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Created January 22, 2020 17:49
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// { Driver Code Starts
#include <bits/stdc++.h>
using namespace std;
// } Driver Code Ends
/* Function to check if the given graph contains cycle
* V: number of vertices
* adj[]: representation of graph
bool isCyclic_util(vector<int> adj[], vector<bool> visited, int curr)
return true;
visited[curr] = true;
bool FLAG = false;
for(int i=0;i<adj[curr].size();++i)
FLAG = isCyclic_util(adj, visited, adj[curr][i]);
return true;
return false;
bool isCyclic(int V, vector<int> adj[])
vector<bool> visited(V,false);
bool FLAG = false;
for(int i=0;i<V;++i)
visited[i] = true;
for(int j=0;j<adj[i].size();++j)
FLAG = isCyclic_util(adj,visited,adj[i][j]);
return true;
visited[i] = false;
return false;
// { Driver Code Starts.
int main() {
int t;
cin >> t;
int v, e;
cin >> v >> e;
vector<int> adj[v];
for(int i =0;i<e;i++){
int u, v;
cin >> u >> v;
cout << isCyclic(v, adj) << endl;
return 0;
} // } Driver Code Ends
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123-hub commented May 13, 2021

correct code is here;;;;;


#define ll long long
#define pb push_back
#define loop(i,a,b) for(int i = a; i < b; i++)
#define revloop(i,a,b) for(int i = a; i > b; i--)
#define mod 1000000007
#define inf (1LL<<60)
#define all(x) (x).begin(), (x).end()
#define prDouble(x) cout << fixed << setprecision(10) << x
#define triplet pair<ll,pair<ll,ll>>
#define goog(tno) cout << "Case #" << tno <<": "
#define fast_io ios_base::sync_with_stdio(false);cin.tie(NULL)
#define read(x) int x; cin >> x
using namespace std;

void init_code(){
freopen("input.txt", "r", stdin);
freopen("output.txt", "w", stdout);

bool isCyclic_util(vector adj[], vector visited, int curr)
return true;

visited[curr] = true;
bool FLAG = false;
for(int i=0;i<adj[curr].size();++i)
    FLAG = isCyclic_util(adj, visited, adj[curr][i]);
        return true;

return false;


bool isCyclic(int V, vector adj[])
vector visited(V,false);
bool FLAG = false;
for(int i=0;i<V;++i)
visited[i] = true;
for(int j=0;j<adj[i].size();++j)
FLAG = isCyclic_util(adj,visited,adj[i][j]);
return true;
visited[i] = false;
return false;

int main() {
int t;
cin >> t;


  int v, e;
  cin >> v >> e;
  vector<int> adj[v];
  for(int i =0;i<e;i++){
      int u, p;
      cin >> u >> p;
    cout<<"cycle is found";
    cout<<"not found";

return 0;


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checkout this, simple DFS solution with memoization, this will pass all test cases
pardon for golang code, but it is understandable

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sir, after line 23, is it needed to put visited[curr]==false or it takes directly false. can you explain this sir..???

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Same doubt as we are taking completely new visited array we have to make all the elements false after every iteration of the for loop.
Here is the psuedocode
for .....{
visited[] = false*len(visited);

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What will be the time complexity?

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What will be the time complexity?

Average / In General : O(V+E)
Words Case : O(V^{2}) when every node is connected to all the other nodes.

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