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Last active October 17, 2022 06:57
Coding practice for placements; Round 2.

Stuff learned/practiced:

  • start_date: 08-09-2022
  • end_date: ...

New stuff learned from Leetcode/online discussions:

  • O(nlogn) or O(n) is basically worst case time complexity. Here it is assumed n is very large. Under such circumstances, your nlogn solution may not be as efficient as an O(n) solution. For example nlogn with a small constant c may sometimes perform better than an O(n) solution with a large enough constant. Lastly, I'd like to mention that nlogn > n is only valid for n>10.

  • Competitive coding solved questions learnings:

  1. To maximise sum of MEX of all elements in array (i.e picking up elements one by one like 1 element, then 2, then 3... & finding sum of MEX of each...), we have to rearrange array such that all unique elements are put in increasing order & then put all repeated elements at last. Sorting would be used in beginning to do that ~ o(nlogn)
  2. 1e9+7 would be coprime with all.
  3. To find max of this equation where a,b are distinct elements of array ~ (ab + a-b); We can rewrite it as: ((a-1)(b-1)+1), ~ hence our a,b should either be first 2 or last 2 elements of the sorted array.
  4. In array, check if 4 distinct elements in different index exist such that x1+x2=x3+x4; Simply take a map<int,pii> mp, & store m[v[i]+v[j]]={i,j} in a loop (we will be having 2 for loops, one from i to n & inside loop from j to i+1),... and then if we have mp.count(v[i]v[j]) as non 0 means sum found & then we check if mp[...].first or .second exist...
  5. Only perfect squares have odd no. of factors. Eg: 1,4,9,25...
  6. XOR a no. 'n' odd/even times -> n^n^n = n ...&... n^n = 0
  7. Map mp.count(key) return 1 if element is present in the map, else 0.
  8. Also: auto it = map.rbegin(); it!=map.rend(); ++it ... this will reverse iterate map.
  9. vectorv(n), initializes a vector of n size with 0s.
  10. __gcd(n1,n2) gives GCD of 2 numbers. Or using recursive function: return b == 0 ? a : gcd(b, a % b);
  11. If x has 'a' digits, y has 'b' digits, z has 'c' digits & z is gcd(x,y). In such case to get x,y,z, it's simple: x = pow(10,a-1), similarly y-b relation, z-c relation. Hence if x<y then x,y+z no's ~ meaning pow(10,a-1) will have 'a' digits, y+z ~ pow(10,b-1)+pow(10,c-1) will have 'b' digits & gcd of both will yield some no. that will be having 'c' digits. Similarly for x>=y, we have x+z, y.
  12. If we have a,b & we can perform operations in a,b by either +/-1 to both a,b, i.e a+1,b+1 or a-1,b-1 & so on; Then to find max(gcd(a,b)) we do: Visualize & you'll realise: gcd(a,b) & gcd(a-b,b) will be same in ideal cases like take example of 50 & 100. In other cases we'll note, gcd can never exceed |a-b|. At max, gcd will be |a-b|, in all cases it will otherwise be less only. Hence with this hint all you have to do with 'a' and 'b' is increase/decrease them in a way that they lie closer to |a-b| since max gcd possible will be that only...
  13. Arrays are by default passed by reference in a function, unlike vectors where we explicitly pass them that way.
  14. No. of digits in a number: floor(log10(n)) + 1
  15. 1 sec time limit is 10^7 computations.
  16. Branch prediction in sorted/unsorted arr. , Tail Call optimisation,
  17. To hash negative no's add +100 or a big positive no. & hash it.
  18. Recursion vs Iteration ~ Both have almost same computation time.. depends on use case though.
  19. #define - preprocessor token ~ (compiler never interprets), typedef - compiler interprets...
  • ...
  • ...

Questions practiced:

