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Created December 3, 2021 23:45
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  • Save Supriya-Maz/004a0020d1dc068e8224702f57c02f39 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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Payloads from r/antiwork scanning activity (seen by GreyNoise)
{"payload":"\u001B&s0C\r\n\r\n\r\nRIDDLE ME THIS\r\n\r\n\r\nHow can the McDonald's in Denmark manage\r\nto pay their staff $22 an hour and still\r\nsell a Big Mac for less than in America?\r\n\r\nAnswer: UNIONS!\r\n\r\n\r\nDid you know that it is a rather\r\nsimple task to organize a UNION?\r\n\r\n\r\nLearn More:\r\n=====================\r\\r\n=====================\r\n\r\n"},
{"payload":"\u001B&s0C\r\n\r\n\r\nARE YOU BEING UNDERPAID?\r\n\r\n\r\nYou have a legal, protected right to discuss your pay with your coworkers.\r\n\r\nThis should be done on a regular basis to ensure that everyone is being paid fairly.\r\n\r\nIt is ILLEGAL for your employer to punish you for doing this.\r\n\r\nIf you learn that you are being paid less than someone else who is doing the same job, you should demand a raise or consider quitting and finding a different job.\r\n\r\nSLAVE WAGES only exist because people are willing to work for them.\r\n\r\n\r\nLearn More:\r\n=====================\r\\r\n=====================\r\n\r\n"},
{"payload":"\r\n\r\n======================\r\nNEW YEAR'S RESOLUTIONS\r\n======================\r\n\r\n1. Hit the Gym\r\n2. Delete Facebook\r\n3. ORGANIZE A UNION\r\n\r\n\r\nLearn More:\r\n=====================\r\\r\n=====================\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n"},
{"payload":"\r\n\r\n=========================\r\nWHAT TO DO ON BREAK TODAY\r\n=========================\r\n\r\n1. Talk about your PAY\r\n2. Talk about your RIGHTS\r\n3. Begin ORGANIZING A UNION\r\n\r\nGOOD employers are not afraid\r\nof these, but ABUSIVE ones are.\r\n\r\n\r\nLearn More:\r\n=====================\r\\r\n=====================\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n"},
{"payload":"\r\n\r\n=====================\r\nINFLATION WAGE NOTICE\r\n=====================\r\n\r\nDue to the 6.2% inflation rate,\r\nall US workers are entitled to\r\nat least a 6.2% pay adjustment.\r\n\r\nWe have received reports of\r\nsome ABUSIVE EMPLOYERS not\r\nproviding these adjustments.\r\n\r\nIf you have not received such a\r\nraise, please ask your employer\r\nwhy your PAY WAS CUT.\r\n\r\n\r\nLearn More:\r\n=====================\r\\r\n=====================\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n"},
{"payload":"\r\n\r\n=========================\r\nWHAT TO DO ON BREAK TODAY\r\n=========================\r\n\r\n1. Talk about your PAY\r\n2. Talk about your RIGHTS\r\n3. Begin ORGANIZING A UNION\r\n\r\nGOOD employers are not afraid\r\nof these, but ABUSIVE ones are.\r\n\r\n\r\nLearn More:\r\n=====================\r\\r\n=====================\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n"},
{"payload":"\r\n\r\nTIME IS YOUR MOST VALUABLE ASSET.\r\n\r\nNot only can you never obtain any\r\nmore of it, you do not even know\r\nhow much you have to begin with.\r\n\r\nWhy are you selling YOUR TIME\r\nfor SO LITTLE?\r\n\r\nJoin the \"25 OR WALK\" movement!\r\n\r\nTell your employer that YOUR TIME\r\nis worth no less than $25 per hour,\r\nand for them to call you when\r\nthey are ready to pay up.\r\n\r\nBut don't quit!\r\n\r\nMake them fire you!\r\n... and spend YOUR TIME with family\r\n... and spend YOUR TIME with friends\r\n... and rediscover YOUR favorite hobby\r\n... and RECLAIM YOUR LIFE\r\n\r\nSLAVE WAGES only existed because\r\npeople were willing to work for them.\r\n\r\nBUT NOT ANYMORE.\r\n\r\nTHIS. ENDS. NOW.\r\n\r\n\r\nLearn More:\r\n=====================\r\\r\n=====================\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n"},
