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Last active May 9, 2017 15:51
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Define-prop and get-prop, chez scheme-style, for Racket
#lang racket
;; License: creative commons zero-1.0
(module props '#%kernel
(#%provide (for-syntax current-props)
(#%require racket/private/small-scheme
(for-syntax '#%kernel
;; This is a poor man's syntax parameter. Since the implementation of
;; racket/stxparam depends on syntax-case, and we want to add current-props to
;; syntax-case, we cannot use syntax parameters, lest we create a cyclic
;; dependency. Instead, we implement here a simplified "syntax parameter".
; Like racket/stxparam, it relies on nested bindings of the same identifier,
;; and on syntax-local-get-shadower to access the most nested binding.
;; Since define/with-syntax and define/syntax-parse need to add new ids to
;; the list, they redefine current-props-param, shadowing the outer binding.
;; Unfortunately, if a let form contains two uses of define/with-syntax, this
;; would result in two redefinitions of current-props-param, which would cause
;; a "duplicate definition" error. Instead of shadowing the outer bindings, we
;; therefore store the list of bound syntax pattern variables in a new, fresh
;; identifier. When accessing the list, (current-props) then checks all such
;; identifiers. The identifiers have the form current-props-paramNNN and are
;; numbered sequentially, each new "shadowing" identifier using the number
;; following the latest visible identifier.
;; When it is safe to shadow identifiers (i.e. for with-props, but not for
;; define-prop), current-props-index-lower-bound is also shadowed.
;; When current-props-index-lower-bound is bound, it contains the index of the
;; latest current-props-paramNNN at that point.
;; When accessing the latest current-props-paramNNN, a dichotomy search is
;; performed between current-props-index-lower-bound and an upper bound
;; computed by trying to access lower-bound + 2ᵏ, with increasing values of k,
;; until an unbound identifier is found.
;; (poor-man-parameterof exact-nonnegative-integer?)
(define-syntaxes (current-props-index-lower-bound) 0)
;; (-> any/c (or/c (listof syntax?) #f))
(define-values (syntax*->list)
(λ (stxlist)
(syntax->list (datum->syntax #f stxlist))))
;; (-> identifier? (or/c #f (listof identifier?)))
(define-values (try-current-props)
(λ (id)
(syntax-local-get-shadower id
;; Default value if we are outside of any with-props.
(λ () #f))))
;; (-> exact-nonnegative-integer? identifier?)
(define-values (nth-current-props-id)
(λ (n)
(datum->syntax (quote-syntax here)
(format "current-props-param~a" n))))))
;; (-> exact-nonnegative-integer? (or/c #f (listof identifier?)))
(define-values (try-nth-current-props)
(λ (n)
(try-current-props (nth-current-props-id n))))
;; (-> exact-nonnegative-integer? exact-nonnegative-integer?
;; exact-nonnegative-integer?)
;; Doubles the value of n until (+ start n) is not a valid index
;; in the current-props-param pseudo-array
(define-values (double-max)
(λ (start n)
(if (try-nth-current-props (+ start n))
(double-max start (* n 2))
(+ start n))))
;; (-> exact-nonnegative-integer? exact-nonnegative-integer?
;; exact-nonnegative-integer?)
;; Preconditions: upper > lower ∧ upper - lower = 2ᵏ ∧ k ∈ ℕ
;; Returns the last valid index in the current-props-param pseudo-array,
;; by dichotomy between
(define-values (dichotomy)
(λ (lower upper)
(if (= (- upper lower) 1)
(if (try-nth-current-props upper)
upper ;; Technically not possible, still included for safety.
(let ([mid (/ (+ upper lower) 2)])
(if (try-nth-current-props mid)
(dichotomy mid upper)
(dichotomy lower mid))))))
;; (-> exact-nonnegative-integer?)
(define-values (find-last-current-props)
(λ ()
(let ([lower-bound (syntax-local-value
(quote-syntax current-props-index-lower-bound))
(if (not (try-nth-current-props (+ lower-bound 1)))
;; Short path for the common case where there are no uses
;; of define/with-syntax or define/syntax-parse in the most nested
;; syntax-case, with-syntax or syntax-parse
;; Find an upper bound by repeatedly doubling an offset (starting
;; with 1) from the lower bound, then perform a dichotomy between
;; these two bounds.
