily find what you're looking for with powerful filters !",
"HOME_PAGE.FEATURES.bulk_import_title": "Bulk import",
"HOME_PAGE.FEATURES.bulk_import_content": "Add multiple items at the same time !",
"HOME_PAGE.FEATURES.map_markers_title": "Map markers",
"HOME_PAGE.FEATURES.map_markers_content": "Don't look for coordinates ingame again !",
"HOME_PAGE.FEATURES.comments_title": "Comments",
"HOME_PAGE.FEATURES.comments_content": "Add informations on your list items easily !",
"HOME_PAGE.FEATURES.pricing_title": "Pricing",
"HOME_PAGE.FEATURES.pricing_content": "Easily get the benefits you'll make from a given list !",
"HOME_PAGE.FEATURES.inventory_title": "Inventory breakdown",
"HOME_PAGE.FEATURES.inventory_content": "Know how much of each item you're supposed to have at anytime !",
"HOME_PAGE.FEATURES.alarms_title": "Alarms",
"HOME_PAGE.FEATURES.alarms_content": "Easily track every alarm you added accross multiple lists !",
"HOME_PAGE.support_title": "Support",
"HOME_PAGE.support_content_discord": "If you have any troubles using the tool, don't be shy, pay us a visit on discord !",
"HOME_PAGE.support_comtent_facebook": "You can also find us on facebook",
"HOME_PAGE.contribute_title": "Contribute",
"HOME_PAGE.contribute_content": "If you want to contribute to the tool, feel free to check the code on github and create some Pull Requests !",
"HOME_PAGE.changelog": "To get every news about the website, each changes, please refer to the changelog.",
"ALARM": {
"Spawned": "{{itemName}} will spawn !",
"See_on_map": "Location"
"Pricing_mode": "Pricing mode",
"Back_to_list": "Back to list",
"Spending": "Spending",
"Pricing": "Pricing",
"Earning": "Earning",
"Benefits": "Benefits",
"Minimal_craft_cost": "Minimal craft cost",
"Used_for": "Used for",
"xivdb_cart_import": "Importing list",
"Or": "or",
"Make_donation": "Make a donation",
"Data_from_gt": "Data provided by",
"Hide_completed": "Hide completed rows",
"Your_comment": "Your comment",
"Required_crafts_amount": "Required amount of crafts",
"Missing_crafts_amount": "{{amount}} to reach total",
"Requires": "Requires",
"Copy_item_name_to_clipboard": "Copy item name to clipboard",
"Item_name_copied": "{{itemname}} copied to clipboard",
"Tier_display_toggle": "Display crafting tiers",
"Precraft_tier": "Tier",
"Regenerating_lists": "Regenerating lists",
"title": "Settings",
"link_base": "Item links",
"compact_lists": "Compact list display",
"theme": "Theme",
"ffxivcrafting_display": " amounts",
"Simulator_link_base": "Simulator link"
"Masterbooks": "Masterbooks",
"Patreon_supporter": "Patreon Supporter",
"Patreon_features": "Patreon supporter features",
"Feature_requires_nickname": "This feature requires you to set a nickname",
"Nickname": "Nickname",
"No_nickname": "No nickname set",
"Patreon_link_email": "Link patreon email",
"Patreon_edit_email": "Edit patreon email",
"Email_already_used": "Email already linked to another account",
"Patreon_email": "Patreon Email",
"HELP": {
"Welcome": "Welcome to profile page, this is the place where you can see and edit your own profile.",
"Edit": "By clicking on the edit icon, you can edit the character linked to your FFXIV Teamcraft account.",
"Masterbooks": "You can put your unlocked masterbooks on your profile, this will allow for warnings in the future when you can't craft an item because you don't have the masterbook."
"LISTS": {
"Regenerate_all": "Regenerate all lists",
"Merge_lists": "Merge lists",
"Shared_lists": "Lists shared with you",
"Title": "Import list from external website",
"Paste_link_step_title": "Paste your link to the external list",
"Paste_link_step_placeholder": "List link",
"Link_not_supported": "This link can't be imported",
"Next": "Next",
"Back": "Back",
"Give_list_name": "Give your new list a name",
"Final_step": "Validation",
"Choices_needed": "Some recipe choices are pending",
"Creating_list": "Creating the list",
"Loading_items": "Loading items informations"
"LIST": {
"Copied_x_times": "Copied {{count}} times",
"Enable_crystals_tracking": "Enable crystals tracking"
"Missing_tags_before_button": "This list is shown as community list but has no tags, please add some tags using ",
"Missing_tags_after_button": " button",
"Add_remove_amount": "Add/remove a given amount",
"No_book": "Missing book, click to navigate to profile",
"No_note": "No note",
"Note_placeholder": "Note",
"Tags_popup": "Tags",
"Inventory_breakdown": "Inventory",
"Title": "Layout",
"Add_panel": "Add Panel",
"Import_layout": "Import a layout",
"Import_string": "Layout import code",
"Import_string_copied": "Layout import code copied !",
"Layout_name": "Layout name",
"Invalid_import": "Invalid import code"
"Filter": "Filter",
"Panel_name": "Panel name",
"Order_by": "Sort by",
"Order": "Order",
"Logic_gate": "Logic gate"
"HELP": {
"Title": "List details",
"List_category": "List",
"Inventory": "You can switch to inventory view, where the app simulates an inventory to show you what you're supposed to have, it removes items already used for crafts you've already done.",
"Reset_progression": "You can reset the progression of the list entirely using the refresh button, upon confirmation this will set all progression to 0.",
"Upgrade": "You can upgrade your list to the latest version using this button, it recreates the list entirely and keeps progression. You'll be asked to upgrade if your list is outdated.",
"Fork": "You can fork a list, which means creating a copy of it in its actual state to your account, this works for any list.",
"Filters": "You can filter list items, using your account you can apply filters to see only what you can do, you can also hide items that are already done in this panel.",
