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FFXI Windower QuickTrade Plugin


This addon requires the addon "TradeNPC" to be installed and loaded before use. TradeNPC can be found here:

The addon Itemizer is required if you would like to use the command '//qtr all' to also trade items that are in your Mog Sack or Mog Case. Itemizer can be downloaded from the Windower launcher or found here:

What does this addon do?

Example Video:

QuickTrade searches your inventory for items that are tradeable or storable with certain NPCs, then sends a command to be used by TradeNPC. This allows you to automatically trade multiple stacks of items repeatedly with a command instead of using the much slower trade menu. QuickTrade will inform you of how many times you need to enter //qtr in order to complete all available trades. For up to 10 seconds after the trade is complete, it will skip any conversations with the NPC.

Valid trades are as follow:

  • Elemental Crystals and Clusters: Trade with Ephemeral Moogles for storage or with Waypoints to accumulate Kinetic Units.

  • Seals and Crests: Trade with Shami in Port Jeuno to store your various seals and crests.

  • Moat Carp: Trade with Joulet or Gallijaux in Port San d'Oria for the Lu Shang's Rod quest.

  • Copper Vouchers: Trade with Isakoth, Rolandienne, Fhelm Jobeizat, or Eternal Flame to store your vouchers.

  • Rem's Tale Chapters: Trade with Monisette in Port Jeuno to store your chapters.

  • Alexandrite: Trade with Paparoon in Nashmau for the quest 'Duties, Tasks, and Deeds.'

  • Special Gobbie Keys: Trade with one of the various goblins throughout Vana'diel.

  • Zinc Ore: Trade with Talib in Port Bastok for the repeatable quest 'Shady Business.'

  • Yagudo Necklaces: Trade with Nanaa Mihgo in Windurst Woods for the repeeatable quest 'Mihgo's Amigo.'

  • Cornettes: Trade with Yoran-Oran in Windurst Walls for the repeatable quest 'Manragora-Mad.'

    • The other 4 items that Yoran-Oran accepts are also supported.
  • La Theine Cabbage, Millioncorn, Boyahda Moss: Trade with Melyon in Selbina for the repeatable quest 'Only the Best.'

  • Wildskeeper Reive JSE Capes: Trade with an A.M.A.N. Reclaimer to trade a single cape, or trade with Makel-Pakel in the Celennia Memorial Library to trade 3 of the same cape.

    • Currently set to NOT skip dialogue when trading JSE capes. Make sure your inventory does not have any capes that you want to keep.
  • Pellucid, Fern, and Taupe Stones: Trade with Oseem in Norg.

  • Ancient Beastcoins: Trade with Sagheera in Port Jeuno.

  • TESTED-ISH - Geas Fete: Trade with Affi, Dremi, or Shiftrix in the Escha zones and Reisenjima to speed up your aquisition of NM pop items.

    • Not currently supported:
      • Zi'Tah: HELM NMs
      • Ru'Aun: Ark Angels, Heavenly Beasts, Warder of Courage
      • Reisenjima: HELM NMs
  • UNTESTED - Mellidopt Wings: Trade with the ??? in Yorcia Weald.

  • UNTESTED - Salvage Plans: Trade with Mrohk Sahjuuli in Aht Urhgan Whitegate to store your plans.

  • UNTESTED - Soul Plates: Trade with Sanraku in Aht Urhgan Whitegate in exchange for Zeni.

    • Currently set to trade only 1 at a time. This can be changed if needed.
  • UNTESTED - Befouled Water: Trade to an Odyssean Passage.

'Loop' command is disabled for the following trades: ** All Geas Fete Trades, Befouled Water, JSE Capes x3,


You have 3 stacks of Fire Crystals, 1 stack of Ice Crystals, and 2 Fire Clusters in your inventory that you would like to store. Travel to and target one of the Ephemeral Moogles or Waypoints you would like to trade to. In the chat window, enter '//qtr' without the quotes and press enter, or enter 'qtr' in the console. The addon will cause TradeNPC to instantly trade all 3 stacks of Fire Crystals and the 2 Fire Clusters with one command. After waiting a few seconds, target the moogle or Waypoint again and re-enter the command. The addon will then cause TradeNPC to instantly trade the stack of Ice Crystals. If you run the command again, you will be informed that you have no more items to trade.

The behavior is similiar when trading other valid items with valid NPCs.

You will need to enter the command once for each crystal element or item type you possess in your inventory. This seems to be a game limitation since most NPCs accept only one type of item at a time.

As of 2018.09.07, a new argument 'loop' was added. This will allow QuickTrade to perform all possible trades with the NPC. For example, if you have 10 Special Gobbie Keys, visit a gobbie and enter '//qtr loop' and it will trade all 10 keys for you, one after the other, until you run out of keys or inventory space. Entering '//qtr loop 5' will allow QuickTrade to loop a maximum of 5 times, instead of using all 10 keys.