(dichotomy lower-bound
(double-max lower-bound 1))))))
;; (-> (listof identifier?))
(define-values (current-props)
(λ ()
(try-nth-current-props (find-last-current-props)))))
(define-values (set-prop-function)
(lambda (h id p v)
(let* ([h0 (or h (make-immutable-free-id-table))]
[h1 (free-id-table-ref h0 id #f)])
(if h1
(free-id-table-set h0 id (hash-set h1 p v))
(free-id-table-set h0 id (hash p v))))))
(define-values (get-prop-function)
(lambda (h id p not-found-value)
(let* ([h1 (free-id-table-ref h id #f)])
(if h1
(hash-ref h1 p not-found-value)
(define-syntaxes (define-prop)
(lambda (stx)
(if (and (stx-pair? stx)
(stx-pair? (stx-cdr stx))
(identifier? (stx-car (stx-cdr stx)))
(stx-pair? (stx-cdr (stx-cdr stx)))
(identifier? (stx-car (stx-cdr (stx-cdr stx))))
(stx-pair? (stx-cdr (stx-cdr (stx-cdr stx))))
(stx-null? (stx-cdr (stx-cdr (stx-cdr (stx-cdr stx))))))
(raise-syntax-error 'define-prop "bad syntax" stx))
(let* ([id (stx-car (stx-cdr stx))]
[p (stx-car (stx-cdr (stx-cdr stx)))]
[v (stx-car (stx-cdr (stx-cdr (stx-cdr stx))))]
[props (reverse (syntax*->list (stx-cdr stx)))]
[old-props-index (find-last-current-props)]
[binding (syntax-local-identifier-as-binding
(nth-current-props-id (+ old-props-index 1)))]
[old (try-nth-current-props old-props-index)])
(quote-syntax here)
(define-values (tmp)
(set-prop-function ,(if old
(syntax-local-introduce old)
(quote-syntax #f))
(quote-syntax ,id)
(define-syntaxes (,binding) (quote-syntax tmp)))))))
(define-syntaxes (get-prop)
(lambda (stx)
(if (and (stx-pair? stx)
(stx-pair? (stx-cdr stx))
(identifier? (stx-car (stx-cdr stx)))
(stx-pair? (stx-cdr (stx-cdr stx)))
(identifier? (stx-car (stx-cdr (stx-cdr stx))))
(or (stx-null? (stx-cdr (stx-cdr (stx-cdr stx))))
(stx-pair? (stx-cdr (stx-cdr (stx-cdr stx))))
(stx-null? (stx-cdr (stx-cdr (stx-cdr (stx-cdr stx))))))))
(raise-syntax-error 'with-props "bad syntax" stx))
(let* ([id (stx-car (stx-cdr stx))]
[p (stx-car (stx-cdr (stx-cdr stx)))]
[not-found-value (if (stx-null? (stx-cdr (stx-cdr (stx-cdr stx))))
(quote-syntax #f)
(stx-car (stx-cdr (stx-cdr (stx-cdr stx)))))]
[old-props-index (find-last-current-props)]
[old (try-nth-current-props old-props-index)])
(quote-syntax here)
`(get-prop-function ,(if old
(syntax-local-introduce old)
(quote-syntax (hash)))
(quote-syntax ,id)
(require 'props)
(define-prop + pa 'va1)
(define-prop + pb 'vb1)
(define-prop * pa 'ma1)
(get-prop + pa) ;; va1
(get-prop + pb) ;; vb1
(get-prop * pa) ;; ma1
(get-prop * pb) ;; #f (not defined)
(let ()
(define-prop + pa 'va2)
(define-prop * pb 'mb2)
(list (get-prop + pa) ;; va2
(get-prop + pb) ;; vb1
(get-prop * pa) ;; ma1
(get-prop * pb))) ;; mb2
(get-prop + pa) ;; va1
(get-prop + pb) ;; vb1
(get-prop * pa) ;; ma1
(get-prop * pb (λ () 'not-defined)) ;; 'not-defined
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