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Created June 6, 2022 21:27
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import {
generateCreateAccountAction, //Just a function that return a prebuild action
generateBuyRamBytesAction, //Just a function that return a prebuild action
} from '../utils/proton/actions/EosActions';
import { ProtonRPC } from '../utils/proton/rpc/ProtonRPC';
export class EosService {
async isAccountExist(newAccountName: string): Promise<boolean> {
const rpc = new ProtonRPC();
const account = await rpc.getAccount(newAccountName);
if (account) return true;
return false;
// Public key is generated using the AccountKeyGenerator below
async createAccount(newAccountName: string, publicKey: string) {
const rpc = new ProtonRPC();
if (!process.env.EOSIO_ACTOR_NAME)
throw new Error('Creator account name is missing');
if (!process.env.EOSIO_PUBLIC)
throw new Error('Creator public key is missing');
const accountActions = [
creatorAccountName: process.env.EOSIO_ACTOR_NAME,
creatorPublicKey: publicKey,
creatorAccountName: process.env.EOSIO_ACTOR_NAME,
creatorPublicKey: publicKey,
return await rpc.api.transact(
{ actions: accountActions },
broadcast: true,
blocksBehind: 3,
expireSeconds: 30,
// The class bellow is used to generate keys for the account
// we sent the mnemonic by email at the end of the process and never store private or mnemonic
import { Mnemonic } from '@proton/mnemonic';
export interface AccountKeys {
mnemonic: string;
privateKey: string;
publicKey: string;
export class AccountKeyGenerator {
static async GenerateKeys() {
const mnemonic = new Mnemonic({
numWords: 12,
const { privateKey, publicKey } = mnemonic.keyPairAtIndex(0);
return <AccountKeys>{
mnemonic: mnemonic.phrase,
privateKey: privateKey.toString(),
publicKey: publicKey.toString(),
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