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Last active August 29, 2015 14:21
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script to automatically google error messages printed to STDERR, using firefox
#! /bin/bash
usage="\nWill google the error message from COMMAND, using Firefox.
\nUsage: COMMAND |& $0 \n or COMMAND 2>&1 >/dev/null | $0 (to silence STDIN) \n or $0 ERROR_MESSAGE"
if [ "$*" ] ; then
read -t0.2 -d'' -r input
# replace all whitespace with simple spaces
input=${input//[[:space:]]/ }
if [ -z "$input" ] ; then
echo -e $usage
exit 0
wid=`xdotool search --onlyvisible --name "Mozilla Firefox" | head -1`
if [ "$wid" = "" ] ; then
exec firefox &
sleep 3s
wid=`xdotool search --onlyvisible --name "Mozilla Firefox" | head -1`
actual=`xdotool getactivewindow`
if [ $wid != $actual ]; then
xdotool windowactivate $wid
# google arguments
xdotool key ctrl+t
xdotool key ctrl+j
xdotool type "$input"
xdotool key Return
echo "Finished googling the following error message:"
echo -e $input
exit 0
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SuzanaK commented May 27, 2015

Known Issue: xdotool won't type special characters like "Umlaute" (ä, ö, ü) that may be contained in the error message.

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