{"payload":"\r\n\r\nHOW TO SCARE A SLAVE OWNER:\r\n\r\n1. Talk about your PAY\r\n2. Talk about your RIGHTS\r\n3. Talk about FORMING A UNION\r\n\r\nEmployers are not scared of\r\nthese, but SLAVE OWNERS are.\r\n\r\n\r\nLearn More:\r\n=====================\r\\r\n=====================\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n"},
{"payload":"\r\n\r\n==========================\r\nABUSIVE EMPLOYER CHECKLIST\r\n==========================\r\n\r\n[ ] Can't talk about PAY\r\n[ ] Can't talk about RIGHTS\r\n[ ] Can't talk about UNIONS\r\n[ ] Punished for getting SICK\r\n[ ] Punished for taking VACATION\r\n\r\nIf your employer checks ANY of\r\nthese, please contact support:\r\n\r\\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n"},
{"payload":"\r\n\r\n:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::\r\n::::: TIME IS :::::::::::::::::\r\n::::::: YOUR MOST :::::::::::::\r\n:::::::::: VALUABLE ASSET :::::\r\n:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::\r\n\r\nNot only can you never\r\nobtain any more of it,\r\nyou do not even know how\r\nmuch you have to begin with.\r\n\r\nLIFE IS SHORT!\r\n\r\nWhy are you selling YOUR TIME\r\nfor SO LITTLE?\r\n\r\nJoin the \"25 OR WALK\" movement!\r\n\r\nTell your employer that YOUR\r\nTIME is worth no less than\r\n$25 per hour, and for them\r\nto call you when they are\r\nready to pay up.\r\n\r\nBut DON'T QUIT!\r\n\r\nMAKE THEM FIRE YOU!\r\n\r\n... and spend YOUR TIME\r\n...... with FAMILY\r\n\r\n... and spend YOUR TIME\r\n...... with FRIENDS\r\n\r\n... and rediscover YOUR\r\n...... FAVORITE HOBBY\r\n\r\n... AND RECLAIM YOUR LIFE\r\n\r\nPOVERTY WAGES only existed\r\nbecause people were \"willing\"\r\nto work for them.\r\n\r\nBUT NOT ANYMORE.\r\n\r\nTHIS. ENDS. NOW.\r\n\r\n\r\nLearn More:\r\n=====================\r\\r\n=====================\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n"},
{"payload":"\r\n\r\nARE YOU BEING UNDERPAID?\r\n\r\n\r\nYou have a legal, protected right to\r\ndiscuss your pay with your coworkers.\r\n\r\nThis should be done on a regular basis to\r\nensure that everyone is being paid fairly.\r\n\r\nIt is ILLEGAL for your employer to punish\r\nyou for doing this.\r\n\r\nIf you learn that you are being paid less\r\nthan someone else who is doing the same\r\njob, you should demand a raise or consider\r\ngetting fired and finding a better job.\r\n\r\nSLAVE WAGES only exist because people are\r\nwilling to work for them.\r\n\r\n\r\nLearn More:\r\n=====================\r\\r\n=====================\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n"},
{"payload":"\r\n\r\n==============\r\nRIDDLE ME THIS\r\n==============\r\n\r\nHow can the McDonald's\r\nin Denmark pay their staff\r\n$22 an hour and still manage\r\nto sell a Big Mac for\r\nless than in America?\r\n\r\nAnswer: UNIONS!\r\n\r\n\r\nA GOOD UNION can easily\r\nalign everyone's goals.\r\n\r\nDid you know that it\r\nis a rather simple task\r\nto organize a UNION?\r\n\r\n\r\nLearn More:\r\n=====================\r\\r\n=====================\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n"},
