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Last active March 4, 2020 06:04
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import data.finset data.multiset
import tactic
import init.classical
noncomputable theory
open_locale classical
local attribute [instance, priority 10000] classical.prop_decidable -- avoid decidability hell
universe u
variables {α β : Type u}
namespace list
variable (a : α)
variable (l : list α)
theorem countp_cons (p : α → Prop) [∀ a, decidable (p a)] :
countp p (a :: l) = ite (p a) 1 0 + countp p l :=
by {by_cases p a; rw countp; simp [h], ring,}
theorem not_mem_of_countp_eq_zero (l : list α) (p : α → Prop) :
l.countp p = 0 ↔ ∀ a ∈ l, ¬ p a :=
{ intros hzero a hmem hp,
induction l with x l ih,
{ simp at hmem, exact hmem, },
simp [countp_cons] at *,
cases hmem with hx hl,
{ rw ← hx at hzero, simp [hp] at hzero, exact hzero, },
exact ih hzero.left hl,},
intros h,
induction l with x l ih,
{ simp, },
simp [countp_cons],
{ rw ih,
intros a hmem,
exact h a (by simp [hmem]), },
simp [h x],
theorem countp_split (l : list α) (p : α → Prop) (q : α → Prop) :
l.countp p = (l.filter q).countp p + (l.filter (λ a, ¬ q a)).countp p :=
induction l with x l ih,
{ simp, },
simp [countp_cons],
by_cases p x,
{ by_cases q x; simp *, },
simp [h, ih],
theorem countp_le_length {l : list α} {p : α → Prop} : l.countp p ≤ l.length :=
induction l with x l ih,
by_cases p x; simp [h, ih],
theorem length_lt_of_filter_of_mem (l : list α) (p : α → Prop) :
(∃ a ∈ l, ¬ p a) → (l.filter p).length < l.length :=
intro h,
cases h with a h,
cases h with hmem ha,
induction l with x l ih,
{ simp at ⊢ hmem,
exact hmem, },
rw ← list.countp_eq_length_filter,
simp [list.countp_cons],
by_cases heq : a = x,
{ rw ← heq,
simp [ha],
have : countp p l ≤ length l, from countp_le_length,
have : a ∈ l,
{ simp at hmem,
cases hmem,
exact absurd hmem heq,
exact hmem,
have : l.countp p < length l, by simp [list.countp_eq_length_filter, ih this],
have hleite : ite (p x) 1 0 ≤ 1, by by_cases p x; simp *,
theorem countp_false_eq_zero {l : list α} : l.countp (λ x, false) = 0 :=
by {induction l with x l ih, simp, simp [ih]}
end list
lemma exists_and (a : α) (p : α → Prop) : (∃ x, p x) ∧ p a ↔ p a :=
by { split; simp, intro hp, split, exact ⟨a, hp⟩, exact hp, }
lemma countp_no_dup_aux (len : ℕ) {r : α → β → Prop}
(nodup : ∀ (x y : α) (b : β), x ≠ y → ¬ (r x b ∧ r y b))
: ∀ l1 l2 : list β, l1.length ≤ len → (∀ a : α, l1.countp (r a) = l2.countp (r a)) →
l1.countp (λ b, ∃ a, r a b) = l2.countp (λ b, ∃ a, r a b) :=
-- Strong induction on l1.length.
induction len with len,
{ -- Just the base case.
intros l1 l2 hlen hp,
simp at hlen,
have : l1 = list.nil, by rw list.eq_nil_of_length_eq_zero hlen,
rw this at hp ⊢,
simp at hp ⊢,
have : ∀ b ∈ l2, ¬ ∃ a, r a b,
{ intros b hmem h,
cases h with a ha,
have : ∀ c ∈ l2, ¬ r a c,
rw ← list.not_mem_of_countp_eq_zero,
{ symmetry,
exact hp a, },
exact absurd ha (this b hmem),
rw list.not_mem_of_countp_eq_zero,
exact this, },
intros l1 l2 hlen h,
by_cases hex : ∃ a, ∃ b ∈ l1, r a b,
{ -- Case when both sides of the goal are non-zero.
cases hex with a ha,
-- There are an equal (and non-zero) number of elements in l1 and l2 satisfying r a.