If you have the Itemizer addon and would like to also trade any valid items that you may have in your Mog Case or Mog Sack, enter the command '//qtr all'. This will allow QuickTrade to search your other valid storage areas and use Itemizer to move the items into your inventory automatically.

If you wish to test this addon before having it perform a live trade, you may edit line 36 in the QuickTrade.lua file.

Change exampleOnly = false to exampleOnly = true

This will cause the addon to print the command to be issued in the windower console. When you are ready to allow the addon to trade for you, change the 'true' back to 'false'.


Browse to your Windower\addons folder and create a new folder inside called "QuickTrade" Place QuickTrade.lua in this new folder. Load the addon by accessing the console from within FFXI and typing 'lua l QuickTrade'

If you want this addon to be loaded automatically every time you launch the game, add 'lua l QuickTrade' to the bottom of the file "Windower\scripts\init.txt"

I would also recommend having the addons TradeNPC and Itemizer load automatically by adding 'lua l TradeNPC' and 'lua l itemizer' to your init.txt.

If TradeNPC is not loaded when using this addon, the trade command will be issued but nothing will happen. The same is true regarding Itemizer. Commands will be issued, but nothing will happen.

Version History

v.1.8.3 Beta 190702

  • Added Coffer Keys

v.1.8.3 Betas

  • Added ZNM popset
  • Added Abyssea popsets (incomplete)
  • Added grabbing cruor buffs from Cruor Prospector
  • Added grabbing Sanction
  • Added grabbing Omen Lantern

v.1.8.2 2018.10.21

  • Added Lebondopt Wings to Lola
  • Added Delve entry items to Anomaly Expert (experimental)
  • Added missing Salvage plans

v.1.8.1 2018.10.18

  • Added Silver Voucher trading to Greyson
  • Added Alluvion SkirmishStone trading Divainy-Gamainy (not loopable)
  • Added The Darksmith quest items

v.1.8.0 2018.09.28

  • Geas Fete: Key Item detection added. QuickTrade will not try to trade for a Key Item you already posses.
  • Geas Fete: After a trade, you will be reminded about your Tribulens or Radialens status.
  • WKR JSE Capes: Single trades can now be looped and the NPC text will be skipped. Be careful!
  • Mecistopins Mantle: Item ID has been fixed

v.1.7.0 2018.09.07

  • Added '//qtr loop' command to allow multiple trades to be done consecutively

v1.6.2 2018.09.05

  • Added Mecistopins Mantle to A.M.A.N. Reclaimer list

v1.6.1 2018.09.04

  • Added a few missing Escha trades

v1.6.0 2018.09.04

  • Added Escha Zi'Tah, Escha Ru'Aun, and Reisenjima NM pop item trading
  • Escha trading will search for valid items and trade the first type it finds

v1.5.1 2018.08.22

  • Removed some console print spam from debugging

v1.5.0 2018.08.22

  • Added Ancient Beastcoin trading with Sagheera
  • Added Pellucid Stone, Fern Stone, and Taupe Stone trading with Oseem
  • Added Befouled Water trading to Odyssean Passage
  • Adjusted Waypoint crystal trades to be much faster if you are carrying different crystal types

v1.4.0 2018.08.11

  • Added functionality '//qtr all' to use the Itemizer addon to include items in your Mog Case and Mog Sack
  • QuickTrade will target the nearest NPC automatically if you run the command without a target

v1.3.0 2018.07.21

  • Added JSE Capes: 1x to the A.M.A.N. Reclaimers, 3x to Makel-Pakel

v1.2.0 2018.07.20

  • Added Zinc Ore, Yagudo Necklaces, Mandragora-Mad items, Only the Best items, and Soul Plates

v1.1.0 2018.07.20

  • Bugfix - Alexandrite should be detected properly
  • Added Special Gobbiedial Keys

