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Last active December 6, 2021 15:41
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  • Save SurajGupta/9f2701f455de610d35c0bcfe777fc625 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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Visual Studio Keyboard Shortcuts


  1. Extensions | Resharper | Options | Environment | Keyboard | Shortcut Scheme - Set to None, Apply Scheme, Save
  2. Extensions | Resharper | Options | Environment | IntelliSense | General - Set to Visual Studio
  3. Tools | Import and Export Settings... | Reset all settings | No, just reset... | Visual C#
  4. Tools | Options | Text Editor | All Languages | CodeLens | Disable all
  5. Tools | Options | Projects and Solutions | Enable "Track Active Item in Solution Explorer"
  6. Tools | Options | Environment | Keyboard: Set "Apply the following additional..." to ReSharper (Visual Studio)

Unit Test

  1. Run a Unit Test, click Options drop-down, Group By: change to Namespace

Context Menu

  1. Tools | Customize | Commands | Context menu: Project and Solution Context Menus | Project remove all unused items

Keyboard Mappings

Tools | Options | Environment | Keyboard, change the following:

  • Edit.GoToAll: ctrl + comma
  • ReSharper_ShowUnitTestExplorer: ctrl + alt + t
  • ReSharper_UnitTestRunFromContext: ctrl + u, r
  • ReSharper_UnitTestRunFromContext: ctrl + u, d
go to all Ctrl , vs
go to file Ctrl ,    f space vs
go to type Ctrl ,    t space vs
go to member Ctrl ,    m space vs
go to line number Ctrl g vs
collapse all Ctrl m o vs
expand all Ctrl m l vs
toggle selection Ctrl m m vs
scroll up Ctrl vs
scroll down Ctrl vs
jump to previous method Alt r#
jump to next method Alt r#
jump to last edit location Ctrl Shift Backspace r#
find declaration F12 vs
find implementation Ctrl F12 vs
find usages Shift F12 vs
navigate backward Ctrl - vs
navigate forward Ctrl Shift - vs


duplicate line Ctrl d r#
select word(s) Ctrl w | w w ... vs
select containing declaration Ctrl Shift [ r#
format selection Ctrl k f vs
format comment Ctrl k c vs
format uncomment Ctrl k u vs


open unit test Ctrl Alt t r#
close file Ctrl F4 vs


run current unit test Ctrl u    r r#
debug current unit test Ctrl u    d r#


toggle breakpoint F9 vs
step over F10 vs
step into F11 vs
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