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Last active December 27, 2024 17:26
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Save Surendrajat/ff3876fd2166dd86fb71180f4e9342d7 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
A Clean & Customizable Weather module for Waybar
"custom/weather": {
"exec": "python ~/.config/waybar/scripts/",
"restart-interval": 300,
"return-type": "json",
"on-click": "xdg-open$(location_id)"
// "format-alt": "{alt}",
#custom-weather.severe {
color: #eb937d;
#custom-weather.sunnyDay {
color: #c2ca76;
#custom-weather.clearNight {
color: #2b2b2a;
#custom-weather.cloudyFoggyDay, #custom-weather.cloudyFoggyNight {
color: #c2ddda;
#custom-weather.rainyDay, #custom-weather.rainyNight {
color: #5aaca5;
#custom-weather.showyIcyDay, #custom-weather.snowyIcyNight {
color: #d6e7e5;
#custom-weather.default {
color: #dbd9d8;
#!/usr/bin/env python
import subprocess
from pyquery import PyQuery # install using `pip install pyquery`
import json
# weather icons
weather_icons = {
"sunnyDay": "滛",
"clearNight": "望",
"cloudyFoggyDay": "",
"cloudyFoggyNight": "",
"rainyDay": "",
"rainyNight": "",
"snowyIcyDay": "",
"snowyIcyNight": "",
"severe": "",
"default": "",
# get location_id
# to get your own location_id, go to & search your location.
# once you choose your location, you can see the location_id in the URL(64 chars long hex string)
# like this:
location_id = "c3e96d6cc4965fc54f88296b54449571c4107c73b9638c16aafc83575b4ddf2e" # TODO
# location_id = "8139363e05edb302e2d8be35101e400084eadcecdfce5507e77d832ac0fa57ae"
# priv_env_cmd = 'cat $PRIV_ENV_FILE | grep weather_location | cut -d "=" -f 2'
# location_id =
# priv_env_cmd, shell=True, capture_output=True).stdout.decode('utf8').strip()
# get html page
url = "" + location_id
html_data = PyQuery(url=url)
# current temperature
temp = html_data("span[data-testid='TemperatureValue']").eq(0).text()
# print(temp)
# current status phrase
status = html_data("div[data-testid='wxPhrase']").text()
status = f"{status[:16]}.." if len(status) > 17 else status
# print(status)
# status code
status_code = html_data("#regionHeader").attr("class").split(" ")[2].split("-")[2]
# print(status_code)
# status icon
icon = (
if status_code in weather_icons
else weather_icons["default"]
# print(icon)
# temperature feels like
temp_feel = html_data(
"div[data-testid='FeelsLikeSection'] > span > span[data-testid='TemperatureValue']"
temp_feel_text = f"Feels like {temp_feel}c"
# print(temp_feel_text)
# min-max temperature
temp_min = (
html_data("div[data-testid='wxData'] > span[data-testid='TemperatureValue']")
temp_max = (
html_data("div[data-testid='wxData'] > span[data-testid='TemperatureValue']")
temp_min_max = f" {temp_min}\t\t {temp_max}"
# print(temp_min_max)
# wind speed
wind_speed = html_data("span[data-testid='Wind']").text().split("\n")[1]
wind_text = f"煮 {wind_speed}"
# print(wind_text)
# humidity
humidity = html_data("span[data-testid='PercentageValue']").text()
humidity_text = f" {humidity}"
# print(humidity_text)
# visibility
visbility = html_data("span[data-testid='VisibilityValue']").text()
visbility_text = f" {visbility}"
# print(visbility_text)
# air quality index
air_quality_index = html_data("text[data-testid='DonutChartValue']").text()
# print(air_quality_index)
# hourly rain prediction
prediction = html_data("section[aria-label='Hourly Forecast']")(
"div[data-testid='SegmentPrecipPercentage'] > span"
prediction = prediction.replace("Chance of Rain", "")
prediction = f"\n\n  (hourly) {prediction}" if len(prediction) > 0 else prediction
# print(prediction)
# tooltip text
tooltip_text = str.format(
f'<span size="xx-large">{temp}</span>',
f"{visbility_text}\tAQI {air_quality_index}",
# print waybar module data
out_data = {
"text": f"{icon} {temp}",
"alt": status,
"tooltip": tooltip_text,
"class": status_code,
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which font u use for weather icon

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I got an update on the fetching logic, also discussed further above.
The correct synthax is now

# get html page
url = "" + location_id
html_data = PyQuery(url=url)

Updates on what args PyQuery takes can be found here: (as also posted further above by @cn-danieldev.)

As of date of this comment I can confirm that this script still works!

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Is it possible to get Fahrenheit? I notice there is no separate URL for Fahrenheit on the website, guess some JS handling or something.

Possible to get 5-day?

When I click the popup/dropdown thing, goes to 404 page:

ie. missing location_id at that point.

To get English/Imperial units append '?units=e' to the end of your location_id. My locations looks like this:
location_id = "ff02642ddd763393bf9158589c1b4804cc84c808136cc42554efce2a92fc47fb?unit=e" # appending '?unit=e' changes everything to English/Imperial units
Here is what my screen looks like, yes I made a few other minor mods to the file since I don't know/understand any Asian characters.
I hope you, and others, find this helpful.

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Hello, while I did write my own CSS for this, I did notice a typo in your CSS. In your CSS you have:
#custom-weather.showyIcyDay, #custom-weather.snowyIcyNight { color: #d6e7e5; }
It should say:
#custom-weather.snowyIcyDay, #custom-weather.snowyIcyNight { color: #d6e7e5; }
I noticed it when I started with your CSS sheet and wanted to have different appearances for Day and Night. By the way, I love the script and the lack of need to sign up for any additional APIs. It is simple, looks great, and it works.

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