v1.0.0 2018.07.16

  • Initial Release
This is free and unencumbered software released into the public domain.
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]] = 'QuickTrade' = 'Valok@Asura (Update by Daneblood@Phoenix)'
_addon.version = '1.8.3 b190702'
_addon.command = 'qtr'
res = require('resources')
local Var_IonisNPC = S{'Fleuricette', 'Quiri-Aliri'}
local Var_SigilNPC = S{'Miliart, T.K.', 'Millard, I.M.', 'Mindala-Andola, C.C.'}
local Var_SanctionNPC = S{'Asrahd', 'Famatarthen', 'Falzuuk', 'Nabihwah'}
local Var_SignetNPC = S{'Flying Axe, I.M.', 'Rabid Wolf, I.M.', 'Crying Wind, I.M.', 'Arpevion, T.K.', 'Aravoge, T.K.', 'Achantere, T.K.', 'Milma-Hapilma, W.W.', 'Puroiko-Maiko, W.W.', 'Harara, W.W.', 'Kochahy-Muwachahy', 'Alrauverat', 'Emitt', 'Morlepiche'}
exampleOnly = false
textSkipTimer = 1
lastNPC = ''
chatColor = 20
loopWait = 0
loopCount = 1
loopModeSet = false
loopable = false
loopMax = 0
loopCurrent = 0
lastLoopNPC = ''
ownedKeyItems = {}
ownedGeasFeteKeyItems = {}
tribulensOrRadialensFound = false
windower.register_event('addon command', function(...)
loopCount = 1
loopModeSet = false
loopable = false
loopMax = 0
loopCurrent = 0
lastLoopNPC = ''
loopText = ''
performLoopsAfterAll = 0
if #arg > 0 and arg[1] == 'loop'then
loopModeSet = true
if #arg > 1 and arg[2] then
if not tonumber(arg[2]) then
print('Invalid Loop Count Entry: ' .. arg[2])
loopMax = tonumber(arg[2])
if loopMax == 0 then
loopMax = 100000
while loopCount > 0 and loopCurrent < loopMax do
loopCurrent = loopCurrent + 1
if loopCount > 0 then
if performLoopsAfterAll > 0 and not loopModeSet and #arg > 1 and arg[2] == 'loop' then -- test
print('Looping after All')
windower.send_command('qtr loop')
function quicktrade(arg)
-- Tables of the tradeable itemIDs that may be found in the player inventory
local crystalIDs = {
{id = 4096, name = 'fire crystal', count = 0, stacks = 0, stacksize = 12},
{id = 4097, name = 'ice crystal', count = 0, stacks = 0, stacksize = 12},
{id = 4098, name = 'wind crystal', count = 0, stacks = 0, stacksize = 12},
{id = 4099, name = 'earth crystal', count = 0, stacks = 0, stacksize = 12},
{id = 4100, name = 'lightning crystal', count = 0, stacks = 0, stacksize = 12},
{id = 4101, name = 'water crystal', count = 0, stacks = 0, stacksize = 12},
{id = 4102, name = 'light crystal', count = 0, stacks = 0, stacksize = 12},
{id = 4103, name = 'dark crystal', count = 0, stacks = 0, stacksize = 12},
{id = 4104, name = 'fire cluster', count = 0, stacks = 0, stacksize = 12},
{id = 4105, name = 'ice cluster', count = 0, stacks = 0, stacksize = 12},
{id = 4106, name = 'wind cluster', count = 0, stacks = 0, stacksize = 12},
{id = 4107, name = 'earth cluster', count = 0, stacks = 0, stacksize = 12},
{id = 4108, name = 'lightning cluster', count = 0, stacks = 0, stacksize = 12},
{id = 4109, name = 'water cluster', count = 0, stacks = 0, stacksize = 12},
{id = 4110, name = 'light cluster', count = 0, stacks = 0, stacksize = 12},
{id = 4111, name = 'dark cluster', count = 0, stacks = 0, stacksize = 12},
local sealIDs = {
{id = 1126, name = "beastmen's seal", count = 0, stacks = 0, stacksize = 99},
{id = 1127, name = "kindred's seal", count = 0, stacks = 0, stacksize = 99},
{id = 2955, name = "kindred's crest", count = 0, stacks = 0, stacksize = 99},
{id = 2956, name = "high kindred's crest", count = 0, stacks = 0, stacksize = 99},
{id = 2957, name = "sacred kindred's crest", count = 0, stacks = 0, stacksize = 99},
local moatCarpIDs = {
{id = 4401, name = 'moat carp', count = 0, stacks = 0, stacksize = 12},
local copperVoucherIDs = {
{id = 8711, name = 'copper voucher', count = 0, stacks = 0, stacksize = 99},
local silverVoucherIDs = {