{"payload":"\r\n\r\n========================\r\nARE YOU BEING UNDERPAID?\r\n========================\r\n\r\nYou have a protected LEGAL\r\nRIGHT to discuss your pay\r\nwith your coworkers.\r\n\r\nThis should be done on a\r\nregular basis to ensure that\r\neveryone is being paid fairly.\r\n\r\nIt is ILLEGAL for your employer\r\nto punish you for doing this.\r\n\r\nIf you learn that you are being\r\npaid less than someone else who\r\nis doing the same job, you\r\nshould demand a raise or\r\nconsider getting fired and\r\nfinding a better employer.\r\n\r\nPOVERTY WAGES only exist\r\nbecause people are \"willing\"\r\nto work for them.\r\n\r\n\r\nLearn More:\r\n=====================\r\\r\n=====================\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n"},
{"payload":"\u001B&s0C\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\nRIDDLE ME THIS\r\n\r\n\r\nHow can the McDonald's in Denmark manage\r\nto pay their staff $22 an hour and still\r\nsell a Big Mac for less than in America?\r\n\r\nAnswer: UNIONS!\r\n\r\n\r\nDid you know that it is a rather\r\nsimple task to organize a UNION?\r\n\r\n\r\nLearn More:\r\n=====================\r\\r\n=====================\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n"},
{"payload":"\r\n\r\n=====================\r\nINFLATION WAGE NOTICE\r\n=====================\r\n\r\nDue to the 6.2% inflation rate,\r\nall US workers are entitled to\r\nat least a 6.2% pay adjustment.\r\n\r\nWe have received reports of\r\nsome ABUSIVE EMPLOYERS not\r\nproviding these adjustments.\r\n\r\nIf you have not received such a\r\nraise, please ask your employer\r\nwhy your PAY WAS CUT.\r\n\r\n\r\nLearn More:\r\n=====================\r\\r\n=====================\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n"},
{"payload":"\r\n\r\nRIDDLE ME THIS\r\n\r\n\r\nHow can the McDonald's in Denmark manage\r\nto pay their staff $22 an hour and still\r\nsell a Big Mac for less than in America?\r\n\r\nAnswer: UNIONS!\r\n\r\n\r\nDid you know that it is a rather\r\nsimple task to organize a UNION?\r\n\r\n\r\nLearn More:\r\n=====================\r\\r\n=====================\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n"},
{"payload":"\r\n\r\n========================\r\nARE YOU BEING UNDERPAID?\r\n========================\r\n\r\nYou have a protected LEGAL\r\nRIGHT to discuss your pay\r\nwith your coworkers.\r\n\r\nThis should be done on a\r\nregular basis to ensure that\r\neveryone is being paid fairly.\r\n\r\nIt is ILLEGAL for your employer\r\nto punish you for doing this.\r\n\r\nIf you learn that you are being\r\npaid less than someone else who\r\nis doing the same job, you\r\nshould demand a raise or\r\nconsider getting fired and\r\nfinding a better employer.\r\n\r\nPOVERTY WAGES only exist\r\nbecause people are \"willing\"\r\nto work for them.\r\n\r\n\r\nLearn More:\r\n=====================\r\\r\n=====================\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n"},
{"payload":"\r\n\r\n==========================\r\nABUSIVE EMPLOYER CHECKLIST\r\n==========================\r\n\r\n[ ] Can't talk about PAY\r\n[ ] Can't talk about RIGHTS\r\n[ ] Can't talk about UNIONS\r\n[ ] Punished for getting SICK\r\n[ ] Punished for taking VACATION\r\n\r\nIf your employer checks ANY of these,\r\nplease contact support at:\r\n\r\\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n"},