class Solution {
    vector<int> twoSum(vector<int>& nums, int target) {
        unordered_map<int,int> mp; 
        vector<int> ans; 
        for(int i = 0 ; i< nums.size(); i++){
            int x = (target-nums[i]); // not using abs() since no. can be negative 
                // means no. has been found 
            mp[nums[i]] = i; 
        return ans; 
        for case of not using a map o(n) ~ using sorting + 2 pointer ~ o(nlogn)
         int n = nums.size();
        vector<pair<int, int>> arr(n);
        for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
            arr[i] = make_pair(nums[i], i);
        sort(arr.begin(), arr.end()); // Sort arr in increasing order by their values.
        int left = 0, right = n- 1;
        while (left < right) {
            int sum2 = arr[left].first + arr[right].first;
            if (sum2 == target) 
                return {arr[left].second, arr[right].second};
            if (sum2 > target)
                right -= 1; // Try to decrease sum2
                left += 1; // Try to increase sum2
        return {};
 int closestToZero(int arr[], int n)
            // below will use sort + 2 pointer approach
            int i = 0; int j = n-1;  
            int sum = 0; 
            int flag = INT_MAX; 
            int res;
                sum = arr[i] + arr[j];
            if(sum>0) j--;
            else if(sum<0) i++;
            else return 0; 
                flag = abs(sum);
                res = sum; 
           /////////////// //
           // this  is just an edge case in the case of gfg... not actually needed unless explicitly given in question...
            else if(abs(sum)==flag){
                res = max(res,sum); 
            return res; 
class Solution {
    bool rotateString(string s, string goal) {
        if(s=="" or goal == "") return false;
        if(s.length()!=goal.length()) return false; 
        s = s+s; 
        if(s.find(goal) != std::string::npos) return true; 
        else return false;         
    bool isRotated(string str1, string str2)
         if (str1.length() != str2.length())
        return false;
      return == 0;
    string clock_rot = "";
    string anticlock_rot = "";
    int len = str2.length();
    // Initialize string as anti-clockwise rotation
    anticlock_rot = anticlock_rot +
                    str2.substr(len-2, 2) +
                    str2.substr(0, len-2) ;
    // Initialize string as clock wise rotation
    clock_rot = clock_rot +
                str2.substr(2) +
                str2.substr(0, 2) ;
    // check if any of them is equal to string1
    return ( == 0 ||
   == 0);
  • Create a linkedlist
// before writing linkedlist code, first noting the difference between . & -> operator: 
class A {
    public: int a; 
        a = 100; 

    A x = A();
    A *y = &A();
    A *z = new A(); 
    cout << x.a or y->a or z-> a ~ all of them will give same output 
// Now ll code 
class Node { public:
	int data; Node*next ;
	Node(int data) {
		this->data = data;
		next = 0;
void addFront(Node*&node, int data) {
	Node *nn = new Node(data); // //nn->data = data; nn->next = 0;
	if (node == 0) {
		node = nn; return;
	nn->next = node;
	node = nn;

if passed by reference, then use ** ...
addFront(Node**node, int data) {
	Node *nn = new Node(data);
	if (*node == 0) {
		*node = nn; return;
	nn->next = *node;
	*node = nn;
main(){ // passed by reference 
	addFront(&root, data);
void addBack(Node*&node , int data) {
	Node*nn = new Node(data);
	Node*temp = node;
	if (node == 0) {
		node = nn; return;
	while (temp->next) temp = temp->next;
	temp->next = nn;
void display(Node*head) {
	while (head) {
		cout << head->data << " ";
		head = head->next;
 main() {
	Node * root = 0 ;
	int n = 5; // nodes...
	for (int i = 0 ; i < n ; i++) {
		int data; data = i;
		addFront(root, data);
		// addBack(root, data);

class Solution {
    vector<int> productExceptSelf(vector<int>& nums) { 
        // multiply left and right sides...
        int t = 1; 
        vector<int> res(nums.size()); 
        for(int i = 0; i < nums.size(); i++)
            res[i] = t; 
        t = 1; // re initialising 
        for(int i = nums.size()-1; i >= 0; i--)
            res[i] *= t; 
        return res; 
class Solution {
    int longestConsecutive(vector<int>& nums) {
//         unordered_set<int> s;
//         for(auto x:nums) s.insert(x);
//         int count = 0; 
//         for(auto x: nums){
//             if(!s.count(x-1)){
//                /*  if a number one less than x doesn't exist means
//                     x is the minimum number and know we can move
//                     upwards and count all the numbers in this
//                     streak. As if a number less than x existed means
//                     x is not the minimum so we skip it. We must start
//                     with minimum number only and move upwards
//                     to maintain o(n) complexity... 
//                 */ 
//                 int num = x; 
//                 int curCount = 1;
//                 while(s.count(num+1)){
//                     curCount++;
//                     num++; // incrementing num... 
//                 }
//                 count = max(count,curCount);
//             }
//         }
//             return count;            
        // practice attempt:
        // insert operation in set is o(logn)
        if(nums.size()==0) return 0;
        unordered_set<int> s; 
        for(auto i: nums) s.insert(i);
        // brute force will be to sort the whole array and then find the longest consecutive sequence, which is iterating and checking if a[i] is a[i-1] + 1, means incrementing by 1.. since it wants consecutive, we also maintain a flag which will be holding the max of the count++ we get.....
        // coming to optimal approach
        // we check the no. and see if count or no. less than that exist... basically jump into the lowest no. and then increment and increase the count...
        int count = INT_MIN; 
         for(auto x: nums){
                int num = x; 
                int curCount = 1;
                    num++; // incrementing num... 
                count = max(count,curCount);
            return count;         