{id = 9277, name = 'Silver voucher', count = 0, stacks = 0, stacksize = 99},
local remsTaleIDs = {
{id = 4064, name = "copy of rem's tale, chapter 1", count = 0, stacks = 0, stacksize = 12},
{id = 4065, name = "copy of rem's tale, chapter 2", count = 0, stacks = 0, stacksize = 12},
{id = 4066, name = "copy of rem's tale, chapter 3", count = 0, stacks = 0, stacksize = 12},
{id = 4067, name = "copy of rem's tale, chapter 4", count = 0, stacks = 0, stacksize = 12},
{id = 4068, name = "copy of rem's tale, chapter 5", count = 0, stacks = 0, stacksize = 12},
{id = 4069, name = "copy of rem's tale, chapter 6", count = 0, stacks = 0, stacksize = 12},
{id = 4070, name = "copy of rem's tale, chapter 7", count = 0, stacks = 0, stacksize = 12},
{id = 4071, name = "copy of rem's tale, chapter 8", count = 0, stacks = 0, stacksize = 12},
{id = 4072, name = "copy of rem's tale, chapter 9", count = 0, stacks = 0, stacksize = 12},
{id = 4073, name = "copy of rem's tale, chapter 10", count = 0, stacks = 0, stacksize = 12},
local mellidoptWingIDs = {
{id = 9050, name = 'mellidopt wing', count = 0, stacks = 0, stacksize = 12},
local lebondoptWingIDs = {
{id = 4036, name = 'Lebondopt Wing', count = 0, stacks = 0, stacksize = 12},
local salvagePlanIDs = {
{id = 3880, name = 'copy of bloodshed plans', count = 0, stacks = 0, stacksize = 99},
{id = 3881, name = 'copy of umbrage plans', count = 0, stacks = 0, stacksize = 99},
{id = 3882, name = 'copy of ritualistic plans' , count = 0, stacks = 0, stacksize = 99},
{id = 3883, name = 'Copy of tutelary plans' , count = 0, stacks = 0, stacksize = 99},
{id = 3884, name = 'Copy of primacy plans' , count = 0, stacks = 0, stacksize = 99},
local alexandriteIDs = {
{id = 2488, name = 'alexandrite', count = 0, stacks = 0, stacksize = 99},
local soulPlateIDs = {
{id = 2477, name = 'soul plate', count = 0, stacks = 0, stacksize = 1}, -- Can only trade 10 per Vana'diel day
local spGobbieKeyIDs = {
{id = 8973, name = 'special gobbiedial key', count = 0, stacks = 0, stacksize = 99},
{id = 9217, name = 'Dial Key "#AB"', count = 0, stacks = 0, stacksize = 99},
local zincOreIDs = {
{id = 642, name = 'zinc ore', count = 0, stacks = 0, stacksize = 12},
local yagudoNecklaceIDs = {
{id = 498, name = 'yagudo necklace', count = 0, stacks = 0, stacksize = 12},
local mandragoraMadIDs = {
{id = 17344, name = 'cornette', count = 0, stacks = 0, stacksize = 1},
{id = 4369, name = 'four-leaf mandragora bud', count = 0, stacks = 0, stacksize = 1},
{id = 1150, name = 'snobby letter', count = 0, stacks = 0, stacksize = 1},
{id = 1154, name = 'three-leaf mandragora bud', count = 0, stacks = 0, stacksize = 1},
{id = 934, name = 'pinch of yuhtunga sulfur', count = 0, stacks = 0, stacksize = 1},
local onlyTheBestIDs = {
{id = 4366, name = 'la theine cabbage', count = 0, stacks = 0, stacksize = 12},
{id = 629, name = 'millioncorn', count = 0, stacks = 0, stacksize = 12},
{id = 919, name = 'boyahda moss', count = 0, stacks = 0, stacksize = 12},
local theDarksmithIDs = {
{id = 645, name = 'Darksteel Ore', count = 0, stacks = 0, stacksize = 12, minimum = 2},
local jseCapeIDs = {
{id = 28617, name = "mauler's mantle", count = 0, stacks = 0, stacksize = 1},
{id = 28618, name = "anchoret's mantle", count = 0, stacks = 0, stacksize = 1},
{id = 28619, name = 'mending cape', count = 0, stacks = 0, stacksize = 1},
{id = 28620, name = 'bane cape', count = 0, stacks = 0, stacksize = 1},
{id = 28621, name = 'ghostfyre cape', count = 0, stacks = 0, stacksize = 1},
{id = 28622, name = 'canny cape', count = 0, stacks = 0, stacksize = 1},
{id = 28623, name = 'weard mantle', count = 0, stacks = 0, stacksize = 1},
{id = 28624, name = 'niht mantle', count = 0, stacks = 0, stacksize = 1},