{"payload":"\u001B&s0C\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\nTIME IS YOUR MOST VALUABLE ASSET.\r\n\r\nNot only can you never obtain any\r\nmore of it, you do not even know\r\nhow much you have to begin with.\r\n\r\nWhy are you selling YOUR TIME\r\nfor SO LITTLE?\r\n\r\nJoin the \"25 OR WALK\" movement!\r\n\r\nTell your employer that YOUR TIME\r\nis worth no less than $25 per hour,\r\nand for them to call you when\r\nthey are ready to pay up.\r\n\r\nBut don’t quit!\r\n\r\nMake them fire you!\r\n... and spend YOUR TIME with family\r\n... and spend YOUR TIME with friends\r\n... and rediscover YOUR favorite hobby\r\n... and RECLAIM YOUR LIFE\r\n\r\nSLAVE WAGES only existed because\r\npeople were willing to work for them.\r\n\r\nBUT NOT ANYMORE.\r\n\r\nTHIS. ENDS. NOW.\r\n\r\n\r\nLearn More:\r\n=====================\r\\r\n=====================\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n"},
{"payload":"\u001B&s0C\r\n\r\n\r\nTIME IS YOUR MOST VALUABLE ASSET.\r\n\r\nNot only can you never obtain any\r\nmore of it, you do not even know\r\nhow much you have to begin with.\r\n\r\nWhy are you selling YOUR TIME\r\nfor SO LITTLE?\r\n\r\nJoin the \"25 OR WALK\" movement!\r\n\r\nTell your employer that YOUR TIME\r\nis worth no less than $25 per hour,\r\nand for them to call you when\r\nthey are ready to pay up.\r\n\r\nBut don’t quit!\r\n\r\nMake them fire you!\r\n... and spend YOUR TIME with family\r\n... and spend YOUR TIME with friends\r\n... and rediscover YOUR favorite hobby\r\n... and RECLAIM YOUR LIFE\r\n\r\nSLAVE WAGES only existed because\r\npeople were willing to work for them.\r\n\r\nBUT NOT ANYMORE.\r\n\r\nTHIS. ENDS. NOW.\r\n\r\n\r\nLearn More:\r\n=====================\r\\r\n=====================\r\n\r\n"},
{"payload":"\u001B&s0C\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\nHOW TO SCARE A SLAVE OWNER:\r\n\r\n1. Talk about your PAY\r\n2. Talk about your RIGHTS\r\n3. Talk about FORMING A UNION\r\n\r\nEmployers are not scared of\r\nthese, but SLAVE OWNERS are.\r\n\r\n\r\nLearn More:\r\n=====================\r\\r\n=====================\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n"},
{"payload":"\r\n\r\n======================\r\nNEW YEAR'S RESOLUTIONS\r\n======================\r\n\r\n1. Hit the Gym\r\n2. Delete Facebook\r\n3. ORGANIZE A UNION\r\n\r\n\r\nLearn More:\r\n=====================\r\\r\n=====================\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n"},
{"payload":"\u001B&s0C\r\n\r\n\r\nHOW TO SCARE A SLAVE OWNER:\r\n\r\n1. Talk about your PAY\r\n2. Talk about your RIGHTS\r\n3. Talk about FORMING A UNION\r\n\r\nEmployers are not scared of\r\nthese, but SLAVE OWNERS are.\r\n\r\n\r\nLearn More:\r\n=====================\r\\r\n=====================\r\n\r\n"},
{"payload":"\u001B&s0C\r\n\r\n\r\nARE YOU BEING UNDERPAID?\r\n\r\n\r\nYou have a legal, protected right to\r\ndiscuss your pay with your coworkers.\r\n\r\nThis should be done on a regular basis to\r\nensure that everyone is being paid fairly.\r\n\r\nIt is ILLEGAL for your employer to punish\r\nyou for doing this.\r\n\r\nIf you learn that you are being paid less\r\nthan someone else who is doing the same\r\njob, you should demand a raise or consider\r\nquitting and finding a different job.\r\n\r\nSLAVE WAGES only exist because people are\r\nwilling to work for them.\r\n\r\n\r\nLearn More:\r\n=====================\r\\r\n=====================\r\n\r\n"},