int fun(int W, int wt[], int val[], int n, vector<vector<int>> &dp) {
       if(W==0 or n==0) return 0; 
if(dp[n][W]!=INT_MIN/2) return dp[n][W]; 
       if(wt[n-1]>W) return dp[n][W] = fun(W,wt,val,n-1,dp);
       else return dp[n][W] = max(val[n-1]+ fun(W-wt[n-1],wt,val,n-1,dp), fun(W,wt,val,n-1,dp) );

    int knapSack(int W, int wt[], int val[], int n) 
       vector<vector<int>> dp(n+1, vector<int>(W+1, INT_MIN/2));
return fun(W,wt,val,n,dp);

int fun(int W, int wt[], int val[], int n, vector<vector<int>> &dp) {
       if(W==0 or n==0) return 0; 
if(dp[n][W]!=INT_MIN/2) return dp[n][W]; 
       if(wt[n-1]>W) return dp[n][W] = fun(W,wt,val,n-1,dp);
       else return dp[n][W] = max(val[n-1]+ fun(W-wt[n-1],wt,val,n,dp), fun(W,wt,val,n-1,dp) ); 
    int knapSack(int N, int W, int val[], int wt[])
        vector<vector<int>> dp(N+1, vector<int>(W+1, INT_MIN/2));
return fun(W,wt,val,N,dp);
    int minOperation(int n)
        int dp[n+1]; 
        dp[0] = 0 ; dp[1] = 1; dp[2] = 2; dp[3] = 3; 
        for(int i = 1; i <= n ; i++){
            if(i&1) dp[i] = 1+ dp[i-1];
            else dp[i] = 1 + dp[i/2]; 
        return dp[n];
class Solution {
    int dp[1007][1007]; 
    int fun(vector<vector<int>>&grid,int m,int n)
         if(m==0 and n==0) return grid[m][n];  
        else if(m<0 or n<0) return INT_MAX/2;
/*  since if m==0 and n!=0 then our path would be moving in the leftward direction everytime ~one direction towards the 0,0...,  than zig zag, hence we must put m<0 and n<0 rather than putting a condition like if((m==0 and n!=0) or (m!=0 and n==0))...*/
        if(dp[m][n]!=-1) return dp[m][n];
        return dp[m][n] = grid[m][n] + min(fun(grid,m-1,n), fun(grid,m,n-1));
    // practice approach done
    int minPathSum(vector<vector<int>>& grid) {
        int m = grid.size(); // rows... 
        int n = grid[0].size(); 
        vector<vector<int>> dp(m,vector<int>(n,0)); 
        dp[0][0] = grid[0][0]; 
//         intialising the rows & columns of dp table...
//         rows 
        for(int i = 1 ; i < m ; i++ )
            dp[i][0] = dp[i-1][0] + grid[i][0]; 
        // cols
              for(int j = 1 ; j < n ; j++ )
            dp[0][j] = dp[0][j-1] + grid[0][j]; 
//         now dp 
        for(int i = 1 ; i < m ; i++)
            for(int j = 1 ; j < n ; j++){
                dp[i][j] = min(dp[i][j-1],dp[i-1][j]) + grid[i][j]; 
        return dp[m-1][n-1];
        int m = grid.size(); 
        int n = grid[0].size();
        return fun(grid,m-1,n-1);
        /* note that greedy approach won't work...*/
        // approach for practice
bool compare(Item a, Item b){
		    double x = (double)a.weight/(double)a.value;
		    double y = (double)b.weight/(double)b.value;
		    return x>y;
    double fractionalKnapsack(int W, Item arr[], int n)
		    double ans = 0.0;
		    int wt = 0;
		    for(int i = 0 ; i < n ; i++){
		        if(wt + arr[i].weight <=W){
		            wt += arr[i].weight;
		            ans += arr[i].value;
		         int x = W - wt;
		         double val = (double) x * (arr[i].value)/(double) arr[i].weight;
		return ans;