-- Split each list into two parts depending, one that satisfies r a, and one that doesn't.
rw list.countp_split l1 _ (r a),
rw list.countp_split l2 _ (r a),
-- First, we know that the parts satisfying r a have equal length,
-- so cancel them out on both sides.
repeat {rw @list.countp_filter _ _ _ (λ (b : β), r a b) _ _},
simp [-list.countp_filter],
suffices : list.countp (λ (b : β), ∃ (a : α), r a b) (list.filter (λ (a_1 : β), ¬r a a_1) l1) + list.countp (r a) l1 =
list.countp (λ (b : β), ∃ (a : α), r a b) (list.filter (λ (a_1 : β), ¬r a a_1) l2) + list.countp (r a) l2,
{ convert this }, -- decidability hell, the instances don't match
simp [h a, -list.countp_filter],
set l1' := (list.filter (λ (a_1 : β), ¬r a a_1) l1),
set l2' := (list.filter (λ (a_1 : β), ¬r a a_1) l2),
-- Now we are left with two strictly smaller lists,
-- containing only elements not satisfying r a.
-- We show that the inductive hypothesis holds for this pair of lists.
have hlen' : l1'.length ≤ len,
{ have : l1'.length < l1.length,
{ apply list.length_lt_of_filter_of_mem,
simp at ⊢ ha,
exact ha,
have : nat.succ l1'.length ≤ nat.succ len,
{ apply nat.succ_le_of_lt,
apply nat.lt_of_lt_of_le this hlen, },
exact nat.le_of_succ_le_succ this,
-- a' ≠ a case
have heqcountp : ∀ l (a' : α) (hne : a' ≠ a),
(list.filter (λ (b : β), ¬r a b) l).countp (r a') = l.countp (r a'),
{ intros l a' hne,
induction l with x l ih,
simp at ih,
simp [list.countp_cons, ih],
by_cases r a' x,
{ have : ¬ r a x, { have not_and := nodup a' a x hne, finish [nodup a' a x hne], },
simp *, },
simp *,
-- if a' = a, then both sides are zero, otherwise it's the same as heqcountp.
have h' : ∀ (a : α), list.countp (r a) l1' = list.countp (r a) l2',
{ intro a',
by_cases hcase : a' = a,
{ rw hcase,
suffices : list.countp (λ (a : β), false) l1 = list.countp (λ (a : β), false) l2,
{ convert this, }, -- more decidability hell, the instances don't match
simp [list.countp_false_eq_zero],
rw heqcountp l1 _ hcase,
rw heqcountp l2 _ hcase,
exact h a',
exact len_ih l1' l2' (by simp [hlen']) h', },
-- Case when both sides of the goal are zero.
-- We use countp_eq_length_filter and then show that
-- no element can belong to either of the filtered lists.
have : ∀ b ∈ l1, ¬ ∃ a, r a b,
{ intros b hmem h,
cases h with a ha,
have : ∃ (a : α) (b : β) (H : b ∈ l1), r a b,
exact ⟨a, ⟨b, ⟨hmem, ha⟩⟩⟩,
exact absurd this hex, },
rw list.countp_eq_length_filter,
rw list.countp_eq_length_filter,
have : ∀ b, b ∉ list.filter (λ (b : β), ∃ (a : α), r a b) l1,
{ intros b h,
simp at h,
exact absurd h.right (this b h.left), },
rw list.eq_nil_iff_forall_not_mem.mpr this,
have : ∀ b, b ∉ list.filter (λ (b : β), ∃ (a : α), r a b) l2,
{ intros b h,
simp at h,
cases h with hmem hr,
cases hr with a hr,
have : list.countp (r a) l2 = 0,
{ rw ← h a,
have : ∀ b, b ∉ list.filter (r a) l1,
{ intros b h,
simp at h,
cases h with hmem hr,
have : ∃ (a : α) (b : β) (H : b ∈ l1), r a b,
exact ⟨a, ⟨b, ⟨hmem, hr⟩⟩⟩,
exact absurd this hex, },
rw list.countp_eq_length_filter,
rw list.eq_nil_iff_forall_not_mem.mpr this,
simp, },
rw list.countp_eq_length_filter at this,
have : l2.filter (r a) = [], from list.eq_nil_of_length_eq_zero this,
have hfilter_mem : b ∈ l2.filter (r a),
{ rw list.mem_filter,
exact ⟨hmem, hr⟩, },
rw list.eq_nil_iff_forall_not_mem at this,
exact absurd hfilter_mem (this b), },
rw list.eq_nil_iff_forall_not_mem.mpr this,
lemma countp_no_dup {l1 l2 : list β} {r : α → β → Prop} (nodup : ∀ (x y : α) (b : β),
x ≠ y → ¬ (r x b ∧ r y b)) : (∀ a : α, l1.countp (r a) = l2.countp (r a)) →
l1.countp (λ b, ∃ a, r a b) = l2.countp (λ b, ∃ a, r a b) :=
set len := l1.length,
exact countp_no_dup_aux len nodup l1 l2 (by simp [len]),
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