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Created March 1, 2022 18:32
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Calculation Trainer
import random
import time
from art import text2art
import argparse
import math
def create_problem(min_num, max_num):
# choose a random operator
op = random.choice(['+', '-'])
# create a random addition or substraction problem
if op == '+':
n1 = random.randint(min_num, max_num)
n2 = random.randint(min_num, max_num)
elif op == '-':
n1 = random.randint(min_num, max_num)
n2 = random.randint(min_num, n1)
# create the problem string
problem = f"{n1} {op} {n2}"
answer = eval(f"{n1} {op} {n2}")
# convert the problem string to an art
problem_art = text2art(problem)
answer_art = text2art(str(answer))
return problem_art, answer_art
def main():
calc_times = []
min_num, max_num, n_problems = get_args()
print(f"Generating {n_problems} problems between {min_num} and {max_num}")
global calculation_time
for _ in range(n_problems):
problem, answer = create_problem(min_num, max_num)
# measure the time it takes to answer the problem
start_time = time.time()
calc_time = time.time() - start_time
print("The answer is:")
print(f"You answered the problem in {calc_time:.2f} seconds")
a = input()
if a == 'q':
# print the average calculation time
print(f"The average calculation time is {sum(calc_times)/len(calc_times):.2f} seconds")
def get_args():
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="Generate random math problems")
parser.add_argument("--min-num", default=10, type=int, help="The possible minimum number in the problem")
parser.add_argument("--max-num", default=100, type=int, help="The possible maximum number in the problem")
parser.add_argument("--n-problems", default=10, type=int, help="The number of problems to generate")
args = parser.parse_args()
if args.min_num > args.max_num:
args.max_num = math.floor(args.min_num + math.pow(10, math.ceil(math.log10(args.min_num))))
return args.min_num, args.max_num, args.n_problems
if __name__ == "__main__":
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