# MEX of an array refers to the smallest missing non-negative integer of the array.

fun(vector<int> v, int n ){
int mxe = *max_element(v.begin(), v.end())
set<int> s; 
for(int i = 0 ; i <= mxe+1; i++){
vector<int> ans; 
for(int i = 0 ; i < v.size(); i++)
    if(s.find(v[i]) != s.end()){
return ans; 

void recur(vector<int>& arr, int target, vector<int> &ds ,  vector<vector<int>>& ans,int ind){

    if(ind==arr.size()) {   
      if(target==0) ans.push_back(ds);

    vector<vector<int>> combinationSum(vector<int>& candidates, int target) {
        // **********SORT**********
        sort(candidates.begin(), candidates.end());
        vector<vector<int>> ans; 
        vector<int> ds; 
        int ind = 0 ; 
        return ans;

void recur(vector<int>& arr, int target, vector<int> &ds ,  vector<vector<int>>& ans,int ind){

for(int i = ind ; i < arr.size();i++){
if(i>ind and arr[i]==arr[i-1]) continue; 
    vector<vector<int>> combinationSum2(vector<int>& candidates, int target) {
        vector<vector<int>> ans; 
        vector<int> ds; 
        int ind = 0 ; 
        return ans;
    // void fun(vector<int>& nums, int i, vector<int>& sub, vector<vector<int>>& subs) {
    //     subs.push_back(sub);
    //     for (int j = i; j < nums.size(); j++) {
    //         sub.push_back(nums[j]);
    //         subsets(nums, j + 1, sub, subs);
    //         sub.pop_back();
    //     }
    // }
    vector<vector<int>> subsets(vector<int>& nums) {
        // vector<int> temp; 
        // vector<vector<int>> ans; 
//         using bits
//         int n = nums.size(); 
//         for(int i = 0 ; i < (1<<n); i++ )
//         {
//             for(int j = 0 ; j < n;j++){
//                 if(i&(1<<j)) temp.push_back(nums[j]);
//             } 
//             ans.push_back(temp);
//             temp.clear();
//         }
//      return ans;    

        // iterative approach
        vector<vector<int>> ans; 
        for(auto x:nums){
            int n = ans.size(); 
            for(int i = 0 ; i < n ;i++){
        return ans; 

    // recursive approach
        void fun(vector<vector<int>>& res, vector<int>& temp, vector<int>& nums, int ind){
        for(int i=ind; i<nums.size(); ++i){
            fun(res, temp, nums, i + 1);


    void fun(vector<vector<int>> &ans, vector<int> nums, vector<int> & temp, int ind){
        for(int i=ind; i < nums.size(); i++){
            if(i!=ind and nums[i]==nums[i-1]) continue; // if same element... to prevent duplicate..

    vector<vector<int>> subsetsWithDup(vector<int>& nums) {
        vector<vector<int>> ans; 
        int ind =0; 
        vector<int> temp;
        fun(ans, nums, temp, ind);
        return ans;
 void fun(vector<vector<int>>&ans, vector<int> nums, int l, int r){
        for(int i = l ; i <= r;i++ )
            fun(ans, nums, l+1, r);
int findMaxLength(vector<int>& nums) { 
        for(int i = 0 ; i < nums.size();i++) 
            if(nums[i]==0) nums[i]=-1; 
        int r = 0 ; int sum = 0 ;
        unordered_map<int,int> mp; 
        mp[0] = -1; // initialised for 0 sum 
        for(int i = 0; i< nums.size(); i++){
            // if(sum==0) r = max(r,i);
                r = max(r,i-mp[sum]); // this actually works because say in along array, if the sum is same at 2 different points while we iterate means, between the 2 points, the sum is gonna be 0... thats why we derived at same sum for 2 different points. 
            else mp[sum] = i; 
        return r; 
    int maxArea(vector<int>& height) {
      int l,r; 
    l = 0  ; r = height.size()-1; 
        int ar = INT_MIN;
            ar = max(ar,abs(r-l)*min(height[l],height[r]));
            if(height[l]<height[r]) l++;
            else if(height[l]>height[r]) r--;
        return ar;
ListNode* swapNodes(ListNode* head, int k) {
       ListNode* l = head; 
       ListNode* r = head; 
       ListNode* curr = head; 
        int count = 1; 
            if(count<k) l = l->next; 
            if(count>k) r = r->next;
            curr = curr->next; 
        swap(l->val, r->val);
        return head; 
 int threeSumMulti(vector<int>& arr, int target) {
        int k = 0; 
        int sum=0;
        for(int i = 0; i<arr.size();i++){
                for(int j = 0;j<i;j++){
                    sum = arr[j]+arr[i];
        return k;
    vector<int> dailyTemperatures(vector<int>& temperatures) {
        // it is using the logic of nearest greatest to right ~ NGR logic 
        vector<int> arr(temperatures);
        int n = temperatures.size(); 
        vector<int> ans; 
        stack<pair<int,int>> st; 
        for(int i = n-2; i>=0; i--)
            if(!st.empty() and arr[i]<{
                int x = abs(;
                while(!st.empty() and arr[i]> st.pop();

