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Last active December 30, 2015 21:29
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{"1. Korinther": 46, "Habakuk": 35, "Epheser": 49, "2. Timotheus": 55, "Haggai": 37, "1. Samuel": 9, "Johannes": 43, "Jona": 32, "Daniel": 27, "Zephanja": 36, "1. Petrus": 60, "2. Chronika": 14, "Ruth": 8, "Judas": 65, "1. Mose": 1, "Esther": 17, "Jakobus": 59, "Maleachi": 39, "1. Johannes": 62, "Klagelieder": 25, "2. Mose": 2, "Kolosser": 51, "2. Korinther": 47, "1. Könige": 11, "Prediger": 21, "Micha": 33, "Philipper": 50, "Galater": 48, "Josua": 6, "Markus": 41, "Joel": 29, "Lukas": 42, "Hohes Lied": 22, "Jeremia": 24, "Hosea": 28, "Hiob": 18, "1. Timotheus": 54, "Psalm": 19, "2. Thessalonicher": 53, "Nehemia": 16, "5. Mose": 5, "Amos": 30, "Obadja": 31, "Apostelgeschichte": 44, "1. Chronika": 13, "Richter": 7, "4. Mose": 4, "Nahum": 34, "Matthäus": 40, "Römer": 45, "Sprüche": 20, "3. Johannes": 64, "Jesaja": 23, "Hesekiel": 26, "Hebräer": 58, "Sacharja": 38, "Titus": 56, "Philemon": 57, "Esra": 15, "Offenbarung": 66, "2. Könige": 12, "3. Mose": 3, "2. Johannes": 63, "2. Samuel": 10, "2. Petrus": 61, "1. Thessalonicher": 52}
one_chapter_books = ['Obadja', 'Philemon', 'Judas', '2. Johannes', '3. Johannes']
biblebooks_english =
{1: 'Genesis',
2: 'Exodus',
3: 'Leviticus',
4: 'Numbers',
5: 'Deuteronomy',
6: 'Joshua',
7: 'Judges',
8: 'Ruth',
9: '1 Samuel',
10: '2 Samuel',
11: '1 Kings',
12: '2 Kings',
13: '1 Chronicles',
14: '2 Chronicles',
15: 'Ezra',
16: 'Nehemiah',
17: 'Esther',
18: 'Job',
19: 'Psalms',
20: 'Proverbs',
21: 'Ecclesiastes',
22: 'Song of Solomon',
23: 'Isaiah',
24: 'Jeremiah',
25: 'Lamentations',
26: 'Ezekiel',
27: 'Daniel',
28: 'Hosea',
29: 'Joel',
30: 'Amos',
31: 'Obadiah',
32: 'Jonah',
33: 'Micah',
34: 'Nahum',
35: 'Habakkuk',
36: 'Zephaniah',
37: 'Haggai',
38: 'Zechariah',
39: 'Malachi ',
40: 'Matthew',
41: 'Mark',
42: 'Luke',
43: 'John',
44: 'Acts',
45: 'Romans',
46: '1 Corinthians',
47: '2 Corinthians',
48: 'Galatians',
49: 'Ephesians',
50: 'Philippians',
51: 'Colossians',
52: '1 Thessalonians',
53: '2 Thessalonians',
54: '1 Timothy',
55: '2 Timothy',
56: 'Titus',
57: 'Philemon',
58: 'Hebrews',
59: 'James',
60: '1 Peter',
61: '2 Peter',
62: '1 John',
63: '2 John',
64: '3 John',
65: 'Jude',
66: 'Revelation '}
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