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Last active November 22, 2018 17:27
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Design Patterns

Design Patterns


Design Patterns are solutions to to commonly occurring problems.

We need design patterns to ensure our work is consistent, reliable and understandable.


  • Building Architecture
  • Electrical and plumbing
  • Automobile design
  • Mobile phone interfaces


  • Creational - Used to design object creation

    Examples: Singleton, Factory, Builder

  • Structural - Used to design relationship between objects

    Examples: Adapter, Facade, Composite

  • Behavioural - Used to design object interaction and responsibility

    Examples: Command, Observer, Stratergy

Object Oriented Design Principles (SOLID)

  1. Single Responsibility: Means a Class should have only one responsibility i.e, Cooking or Washing but not both
  2. Open-Closed: Class should be open for extension usually by inheritance but closed for modification
  3. Liskov Substitution: Subclasses should stand in for parents without breaking anything
  4. Interface Segregation: Many specific interfaces are better than one do it all interface (in python we use Abstract Base Class combined with multiple inheritance to achieve this)
  5. Dependency Inversion: We should program towards Abstraction not concrete Implementation cause Implementation can vary. In python ABC(Abstract Base Classes) can be used just for this.

Note: About Interfaces in Python

Unlike other languages Python do not have standard way to define interfaces. In Python we can implement Interfaces using ABC(Abstract Base Classes)

Commonly used Design Patterns

  • Behavioural Patterns

    1. Strategy Pattern

      • Also known as Policy pattern
    2. Observer Pattern

      • Also known as Dependents pattern, Publish-Subscribe pattern
      • Description: When the state of one object changes it's dependents are notified
    3. Command Pattern

      • Also known as Action pattern, Transaction pattern
  • Creational Patterns

    1. Singleton Pattern

      • Also known as Anti pattern because of it's downsides
    2. Builder Pattern

    3. Abstract Factory Pattern

  • Structural Patterns

    1. Facade Pattern

      • Unified interface to a set of interfaces
    2. Adapter Pattern

      • Bridging the incompatible APIs
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