                 if(!st.empty() and arr[i]< {
                     int x = abs(;
                else ans.push_back(0);
        reverse(ans.begin(), ans.end());
        return ans; 
 bool canJump(vector<int>& nums) {
        int ind = 0; 
        for(int i = 0; i < nums.size(); i++){
            if(i>ind) return false; 
            ind = max(ind, i+nums[i]);
        return true;
 int findCheapestPrice(int n, vector<vector<int>>& flights, int src, int dst, int k) {
        vector<int> dist(n,1e7);
        dist[src] = 0; 
        for(int i = 0 ; i < k+1; i++){
            // doing k+1 since, thats how it will work...~ bellman ford
            vector<int> temp(dist);
            for(auto j:arr){
                int a,b,d; // point a to b with distance d 
                a=j[0]; b=j[1]; d=j[2]; 
                temp[b] = min(temp[b], dist[a] + d );
            dist = temp; 
        return dist[dst]==1e7?-1:dist[dst];
    bool mergeTriplets(vector<vector<int>>& triplets, vector<int>& target) {
        // we will check if elements in the triplets are less than equal to target elements, else if greater then the condition to take max() will lead to wrong elements being selected & later will yield false...  
        int f,s,t; // first,second,third
        for(auto i:arr){
            if(i[0]<=target[0] and i[1]<=target[1] and i[2]<=target[2]){
        return (f==target[0] and s==target[1] and t==target[2])?true:false; 
 bool compare(vector<int>&a, vector<int>&b){
        return a[1]<b[1]; 
class Solution {
    int eraseOverlapIntervals(vector<vector<int>>& intervals) {
        int remove = 0; 
        sort(arr.begin(), arr.end(), compare);
        if(arr.size()==0) return 0; 
        vector<int> x = arr[0]; 
        for(auto i:arr){
            if(i[0]<x[1]) remove++;
            else {
        return --remove;// subtracting, since think of case when only 2 arr..given... 
class Twitter {
    unordered_map<int, unordered_map<int,int>> follow_node; 
    vector<pair<int,int>> post; 
    Twitter() {}
    void postTweet(int userId, int tweetId) {
        // post.push_back({userId, tweetId});
        post.push_back(make_pair(userId, tweetId));
    vector<int> getNewsFeed(int userId) {
        vector<int> news; 
        int count  = 0; // since only top 10 tweets to retrieve according to question
        for(int i = post.size()-1; i>=0 and count<10; i--){
            if(post[i].first==userId || follow_node[userId][post[i].first]){
                // 2 conditions in `if` since give: Each item in the news feed must be posted by users who the user followed or by the user themself.
        return news; 
    void follow(int followerId, int followeeId) {
        follow_node[followerId][followeeId] =1; 
    void unfollow(int followerId, int followeeId) {
        follow_node[followerId][followeeId] =0; 
 * Your Twitter object will be instantiated and called as such:
 * Twitter* obj = new Twitter();
 * obj->postTweet(userId,tweetId);
 * vector<int> param_2 = obj->getNewsFeed(userId);
 * obj->follow(followerId,followeeId);
 * obj->unfollow(followerId,followeeId);
    int carFleet(int target, vector<int>& position, vector<int>& speed) {
//         if(position.empty() or speed.empty()) return 0; 
//         priority_queue<vector<double>> pq; // max heap 
//         int n = position.size(); 
//         for(int i = 0 ; i < n; i++)
//         {
//             double time = (double)abs(target-position[i])/speed[i];
//             double pos = (double)abs(position[i]);
//             double spd = (double)speed[i]; 
//             pq.push({pos,spd,time});
//         }
//         int fleet = 0 ; 
//         while(true){
//             if(pq.size()==1){
//                 fleet++; break;
//             }
//             auto ahead =; 
//             pq.pop(); 
//             auto behind =; 
//             pq.pop(); 
//             if(ahead[2]>=behind[2]){
//                 // means time taken by car ahead, since our queue is storing/sorting based on distance is more means low speed & then means car behind can overtake car ahead 
//                 // if it can overtake means they may end up becoming a fleet, so we must drop car behind, since when car behind merges with car ahead, the speed will be that of car ahead which is low speed for both cars now...
//                 pq.push(ahead);
//             }
//             else{
//                 fleet++; 
//                 pq.push(behind);
//             }
//         }       
//         return fleet;     
    // other approach is play with the time......
        vector<pair<int,double>> v; // having position & time, position used to sort the whole list in order & time used to find the fleet 
        int n = position.size(); 
        for(int i = 0 ; i < n; i++)
            double time = (double)abs(target-position[i])/speed[i];
            int pos = position[i];
        sort(v.begin(), v.end());
        double xtime = 0; int fleet = 0; 
        // iterate backwards 
        for(int i = n-1; i>=0; i--){
            auto t = v[i].second-xtime;
    return fleet;
  int minEatingSpeed(vector<int>& piles, int h) {
        long low = 1; 
        long high = *max_element(piles.begin(), piles.end());
        // now binary search
            long mid = (low+high)/2;
            long time = 0; 
            for(auto i:piles){
            if(time>h)low = mid+1; 
            else high = mid-1; 
        return low; 
//         complexity: o(log(max n)*n);
class SeatManager {
    // note that we can also use priority queue... 
    set<int> s; 
    SeatManager(int n) {
     for(int i = 1 ; i <=n ; i++){
    int reserve() {
        auto x = *begin(s);
        return x; 
    void unreserve(int seatNumber) {

