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Last active July 29, 2022 14:59
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A quick phasmo guide (Not maintained anymore)

Map traits:

  • In snow/rain maps, the temperature will be low in most places and will take a while for the actual ghost room to cool to a noticable level

  • Turn on too many lights and the breaker breaks.

  • Ghosts can spawn in hallways, not just rooms (Except on Asylum)

  • During a hunt, you hear the ghost close the door twice. Once to close it and once to lock it. The ghost will close the door during an event but won`t lock it, hence you`ll hear it close only once. It`s an easy way to differentiate between hunts and ghost events.

  • Ghosts will detect players holding electronics. It`s better to turn the item you`re holding off and your torch during a hunt. Do not hold the camera because you can`t turn it off.

  • An increment or decrement of 5 or when it touches 10 on the activity chart when there is no ghost event or ghost hunt often means that there is EMF-5 as evidence. However, a Poltergiest can cause the activity chart to shoot up to 10 after an interaction, since it interacts with a lot of things at once.

  • Player walking speed is 1.6 m/s and running speed is 3.0 m/s.

  • A ghost becomes blind and deaf for 6 seconds when smudged.


1: Banshee

The Hitman

  • The Banshee will have a specific target each game. If the target is in the house, the ghost will not focus on the other players even if it sees them or hears them. If the target is not in the house, the ghost will behave like a normal ghost.

  • Banshees make a weird screech when pointed at with a parabolic mic.

  • Banshees tend to follow their target around at times.

  • Banshees usually do the sing song thing during a hunt

2: Demon

Loves hunting

  • Can initiate hunts at 70% sanity or below. Hunts more frequent than any other ghost.

  • It can hunt at sanity over 80%, but that is rarer.

  • When you use an oulja board once, it should drain your sanity lesser than any other ghost. You can try to ask the oulja board questions 2 times and ask it "What is my sanity?". If it does not say "Awful", it`s a demon.

3: Goryo

The weeb computer addict that doesn`t like leaving its room.

  • The Goryo will always roam near its room or stay in the room. A Goryo rarely moves 2 rooms away from the ghost room.

  • You can`t see the DOTS if someone is in the room. You`ll be able to see it on camera from the truck.

4: Hantu

Lightnin` McQueen when the lights out, but a 🐢 when it goes bright.

  • In the dark, the ghost slowly starts to remember it`s past life`s marathon track records and starts to speed up, it moves faster than the average speed. In the light, it slows down and starts to move slower than the average speed.

  • If it`s in a freezing room, it breathes the same kind of breath your character does. It`s pretty hard to see this- since it only does it during a hunt and you need to be in the same room.

  • A hantu never turns the breaker off.

5: Phantom

Doesn`t like showing itself

  • This ghost blinks slower. It means that the ghost model will disappear and appear slower than a regular ghost (at least 1 second before each blink)

  • It can teleport to a player and roam from there which means you might see it interact around you, despite the ghost room being far from you. The wraith does the same thing.

  • If you take a photo of it during an event, check the photo. If you do not see the ghost in the photo and yet you get a Ghost remark, it`s very likely a phantom.

  • It drops your sanity faster when you`re present around in during a ghost event- this is not very noticable (or so i feel)

6: Poltergeist

Throws a lot of things at once

  • This ghost blinks faster. It means the ghost model during a hunt will blink (disappear and appear) at a faster rate.

  • Throws multiple things at once.

  • The poltergeist is the only ghost that can "fake" an activity level 10. If you place multiple items next to one another, it tosses all those items at the same time giving off huge activity. It`s called a poltergeist explosion (or so the community calls it). It can also stack interactions and climb to activity level 10.

  • When it does throw multiple things at once, it drains sanity of people around the multi-throw.

7: Myling

A quiet ghost

  • The Myling is a "quiet" ghost because during a hunt, your flashlight/lights will start blinking before you hear it`s footsteps (The raiju can also do this).

  • You can drop a flashlight outside a closet and see if it starts blinking before you hear footsteps.

8: Jinn

A bad ghost to be around when the breaker is on

  • The Jinn is faster when the breaker is on. Slower when it`s not.

  • The Jinn kind of behaves like a Revenant. It will speed up when it`s far from you. It will not slow down a lot when it gets near you because the Jinn actually accelerates (devs why) over time during a hunt.

  • The Jinn never turns the breaker off.

9: The Twins

Two ghosts, literally

  • The twins is essentially two ghosts in one house. One is a dummy ghost and the other is a real ghost.

  • The dummy ghost will still interact with the environment but will only give the EMF-5 evidence (because it touches stuff). The real ghost can be in a different location and will give all evidences. The twins can interact with two things at once like two doors closing one after another.

  • The dummy ghost technically does not have a ghost model and thus cannot leave footprints or trigger motion sensors.

  • Both ghosts can initiate attacks but only the ghost that initiated the attack will be visible.

  • The dummy ghost will move 10% faster and the real ghost will move 10% slower.

  • This is actually a little more complex. There is no dummy ghost, the real ghost simulates the dummy ghost.

10: Mare

Stronger with the lights out.

  • This ghost will hunt at 60% sanity if there are no lights on, 40% sanity when there are lights on. Only applies on the room the ghost is in

  • The mare will not turn any lights on.

  • The mare will try to move farther away if the lights in the ghost room and adjacent room are on.

  • If you turn a light on, it will immediately flick it off or throw an object at the switch to turn it off. This is kind of rare to come by.

  • It really likes turning lights and breakers off.

11: Obake

The 6-finger ghost

  • How do you know if it`s an obake? 6 FINGERS ON THE FINGERPRINTS (like 25% of the time i think?)

  • It`s also the only ghost that won`t always leave fingerprints. It may touch doors/windows and not leave fingerprints.

