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Created June 14, 2016 09:14
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Hex Binary Conversion PHP
// Converts text to decimal. Only onne character. Returns in format: 0-255
function txt2dec($txt)
return ord($txt);
// Converts text to hex. Only one character. Returns in format: XX not X
function txt2hex($txt)
return bin2hex($txt);
// Converts text to binary. Only one character. Returns in format: 00000000
function txt2bin($txt)
$mybyte = decbin(ord($txt[0]));
$MyBitSec = substr("00000000",0,8 - strlen($mybyte)) . $mybyte;
return $MyBitSec;
// Converts decimal to text. Only one number between 0 and 255. Returns in format: X
function dec2txt($dec)
return chr($dec);
// Converts decimal to hex. Only one number between 0 and 255. Returns in format: XX not X
function dec2hex($dec)
$THex = dechex($dec);
$THex = substr("00",0,2 - strlen($THex)) . $THex;
return $THex;
// Converts decimal to binary. Only one number between 0 and 255. Returns in format: 00000000
function dec2bin($dec)
$mybyte = decbin($dec);
$MyBitSec = substr("00000000",0,8 - strlen($mybyte)) . $mybyte;
return $MyBitSec;
// Converts hex to text. Only one hex number at a time. Input format can be either X or XX. Returns in format: X
function hex2txt($hex)
$hex = substr("00",0,2 - strlen($hex)) . $hex;
return chr(hexdec($hex));
// Converts hex to decimal. Only one hex number at a time. Input format can be either X or XX. Returns in format: 0-255
function hex2dec($hex)
$hex = substr("00",0,2 - strlen($hex)) . $hex;
return hexdec($hex);
// Converts hex to binary. Only one hex number at a time. Input format can be either X or XX. Returns in format: 00000000
function hex2bin($hex)
$hex = substr("00",0,2 - strlen($hex)) . $hex;
$mybyte = decbin(hexdec($hex));
$MyBitSec = substr("00000000",0,8 - strlen($mybyte)) . $mybyte;
return $MyBitSec;
// Converts binary to text. Only one binary number at a time. Input can be X or XX or XXX or XXXX or XXXXX or XXXXXX or XXXXXXX or XXXXXXXX (only 1's and 0's). Returns in format: X
function bin2txt($bin)
$bin = substr("00000000",0,8 - strlen($bin)) . $bin;
return chr(bindec($bin));
// Converts binary to text. Only one binary number at a time. Input can be X or XX or XXX or XXXX or XXXXX or XXXXXX or XXXXXXX or XXXXXXXX (only 1's and 0's). Returns in format: 0-255.
function bin2dec($bin)
$bin = substr("00000000",0,8 - strlen($bin)) . $bin;
return bindec($bin);
// Converts binary to hex. Only one binary number at a time. Input can be X or XX or XXX or XXXX or XXXXX or XXXXXX or XXXXXXX or XXXXXXXX (only 1's and 0's). Returns in format: XX
function bin2hex2($bin)
$bin = substr("00000000",0,8 - strlen($bin)) . $bin;
$hex = dechex(bindec($bin));
$hex = substr("00",0,2 - strlen($hex)) . $hex;
return $hex;
// Converts a text sequence to a decimal secuence. Input format: "xxxxxx". Output format: 255 255 255 255 255 255 255
function txtsec2decsec($txtsec)
$Data = '';
$Data .= ord($txtsec[$i]);
if($i != strlen($txtsec)-1)
$Data .= " ";
return $Data;
// Converts a text sequence to a decimal secuence. Input format: "xxxxxx". Output format: ffffffffffffffff
function txtsec2hexsec($txtsec)
$Data = '';
$Data .= bin2hex($txtsec[$i]);
//if($i != strlen($txtsec)-1)
// $Data .= " ";
return $Data;
// Converts a text sequence to a binary secuence. Input format: "xxxxxx". Output format: 00000000000000000000000000000000
function txtsec2binsec($txtsec)
$Data = '';
$mybyte = decbin(ord($txtsec[$i]));
$MyBitSec = substr("00000000",0,8 - strlen($mybyte)) . $mybyte;
$Data .= $MyBitSec;
//if($i != strlen($txtsec)-1)
// $Data .= " ";
return $Data;
// Converts a decimal sequence to a text sequence. Input format: xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx. Outputformat: "xxxxx"
function decsec2txtsec($decsec)
$Data = '';
$DSplit = explode(" ", $decsec);
$Data .= chr($DSplit[$i]);
//if($i != sizeof($DSplit)-1)
// $Data .= " ";
return $Data;
// Converts a decimal sequence to a hex sequence. Input format: xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx. Outputformat: ffffffffffff
function decsec2hexsec($decsec)
$Data = '';
$DSplit = explode(" ", $decsec);
$THex = dechex($DSplit[$i]);
$THex = substr("00",0,2 - strlen($THex)) . $THex;
$Data .= $THex;
//if($i != sizeof($DSplit)-1)
// $Data .= " ";
return $Data;
// Converts a decimal sequence to a binary sequence. Input format: xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx. Outputformat: 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000
function decsec2binsec($decsec)
$Data = '';
$DSplit = explode(" ", $decsec);
$mybyte = decbin($DSplit[$i]);
$MyBitSec = substr("00000000",0,8 - strlen($mybyte)) . $mybyte;
$Data .= $THex;
//if($i != sizeof($DSplit)-1)
// $Data .= " ";
return $Data;
// Converts a hex sequence to a text sequence. Input format: ffffffff. Outputformat: "xxxxx"
function hexsec2txtsec($hexsec)
$Data = '';
$Data .= chr(hexdec($hexsec[$i].$hexsec[$i+1]));
//if($i != sizeof($DSplit)-1)
// $Data .= " ";
return $Data;
// Converts a hex sequence to a decimal sequence. Input format: ffffffff. Outputformat: 255 255 255 255
function hexsec2decsec($hexsec)
$Data = '';
$Data .= hexdec($hexsec[$i].$hexsec[$i+1]);
if($i != strlen($hexsec)-2)
$Data .= " ";
return $Data;
// Converts a hex sequence to a binary sequence. Input format: ffffffff. Outputformat: 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
function hexsec2binsec($hexsec)
$Data = '';
$mybyte = decbin(hexdec($hexsec[$i].$hexsec[$i+1]));
$MyBitSec = substr("00000000",0,8 - strlen($mybyte)) . $mybyte;
$Data .= $MyBitSec;
//if($i != strlen($hexsec)-2)
// $Data .= " ";
return $Data;
// Converts a binary sequence to a text sequence. Input format: 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000. Outputformat: "xxxxxx"
function binsec2txtsec($binsec)
$Data = '';
$bin = substr($binsec, $i,;
$Data .= chr(bindec($bin));
//if($i != strlen($hexsec)-2)
// $Data .= " ";
return $Data;
// Converts a binary sequence to a hex sequence. Input format: 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000. Outputformat: ffffffff
function binsec2hexsec($binsec)
$Data = '';
$bin = substr($binsec, $i,;
$hex = dechex(bindec($bin));
$hex = substr("00",0,2 - strlen($hex)) . $hex;
$Data .= $hex;
//if($i != strlen($hexsec)-2)
// $Data .= " ";
return $Data;
// Converts a binary sequence to a decimal sequence. Input format: 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000. Outputformat: 255 255 255 255
function binsec2decsec($binsec)
$Data = '';
$bin = substr($binsec, $i,;
$Data .= bindec($bin);
if($i != strlen($binsec)-8)
$Data .= " ";
return $Data;
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