{id = 28625, name = "pastoralist's mantle", count = 0, stacks = 0, stacksize = 1},
{id = 28626, name = "rhapsode's cape", count = 0, stacks = 0, stacksize = 1},
{id = 28627, name = 'lutian cape', count = 0, stacks = 0, stacksize = 1},
{id = 28628, name = 'takaha mantle', count = 0, stacks = 0, stacksize = 1},
{id = 28629, name = 'yokaze mantle', count = 0, stacks = 0, stacksize = 1},
{id = 28630, name = 'updraft mantle', count = 0, stacks = 0, stacksize = 1},
{id = 28631, name = 'conveyance cape', count = 0, stacks = 0, stacksize = 1},
{id = 28632, name = 'cornflower cape', count = 0, stacks = 0, stacksize = 1},
{id = 28633, name = "gunslinger's cape", count = 0, stacks = 0, stacksize = 1},
{id = 28634, name = 'dispersal mantle', count = 0, stacks = 0, stacksize = 1},
{id = 28635, name = 'toetapper mantle', count = 0, stacks = 0, stacksize = 1},
{id = 28636, name = "bookworm's cape", count = 0, stacks = 0, stacksize = 1},
{id = 28637, name = 'lifestream cape', count = 0, stacks = 0, stacksize = 1},
{id = 28638, name = "evasionist's cape", count = 0, stacks = 0, stacksize = 1},
{id = 27596, name = 'mecistopins mantle', count = 0, stacks = 0, stacksize = 1},
local ancientBeastcoinIDs = {
{id = 1875, name = 'ancient beastcoin', count = 0, stacks = 0, stacksize = 99},
local reisenjimaStones = {
{id = 9210, name = 'pellucid stone', count = 0, stacks = 0, stacksize = 12},
{id = 9211, name = 'fern stone', count = 0, stacks = 0, stacksize = 12},
{id = 9212, name = 'taupe stone', count = 0, stacks = 0, stacksize = 12},
local befouledWaterIDs = {
{id = 9008, name = 'befouled water', count = 0, stacks = 0, stacksize = 1},
local geasFeteZitahIDs = {
{id = 4061, name = 'riftborn boulder', count = 0, stacks = 0, stacksize = 99, ki = 2917, minimum = 5}, -- "Fleetstalker's claw"
{id = 4060, name = 'beitetsu', count = 0, stacks = 0, stacksize = 99, ki = 2918, minimum = 5}, -- "Shockmaw's blubber"
{id = 4059, name = 'pluton', count = 0, stacks = 0, stacksize = 99, ki = 2919, minimum = 5}, -- "Urmahlullu's armor"
{id = 9060, name = 'ethereal incense', count = 0, stacks = 0, stacksize = 12, ki = "", minimum = 5}, -- multiple options
{id = 9057, name = "ayapec's shell", count = 0, stacks = 0, stacksize = 12, ki = "", minimum = 5}, -- multiple options
{id = 4398, name = 'fish mithkabob', count = 0, stacks = 0, stacksize = 12, ki = "", minimum = 6},
{id = 16581, name = 'holy sword', count = 0, stacks = 0, stacksize = 1, ki = "", minimum = 1},
{id = 16564, name = 'flame blade', count = 0, stacks = 0, stacksize = 1, ki = "", minimum = 1},
{id = 745, name = 'gold ingot', count = 0, stacks = 0, stacksize = 12, ki = "", minimum = 2},
{id = 829, name = 'silk cloth', count = 0, stacks = 0, stacksize = 12, ki = "", minimum = 2},
{id = 717, name = 'mahogany lumber', count = 0, stacks = 0, stacksize = 12, ki = "", minimum = 3},
{id = 654, name = 'darksteel ingot', count = 0, stacks = 0, stacksize = 12, ki = "", minimum = 2},
{id = 1629, name = 'buffalo leather', count = 0, stacks = 0, stacksize = 12, ki = "", minimum = 2},
{id = 13091, name = 'carapace gorget', count = 0, stacks = 0, stacksize = 1, ki = "", minimum = 1},
local geasFeteRuaunIDs = {
{id = 9103, name = "vidmapire's claw", count = 0, stacks = 0, stacksize = 12, ki = 2939, minimum = 5}, -- "Palila's talon"
{id = 9059, name = "azrael's eye", count = 0, stacks = 0, stacksize = 12, ki = 2940, minimum = 5}, -- "Hanbi's nail"
{id = 9104, name = "centurio's armor", count = 0, stacks = 0, stacksize = 12, ki = 2941, minimum = 5}, -- "Yilan's scale"
{id = 9097, name = "mhuufya's beak", count = 0, stacks = 0, stacksize = 12, ki = 2942, minimum = 5}, -- "Amymone's tooth"
{id = 9051, name = "camahueto's fur", count = 0, stacks = 0, stacksize = 12, ki = 2943, minimum = 5}, -- "Naphula's bracelet"