"Area_breakdown": "By toggling Area Breakdown, you can order data based on the area they are obtainable in order to lower the teleport fees.",
"Pricing_mode": "When entering pricing mode, you can enter the price of each item you bought, and enter the expected sell price in order to know how much benefits you get from a list.",
"Item_category": "Items (rows)",
"Requirements": "By clicking on the requirements icon, you can open a dialog showing what is required by a given item, or what it is required for.",
"Alarms": "When an item is a timed node, you can click on the alarm button to setup a sound alarm when it spawns, the alarm will be played even if you're not on the list, you just need to be on the website.",
"Comments": "You can add comments to any item row, allowing you to provide more informations (not linked to the item, only to the list row) or discuss on it. Comments are limited to 140 characters and 10 comments per item.",
"Colors": "Item name colors have a signification, <span class=\"craftable\">this one is for items ready to be crafted</span>, which means that you have everything to craft the item. <span class=\"strike\">This one is for items crafted</span> which means that you have already done this item",
"Misc_category": "Other",
"Map_markers": "Whenever you see this icon, click on it to get a map marker, which is way easier to read than X,Y coordinates.",
"Public_list": "Setting a list to public adds it to the public lists section, THIS IS NOT REQUIRED TO SHARE A LIST",
"Obtention_details": "Each item row has icons in the top-right section of the row, clicking on each icon will give you more details on how to obtain the corresponding item.",
"Labels": "When adding a list to public lists, don't forget to add proper labels to it",
"Custom_layout": "You can fully customize your layout, export it and import the layout of a friend. This layout only concern you and is stored in your browser, it will be applied to every list you display using this browser."
"adapt_to_character": "Adapt to Character",
"reset_filters": "Reset Filters",
"GEAR": "Gear",
"CONSUMABLE": "Consumable",
"LOG": "Log",
"LEVE": "Leve",
"GLAMOUR": "Glamour",
"HOUSING": "Housing",
"MISC": "Misc",
"QUEST": "Quest",
"TANK": "Tank",
"HEALER": "Healer",
"MELEE": "Melee",
"RANGED": "Ranged",
"CASTER": "Caster",
"CRAFTER": "Crafter",
"GATHERER": "Gatherer",
"PLD": "PLD",
"WAR": "WAR",
"DRK": "DRK",
"WHM": "WHM",
"SCH": "SCH",
"AST": "AST",
"MNK": "MNK",
"DRG": "DRG",
"NIN": "NIN",
"SAM": "SAM",
"BRD": "BRD",
"MCH": "MCH",
"BLM": "BLM",
"SMN": "SMN",
"RDM": "RDM",
"CRP": "CRP",
"BSM": "BSM",
"ARM": "ARM",
"GSM": "GSM",
"LTW": "LTW",
"WVR": "WVR",
"ALC": "ALC",
"CUL": "CUL",
"MIN": "MIN",
"BOT": "BOT",
"FSH": "FSH"
"HELP": {
"Welcome": "Welcome to the recipes page, this page is meant to search, filter and add recipes to crafting lists.",
"Filter": "When you open the Filter tab, a lot of filters become available to you, you can check them and change their values to find what you're looking for.",
"Add_to_list": "Once you found the item you're looking for, you can enter an amount and click on the 'add to list' icon, this will ask you where you want to put the item, then it'll add the item to the list you choose at the quantity you entered.",
"Quick_list": "You can create quick lists by clicking on the 'Quick List' button, this will instantly create a list with the name of the item, that will be deleted upon completion.",
"Add_results": "The 'Add results to a list' button adds every single item in the current result set to a given list, but be carefull, QUANTITY IS ALWAYS SET TO 1 WHEN USING THIS."
"Title": "Macro translator",
"Macro_language": "Macro language",
"Macro_to_translate": "Macro to translate",
"Do_translate": "Translate !",
"Invalid_macro_or_language": "Invalid macro or language."
"Title": "Custom Links",
"Not_found": "Link not found",
"Add_link": "Create a custom link",
"Dialog_title": "Custom link",
"Link_type": "Link type",
"Link_name": "Link name",
"target": "Link target",
"Share_link_copied": "Custom link copied to clipboard",
"No_links": "No custom links"
"Title": "Optimized navigation route",
"Steps": "Steps",
"Gather_x": "Gather {{amount}}"
"Title": "Gathering items",
"No_items": "No gathering node found",
"Gathering_name": "Enter item name"
"Title": "Announcement",
"Read_more": "Read more"
"Create_template": "Create a list template for this list",
"Dialog_title": "Template creation",
"Link_name": "Template name",
"target": "Target list",
"Share_link_copied": "Template share link copied to the clipboard",
"Copy_template_url": "Copy template url",
"Cloning_list": "Creating a copy of the list to your account",
"Redirect_notice": "You'll be redirected to the list once the clone is created",
"Not_found": "Template not found"
"Read": "Read",
"Read_description": "The ability to see the list",
"Participate": "Participate",
"Participate_description": "This gives you permission to tick items and modify amounts done",
"Write": "Write",
"Write_description": "This gives you the permission to add items, add lists (for workshops)",
"Title": "Permissions management",
"Everyone": "Everyone",
"You": "You",
"Add_new": "Add a user",
"Placeholder": "Email or User ID",
"Bind_free_company": "Bind some permissions to your Free Company",
"User_not_found": "User not found",
"User_id_tip": "The user ID can be found in profile page in bottom-right corner",
"Saving": "Saving permissions",
"No_anonymous": "You need an account to manage permissions"
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