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Last active October 22, 2023 06:08
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Hi There! This is me...

πŸ‘‹ Hello! I'm Suvin Nimnaka.

Hi, My name is Suvin Nimnaka and Im not a terrorist! πŸ˜‰ So I'm a 21 year old undergraduate from Sri Lanka. I do believe in magic! Isn't that cool? Anyways I do pretty much everything, Development, Design, Sound engineering, movie making, you name it.. Ah also I have this thing for witches!

πŸ‘» My Story

Still working on that! Wait a bit...

❓ So where are you going with all these?

You'll see soon!

πŸŽ‰ Wins and Awards

  • 'Hack 19' by Google - I was in Team AsyncIO and we were the winners of 'Hack19' Sri Lanka Hub (Organized by Colombo Flutter Community) and 1st Runners up in the International Hackathon representing Sri Lanka. Project Image

  • Codefest by SLIIT - Me and my teammates built an app for finding boarding places in urban areas. We won a merit award for that. Project Image

  • Heroku Deploy with Telegram - A simple Github Action to deploy to Heroku and notify via Telegram. Got featured in Github Actions Hackathon Homepage and made into the Winners List as well. Project Image

  • VolunteerME - VolunteerME is a common place to list down all the volunteering opportunities in Sri Lanka so that anyone can easily find and work in projects. This project became Runners Up in the Twilio x Dev hackathon Project Image

  • 'Hack 20' by Flutter Community - I was in Team Iconicto and we made it into the Final Round and top the Top 20 among 266 Projects and 2500+ participants. Project Image

  • 'TAD Hack Sri Lanka' by hSenid Mobile - I was in Team Proktara and we made an online examination monitoring platform. We became the runners up in the competition. Project Image

  • 'TAD Hack Global' by Alan Quayle - The same solution we presented to TAD Hack Sri Lanka was nominated for the internatinal Hackathon representing Sri Lanka. We were selected as one of the winners under Telnyx category Project Image

  • National Best Quality Software Awards (NBQSA) Sri Lanka - The online exam monitoring platform we made was nominated for NBQSA 2021 and our team made it into the winners circle. Project Image

  • 'SRE Hack 21' by Virtusa - My team and I made a tool that can classify issues and service requests from emails along with the severity. The tool can create tickets in JIRA and automate the ticketing process. We, team MisSprints won the 2nd place at the competition Project Image

πŸŽ“ Event Participation and public work

  • I was a speaker in Hacktoberfest Galle, Sri Lanka chapter for 2 consecutive years. Me and my colleague Isala started it back in 2018. Also in 2019 I was in the organizing committee of Hacktoberfest in University of Colombo as well.

Hacktoberfest 2018
Did a hands on session on Golang for beginners

Hacktoberfest 2019
Delivered a speech about using Google services on open sorce projects

  • A member of Colombo Flutter Community

    • I am a member of Colombo Flutter Community since 2019.
  • Digital Education Hackathon (Digi Edu Hack).

    • I was in team "Alphabet" with my colleagues and we built a learning platform with ML powered system to analyze performance of students

πŸ”— External links

Yeah thats pretty much everywhere you can stalk!

πŸ’‘ Bonus round - favorite things!


  • Languages:

PHP, Java, Python, JavaScript, Dart, Kotlin, Node, C

  • Frameworks

Bootstrap, Flutter, Ionic

  • Designing

Figma (UI/UX), Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Illustrator

  • Platforms

Google Cloud Platform, DigitalOcean, Heroku

  • Movie Making

Adobe After Effects >>> Adobe Premier (Yes yes I know! πŸ˜‰)


Any shit that is Italian!


Definitely Android πŸ‘… Fruit phones are not customizable!

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