{id = 9031, name = "vedrfolnir's wing", count = 0, stacks = 0, stacksize = 12, ki = 2944, minimum = 5}, -- "Kammavaca's binding"
-- {id = 4013, name = 'waktza crest', count = 0, stacks = 0, stacksize = 12, ki = 2945, minimum = 1}, -- "Pakecet's blubber"
-- {id = 4015, name = 'yggdreant root', count = 0, stacks = 0, stacksize = 12, ki = 2946, minimum = 1}, -- "Duke Vepar's signet"
-- {id = 8754, name = 'cehuetzi pelt', count = 0, stacks = 0, stacksize = 12, ki = 2947, minimum = 1}, -- "Vir'ava's stalk"
{id = 4479, name = 'bhefhel marlin', count = 0, stacks = 0, stacksize = 12, ki = "", minimum = 1},
{id = 4563, name = 'pamama tart', count = 0, stacks = 0, stacksize = 12, ki = "", minimum = 1},
{id = 746, name = 'platinum ingot', count = 0, stacks = 0, stacksize = 12, ki = "", minimum = 2},
{id = 652, name = 'steel ingot', count = 0, stacks = 0, stacksize = 12, ki = "", minimum = 2},
{id = 719, name = 'ebony lumber', count = 0, stacks = 0, stacksize = 12, ki = "", minimum = 2},
{id = 2124, name = 'catoblepas leather', count = 0, stacks = 0, stacksize = 12, ki = "", minimum = 2},
{id = 931, name = 'cermet chunk', count = 0, stacks = 0, stacksize = 12, ki = "", minimum = 2},
{id = 2288, name = 'karakul cloth', count = 0, stacks = 0, stacksize = 12, ki = "", minimum = 2},
{id = 13981, name = 'turtle bangles', count = 0, stacks = 0, stacksize = 1, ki = "", minimum = 1},
local geasFeteReisenjimaIDs = {
{id = 6286, name = "ymmr-ulvid's grand coffer", count = 0, stacks = 0, stacksize = 99, ki = 3003, minimum = 2}, -- "Strophadia's pearl"
{id = 6288, name = "ignor-mnt's grand coffer", count = 0, stacks = 0, stacksize = 99, ki = 3004, minimum = 2}, -- "Gajasimha's mane"
{id = 6290, name = "durs-vike's grand coffer", count = 0, stacks = 0, stacksize = 99, ki = 3005, minimum = 2}, -- "Ironside's maul"
{id = 6292, name = "tryl-wuj's grand coffer", count = 0, stacks = 0, stacksize = 99, ki = 3006, minimum = 2}, -- "Sarsaok's hoard"
{id = 6294, name = "liij-vok's grand coffer", count = 0, stacks = 0, stacksize = 99, ki = 3007, minimum = 2}, -- "Old Shuck's tuft"
{id = 6296, name = "gramk-droog's grand coffer", count = 0, stacks = 0, stacksize = 99, ki = 3008, minimum = 1}, -- "Bashmu's trinket"
-- {id = 9151, name = "sovereign behemoth's hide", count = 0, stacks = 0, stacksize = 12, ki = 3009, minimum = 1}, -- "Maju's claw"
-- {id = 9149, name = "hidhaegg's scale", count = 0, stacks = 0, stacksize = 12, ki = 3010, minimum = 1}, -- "Yakshi's scroll"
-- {id = 9150, name = "tolba's shell", count = 0, stacks = 0, stacksize = 12, ki = 3011, minimum = 1}, -- "Neak's treasure"
{id = 4471, name = 'bladefish', count = 0, stacks = 0, stacksize = 1, ki = "", minimum = 1},
{id = 12302, name = 'darksteel buckler', count = 0, stacks = 0, stacksize = 1, ki = "", minimum = 1},
{id = 862, name = 'behemoth leather', count = 0, stacks = 0, stacksize = 12, ki = "", minimum = 1},
{id = 720, name = 'ancient lumber', count = 0, stacks = 0, stacksize = 12, ki = "", minimum = 2},
{id = 13206, name = 'gold obi', count = 0, stacks = 0, stacksize = 1, ki = "", minimum = 1},
{id = 13983, name = 'gold bangles', count = 0, stacks = 0, stacksize = 1, ki = "", minimum = 1},
{id = 17601, name = "demon's knife", count = 0, stacks = 0, stacksize = 1, ki = "", minimum = 1},
{id = 16502, name = 'venom knife', count = 0, stacks = 0, stacksize = 1, ki = "", minimum = 1},
{id = 4418, name = 'turtle soup', count = 0, stacks = 0, stacksize = 1, ki = "", minimum = 1},
local skirmishIDs = {
{id = 3951, name = 'Wailing Stone', count = 0, stacks = 0, stacksize = 12},
{id = 3952, name = 'Wailing Stone +1', count = 0, stacks = 0, stacksize = 12},