 int hardestWorker(int n, vector<vector<int>>& logs) {       
        int id = logs[0][0]; int lt = logs[0][1]; // id & leaveTime 
        int diff; 
        for(int i = 0; i < logs.size()-1; i++)
            diff = logs[i+1][1]-logs[i][1]; 
                lt = diff; 
                id = logs[i+1][0];
            else if(diff==lt) id = min(id,logs[i+1][0]); // return minimum id 
    return id;   
    vector<int> findArray(vector<int>& pref) {
        vector<int> ans(pref.size());
        ans[0]= pref[0]; 
        for(int i = 1 ; i < pref.size(); i++){
            ans[i] = pref[i]^pref[i-1]; 
// note that since pref[i] = pref[i-1] ^ A[i] should be true, hence ~ pref[i] ^ pref[i-1] = A[i]
        return ans; 
  bool pal(string s, int i, int j){
          if(s[i++]!=s[j--]) return false;
        return true; 
   void fun(int index, string s, vector<vector<string>>& ans, vector<string> &temp ){
        for(int i = index ; i < s.length(); i++){
                temp.push_back(s.substr(index, i-index+1));
                fun(i+1, s,ans,temp);
    vector<vector<string>> partition(string s) {
        vector<vector<string>> ans; 
        vector<string> temp; 
        int index = 0; 
        fun(index,s, ans,temp);
        return ans; 
    void fun(TreeNode* root, int target, vector<int> temp, vector<vector<int>> &ans){
        if(root==0) return; 
        if(root->left==0 and root->right==0 and target==root->val) ans.push_back(temp);
        fun(root->left, target-root->val, temp, ans);
        fun(root->right, target-root->val, temp, ans);
    vector<vector<int>> pathSum(TreeNode* root, int targetSum) {
        vector<int> temp; 
        vector<vector<int>> ans; 
        fun(root, targetSum, temp, ans);
        return ans; 
    void fun(int i, int j, string s, vector<string>& vs){
        while(i>=0 and j<s.length() and s[i]==s[j]){
    int countSubstrings(string s) {
        if(s.length()==0) return 0; 
        vector<string> vs; 
        for(int i = 0 ; i < s.length(); i++){
            fun(i,i,s, vs);
            // if(i<=s.length()-1)
            fun(i,i+1,s, vs);
        return vs.size();
    // Using dp 
    string s;
    int f(int l , int r){
        if(l>r)return 1;
        if(l==r)return 1;
        if(dp[l][r]!=-1)return dp[l][r];
        if(s[l]!=s[r])return dp[l][r]=0;
        if(f(l+1,r-1))return dp[l][r]=1;
        return dp[l][r]=0;
    int countSubstrings(string s) {
        int ans=0,n=s.size();
        for(int i=0;i<n;i++){
            for(int j=i;j<n;j++){
        return ans;

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