  • Each fingerprint on the map has a timer of 2 minutes. The obake can decide to half each of these timers. So if there`s 2 minutes left on a fingerprint, it will only last a minute. If there`s 1 minute left on another fingerprint, it will only last 30 seconds.

12: Shade

0 interaction boring ghost

  • The shade will only hunt at 35% or lower sanity

  • If there are 2 people near the ghost when it`s about to hunt, it will cancel the hunt

  • The ghost will do no interactions when people are nearby because it`s an introvert (like me)

  • It has a preference for shadow ghost avatar.

  • They prefer non-physical ghost events.

  • Hard to tell if you`re in the ghost room since they stop interacting when you`re around.

13: Oni

Super active

  • Literal opposite of a shade. Does a lot of activity. Near the ghost room? Bam have a cup thrown at your head and a free ghost event. Not near the ghost room? Time to quiet down.

  • Will spam ghost events and do tons of interactions. Raiju does this too when you have a lot of electronics around the ghost room.

  • Like the poltergeist, it can throw items fast and far.

  • They prefer physical form ghost event

  • The never do the smoke ghost event (The cloud that whispers in your ears)

14: The Mimic

Becomes another ghost

  • Can behave like literally any other ghost. It can mimic a shade and do no interactions or it can mimic a Raiju and do a lot of activity when you place electronics near the ghost room, etc.

  • It will copy a different ghost over set intervals.

  • Has 4 evidences. Spirit box, Freezing, Fingerprints and a fake evidence, Ghost orbs.

  • Easy to catch because of the 4 evidences.

15: Revenant


  • This ghost will RUN when it sees you. You cannot run from it. But it will walk very very slow when it breaks line of sight

  • During a hunt, it will walk very slow and the slow footsteps are a giveaway

  • If it sees you, you can`t run from it. You will only have to attempt to break line of sight and hide. The ghost is easy to escape when it`s not directly looking at you.

16: Yokai

Doesn`t like it when you talk

  • It will have a higher chance of hunting when you talk near it and below 80% sanity.

  • It cannot hear you if you`re far from it during a hunt. If you cannot hear it`s footsteps, it`s probably safe to talk.

  • You can tell its a Yokai if it keeps hunting near you when you talk.

17: Yurei

Bye bye sanity ( I had to change this )

  • During a hunt or event, if the player is 10 meters or closer to the ghost, they lose sanity 0.4% per second instead of the regular 0.2% per second

  • It`s going to close a door fully and quickly near you. That interaction will drain your sanity by 15% if you are 7.5 meters from the door.

  • Prefers the ear whisper ghost event

  • This ghost can still leave the area if you smudge near it, but if it does get trapped, it will stay there for 90 seconds.

18: Onryo

This ghost hates candles

  • If you light a candle in the room, there`s a higher chance it will hunt as soon as it blows the candle off at any sanity.

  • It turns candles off faster when it`s in the ghost room, according to my experience.

  • If you have 2 or more candles in the house, it has to blow out all of the candles in order to trigger a hunt.

19: Raiju

A dangerous ghost when electronics are around

  • Hates electronics being around it. It will interact and do ghost events more often like an Oni when electronics are brought near the ghost room.

  • It moves faster when active electronics are around it, sometimes almost as fast as a Revenant.

  • It will glitch and blink electronics even when it`s far from the location.

  • It can hunt faster when electronics are nearby.

  • This is a terrible ghost to be around, since all of the equipment used to track the ghost evidences are electronics.

20: Wraith

No footprints? [megamind.png]

  • Does not give footprints. It will step in the salt and still do stomping noises but will not give the green footprints under the UV light.

  • You might also not get footprints if there is a carpet nearby. The footprints go under the carpet.

  • The wraith can basically teleport to anyone and start roaming from there, hence "teleporting through walls".

  • When the wraith steps in salt, it increases the chance of doing ghost events or interactions.

  • A very aggressive ghost once your sanity is low.

21: Spirit


  • No special ability.

  • Has a 180 second cooldown instead of the standard 60 second cooldown before it can hunt after you smudge it.

  • This is probably like the default template for a ghost.

New Ghosts! (Under investigation)

22: Thaye

Reverse Shade

  • ~2.7 m/s fast when you enter the house, that's fast!

  • Very active when you're in the house. For the first 10 minutes at least.

  • Over the duration of ~20 minutes of you being near the ghost, the ghost will weaken by a lot. It won't hunt much even with 10-20% sanity

  • The ghost will finally reach a state of ~1.0 m/s speed and low activity levels, having weakened fully.

23: Moroi

Curse you, ghost hunter!

  • The lower your average team sanity, the faster the ghost.

Around 45% Avg team sanity, it's 1.4 m/s.
Around 23% Avg team sanity, it's 1.8 m/s
At 0% Avg team sanity, it's 2.1 m/s

  • Stays stunned for longer when smudged (12 seconds)

  • It Spams interactions when your sanity is low, like an Oni.

Moroi's curse

  • A curse is placed on a player when they get a response on the spirit box.

  • When a player is cursed, they lose 30-40% sanity over a duration of 90-120 seconds.

  • The curse will pause when the player exits the house and kick back in when you enter.

  • The curse can only be "cured" with sanity pills.

24: Deogen

Every second you're not running, I'm getting closer :)

  • When the ghost's distance (not displacement) is over 5 meters from you, it will move at 2.4 m/s (Fast!).

  • When the ghost's distance is < 5 meters from you, it moves very slow, allowing you to walk away from it slowly.

  • The ghost can detect the location of the closest player, no matter where they are.

  • When two people are in the ghost's view, it will only slow down when it's near the first player it saw.

Deogen Speed Infographic

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