{id = 3953, name = 'Wailing Stone +2', count = 0, stacks = 0, stacksize = 12},
{id = 3954, name = 'Ghastly Stone', count = 0, stacks = 0, stacksize = 12},
{id = 3955, name = 'Ghastly Stone +1', count = 0, stacks = 0, stacksize = 12},
{id = 3956, name = 'Ghastly Stone +2', count = 0, stacks = 0, stacksize = 12},
{id = 4033, name = 'Verdigris St.', count = 0, stacks = 0, stacksize = 12},
{id = 4034, name = 'Verdigris St. +1', count = 0, stacks = 0, stacksize = 12},
{id = 4035, name = 'Verdigris St. +2', count = 0, stacks = 0, stacksize = 12},
{id = 8930, name = 'Snowslit Stone', count = 0, stacks = 0, stacksize = 12},
{id = 8931, name = 'Snowslit Stone +1', count = 0, stacks = 0, stacksize = 12},
{id = 8932, name = 'Snowslit Stone +2', count = 0, stacks = 0, stacksize = 12},
{id = 8933, name = 'Leafslit Stone', count = 0, stacks = 0, stacksize = 12},
{id = 8934, name = 'Leafslit Stone +1', count = 0, stacks = 0, stacksize = 12},
{id = 8935, name = 'Leafslit Stone +2', count = 0, stacks = 0, stacksize = 12},
{id = 8936, name = 'Duskslit Stone', count = 0, stacks = 0, stacksize = 12},
{id = 8937, name = 'Duskslit Stone +1', count = 0, stacks = 0, stacksize = 12},
{id = 8938, name = 'Duskslit Stone +2', count = 0, stacks = 0, stacksize = 12},
{id = 8939, name = 'Snowtip Stone', count = 0, stacks = 0, stacksize = 12},
{id = 8940, name = 'Snowtip Stone +1', count = 0, stacks = 0, stacksize = 12},
{id = 8941, name = 'Snowtip Stone +2', count = 0, stacks = 0, stacksize = 12},
{id = 8942, name = 'Leaftip Stone', count = 0, stacks = 0, stacksize = 12},
{id = 8943, name = 'Leaftip Stone +1', count = 0, stacks = 0, stacksize = 12},
{id = 8944, name = 'Leaftip Stone +2', count = 0, stacks = 0, stacksize = 12},
{id = 8945, name = 'Dusktip Stone', count = 0, stacks = 0, stacksize = 12},
{id = 8946, name = 'Dusktip Stone +1', count = 0, stacks = 0, stacksize = 12},
{id = 8947, name = 'Dusktip Stone +2', count = 0, stacks = 0, stacksize = 12},
{id = 8948, name = 'Snowdim Stone', count = 0, stacks = 0, stacksize = 12},
{id = 8949, name = 'Snowdim Stone +1', count = 0, stacks = 0, stacksize = 12},
{id = 8950, name = 'Snowdim Stone +2', count = 0, stacks = 0, stacksize = 12},
{id = 8951, name = 'Leafdim Stone', count = 0, stacks = 0, stacksize = 12},
{id = 8952, name = 'Leafdim Stone +1', count = 0, stacks = 0, stacksize = 12},
{id = 8953, name = 'Leafdim Stone +2', count = 0, stacks = 0, stacksize = 12},
{id = 8954, name = 'Duskdim Stone', count = 0, stacks = 0, stacksize = 12},
{id = 8955, name = 'Duskdim Stone +1', count = 0, stacks = 0, stacksize = 12},
{id = 8956, name = 'Duskdim Stone +2', count = 0, stacks = 0, stacksize = 12},
{id = 8957, name = 'Snoworb Stone', count = 0, stacks = 0, stacksize = 12},
{id = 8958, name = 'Snoworb Stone +1', count = 0, stacks = 0, stacksize = 12},
{id = 8959, name = 'Snoworb Stone +2', count = 0, stacks = 0, stacksize = 12},
{id = 8960, name = 'Leaforb Stone', count = 0, stacks = 0, stacksize = 12},
{id = 8961, name = 'Leaforb Stone +1', count = 0, stacks = 0, stacksize = 12},
{id = 8962, name = 'Leaforb Stone +2', count = 0, stacks = 0, stacksize = 12},
{id = 8963, name = 'Duskorb Stone', count = 0, stacks = 0, stacksize = 12},
{id = 8964, name = 'Duskorb Stone +1', count = 0, stacks = 0, stacksize = 12},
{id = 8965, name = 'Duskorb Stone +2', count = 0, stacks = 0, stacksize = 12},
local delveEntranceIDs = {
{id = 3960, name = 'Celadon Yggrete', count = 0, stacks = 0, stacksize = 1, ki = 2296, minimum = 1},
{id = 3961, name = 'Zaffre Yggrete', count = 0, stacks = 0, stacksize = 1, ki = 22967, minimum = 1},
{id = 3962, name = 'Alizarin Yggrete', count = 0, stacks = 0, stacksize = 1, ki = 2298, minimum = 1},
