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Instance cached_method for unhashable self, type hinted, with optional parameters

Cached Method Decorator in Python

This repository provides a Python decorator @cached_method that caches method results similar to functools.lru_cache, but with each instance having its own cache.


The cached_method decorator allows you to cache the results of an instance method call so that subsequent calls with the same arguments will return the cached result instead of performing the computation again.

This decorator provides two key benefits:

  • The cache is cleared when the instance is garbage collected (by using weak references).
  • The instance (self) is not used as a key, so instances can be unhashable.

However, there is a trade-off:

  • The cache is not shared between instances.


You can use this decorator in your Python class as follows:

class MyClass:
    def my_method(self, arg):
        return arg

When you call a method decorated with @cached_method, the first call to the method with a particular set of arguments will perform the computation and cache the result:

mc1 = MyClass()
mc1.my_method(1)  # "Computing..." is printed, result is computed and cached

Subsequent calls with the same arguments will return the cached result:

mc1.my_method(1)  # Result is returned from cache, no computation

Different class instances will have different caches:

mc2 = MyClass()
mc2.my_method(1)  # "Computing..." is printed, result is computed and cached for mc2
mc2.my_method(1)  # Result is returned from mc2's cache

You can clear the cache as follows:

mc1.my_method.cache_clear()  # Clears the cache for mc1.my_method

Note: The cache is stored on the instance. Attempting to access the cache on the class or function will raise an AttributeError.

Finally, the cache will be cleared when the instance is garbage collected:

mc1_weak = weakref.ref(mc1)
del mc1
assert mc1_weak() is None  # True, since instance has been garbage collected

Customizing Cache Behavior

You can pass the same arguments to @cached_method as you would to functools.lru_cache to customize the caching behavior, such as maxsize for limiting the size of the cache and typed for storing different results for different types of arguments.

from __future__ import annotations
import typing as t
import functools
import weakref
R = t.TypeVar('R')
Self = t.TypeVar('Self')
P = t.ParamSpec('P')
def cached_method(func: t.Callable[t.Concatenate[Self, P], R]
) -> t.Callable[t.Concatenate[Self, P], R]: ...
def cached_method(maxsize: t.Optional[int] = 128, typed: bool = False
) -> t.Callable[[t.Callable[t.Concatenate[Self, P], R]],
t.Callable[t.Concatenate[Self, P], R]]: ...
def cached_method(*lru_args, **lru_kwargs):
"""Just like functools.lru_cache, but creates a new cache for each instance.
Two benefits:
- The cache is cleared when the instance is garbage collected (by using weakref)
- The instance (self) is not used as key, so instances can be unhashable.
- The cache is not shared between instances.
Based on:
with the following improvements:
- Can be called without parenthesis to use default lru_cache arguments.
- Added type annotations.
>>> class MyClass:
... @cached_method
... def my_method(self, arg):
... print("Computing...")
... return arg
>>> mc1 = MyClass()
>>> mc1.my_method(1)
>>> mc1.my_method(1)
>>> mc1.my_method(2)
>>> mc1.my_method(2)
Another class instance will have a different cache:
>>> mc2 = MyClass()
>>> mc2.my_method(1)
>>> mc2.my_method(1)
Cache can be cleared:
>>> mc1.my_method.cache_clear()
>>> mc1.my_method(1)
Cache is stored on the instance:
>>> MyClass.my_method.cache_info()
Traceback (most recent call last):
AttributeError: 'function' object has no attribute 'cache_info'
Garbage collection works:
>>> mc1_weak = weakref.ref(mc1)
>>> del mc1
>>> mc1_weak() is None # Instance has been garbage collected
if len(lru_args) == 1 and callable(lru_args[0]) and not lru_kwargs:
# No arguments were passed, so we're being called as @cached_method without parenthesis.
func = lru_args[0]
return cached_method()(func)
def decorator(func: t.Callable[t.Concatenate[Self, P], R]) -> t.Callable[t.Concatenate[Self, P], R]:
def wrapped_func(self: Self, *args: P.args, **kwargs: P.kwargs) -> R:
# We're storing the wrapped method inside the instance. If we had
# a strong reference to self the instance would never die.
self_weak = weakref.ref(self)
@functools.lru_cache(*lru_args, **lru_kwargs)
def cached_method(*args: P.args, **kwargs: P.kwargs):
self = self_weak()
assert self is not None, "Instance has been garbage collected"
return func(self, *args, **kwargs)
setattr(self, func.__name__, cached_method)
return cached_method(*args, **kwargs)
return wrapped_func
return decorator
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