{"payload":"\r\n\r\n:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::\r\n::::: TIME IS :::::::::::::::::\r\n::::::: YOUR MOST :::::::::::::\r\n:::::::::: VALUABLE ASSET :::::\r\n:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::\r\n\r\nNot only can you never\r\nobtain any more of it,\r\nyou do not even know how\r\nmuch you have to begin with.\r\n\r\nLIFE IS SHORT!\r\n\r\nWhy are you selling YOUR TIME\r\nfor SO LITTLE?\r\n\r\nJoin the \"25 OR WALK\" movement!\r\n\r\nTell your employer that YOUR\r\nTIME is worth no less than\r\n$25 per hour, and for them\r\nto call you when they are\r\nready to pay up.\r\n\r\nBut DON'T QUIT!\r\n\r\nMAKE THEM FIRE YOU!\r\n\r\n... and spend YOUR TIME\r\n...... with FAMILY\r\n\r\n... and spend YOUR TIME\r\n...... with FRIENDS\r\n\r\n... and rediscover YOUR\r\n...... FAVORITE HOBBY\r\n\r\n... AND RECLAIM YOUR LIFE\r\n\r\nPOVERTY WAGES only existed\r\nbecause people were \"willing\"\r\nto work for them.\r\n\r\nBUT NOT ANYMORE.\r\n\r\nTHIS. ENDS. NOW.\r\n\r\n\r\nLearn More:\r\n=====================\r\\r\n=====================\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n"},
{"payload":"\u001B&s0C\r\n\r\n\r\nARE YOU BEING UNDERPAID?\r\n\r\n\r\nYou have a legal, protected right to\r\ndiscuss your pay with your coworkers.\r\n\r\nThis should be done on a regular basis to\r\nensure that everyone is being paid fairly.\r\n\r\nIt is ILLEGAL for your employer to punish\r\nyou for doing this.\r\n\r\nIf you learn that you are being paid less\r\nthan someone else who is doing the same\r\njob, you should demand a raise or consider\r\ngetting fired and finding a better job.\r\n\r\nSLAVE WAGES only exist because people are\r\nwilling to work for them.\r\n\r\n\r\nLearn More:\r\n=====================\r\\r\n=====================\r\n\r\n"},
{"payload":"\r\n\r\n==========================\r\nABUSIVE EMPLOYER CHECKLIST\r\n==========================\r\n\r\n[ ] Can't talk about PAY\r\n[ ] Can't talk about RIGHTS\r\n[ ] Can't talk about UNIONS\r\n[ ] Punished for getting SICK\r\n[ ] Punished for taking VACATION\r\n\r\nIf your employer checks ANY of\r\nthese, please contact support:\r\n\r\\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n"},
{"payload":"\u001B&s0C\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\nARE YOU BEING UNDERPAID?\r\n\r\n\r\nYou have a legal, protected right to\r\ndiscuss your pay with your coworkers.\r\n\r\nThis should be done on a regular basis to\r\nensure that everyone is being paid fairly.\r\n\r\nIt is ILLEGAL for your employer to punish\r\nyou for doing this.\r\n\r\nIf you learn that you are being paid less\r\nthan someone else who is doing the same\r\njob, you should demand a raise or consider\r\ngetting fired and finding a better job.\r\n\r\nSLAVE WAGES only exist because people are\r\nwilling to work for them.\r\n\r\n\r\nLearn More:\r\n=====================\r\\r\n=====================\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n"},
{"payload":"\r\n\r\n==============\r\nRIDDLE ME THIS\r\n==============\r\n\r\nHow can the McDonald's\r\nin Denmark pay their staff\r\n$22 an hour and still manage\r\nto sell a Big Mac for\r\nless than in America?\r\n\r\nAnswer: UNIONS!\r\n\r\n\r\nA GOOD UNION can easily\r\nalign everyone's goals.\r\n\r\nDid you know that it\r\nis a rather simple task\r\nto organize a UNION?\r\n\r\n\r\nLearn More:\r\n=====================\r\\r\n=====================\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n"}
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