{id = 8755, name = 'Phlox Yggrete', count = 0, stacks = 0, stacksize = 1},
{id = 8756, name = 'Russet Yggrete', count = 0, stacks = 0, stacksize = 1},
{id = 8757, name = 'Aster Yggrete', count = 0, stacks = 0, stacksize = 1},
local HPbayldIDs = {
{id = 8798, name = 'H-P Bayld ', count = 0, stacks = 0, stacksize = 1},
local ancientCurrencyByneIDs = {
{id = 1455, name = '1 Byne Bill', count = 0, stacks = 0, stacksize = 99, minimum = 100},
local ancientCurrencyBronzeIDs = {
{id = 1452, name = 'O. Bronzepiece' , count = 100, stacks = 0, stacksize = 99, minimum = 100},
local ancientCurrencyWhiteshellIDs = {
{id = 1449, name = 'T. Whiteshell', count = 0, stacks = 0, stacksize = 99, minimum = 100},
local BonanzaIDs = {
{id = 2559, name = 'Bonanza Marble', count = 0, stacks = 0, stacksize = 1, minimum = 1},
local ExitSandyIDs = {
{id = 958, name = 'Marguerite', count = 0, stacks = 0, stacksize = 1, minimum = 1},
local ExitBastyIDs = {
{id = 957, name = 'Amaryllis', count = 0, stacks = 0, stacksize = 1, minimum = 1},
local ExitWindyIDs = {
{id = 956, name = 'Lilac', count = 0, stacks = 0, stacksize = 1, minimum = 1},
local MeeblesIDs = {
{id = 3875, name = 'Diligence Grimoire', count = 0, stacks = 0, stacksize = 1, minimum = 1},
local ArchaicMirrorIDs = {
{id = 2174, name = 'Archaic Mirror', count = 0, stacks = 0, stacksize = 1, minimum = 1},
local npcTable = {
{name = 'Shami', idTable = sealIDs, tableType = 'Seals', loopable = true, loopWait = 3},
{name = 'Ephemeral Moogle', idTable = crystalIDs, tableType = 'Crystals', loopable = true, loopWait = 9},
{name = 'Waypoint', idTable = crystalIDs, tableType = 'Crystals', loopable = true, loopWait = 3},
{name = 'Joulet', idTable = moatCarpIDs, tableType = 'Moat Carp', loopable = true, loopWait = 4},
{name = 'Gallijaux', idTable = moatCarpIDs, tableType = 'Moat Carp', loopable = true, loopWait = 4},
{name = 'Isakoth', idTable = copperVoucherIDs, tableType = 'Copper Vouchers', loopable = true, loopWait = 3},
{name = 'Rolandienne', idTable = copperVoucherIDs, tableType = 'Copper Vouchers', loopable = true, loopWait = 3},
{name = 'Fhelm Jobeizat', idTable = copperVoucherIDs, tableType = 'Copper Vouchers', loopable = true, loopWait = 3},
{name = 'Eternal Flame', idTable = copperVoucherIDs, tableType = 'Copper Vouchers', loopable = true, loopWait = 3},
{name = 'Monisette', idTable = remsTaleIDs, tableType = "Rem's Tales", loopable = true, loopWait = 3},
{name = '???', idTable = mellidoptWingIDs, tableType = 'Mellidopt Wings', loopable = true, loopWait = 5},
{name = 'Mrohk Sahjuuli', idTable = salvagePlanIDs, tableType = 'Salvage Plans', loopable = true, loopWait = 5},
{name = 'Paparoon', idTable = alexandriteIDs, tableType = 'Alexandrite', loopable = true, loopWait = 5},
{name = 'Mystrix', idTable = spGobbieKeyIDs, tableType = 'Special Gobbiedial Keys', loopable = true, loopWait = 14},
{name = 'Habitox', idTable = spGobbieKeyIDs, tableType = 'Special Gobbiedial Keys', loopable = true, loopWait = 14},
{name = 'Bountibox', idTable = spGobbieKeyIDs, tableType = 'Special Gobbiedial Keys', loopable = true, loopWait = 14},
{name = 'Specilox', idTable = spGobbieKeyIDs, tableType = 'Special Gobbiedial Keys', loopable = true, loopWait = 14},
{name = 'Arbitrix', idTable = spGobbieKeyIDs, tableType = 'Special Gobbiedial Keys', loopable = true, loopWait = 14},
{name = 'Funtrox', idTable = spGobbieKeyIDs, tableType = 'Special Gobbiedial Keys', loopable = true, loopWait = 14},
{name = 'Priztrix', idTable = spGobbieKeyIDs, tableType = 'Special Gobbiedial Keys', loopable = true, loopWait = 14},
{name = 'Sweepstox', idTable = spGobbieKeyIDs, tableType = 'Special Gobbiedial Keys', loopable = true, loopWait = 14},
{name = 'Wondrix', idTable = spGobbieKeyIDs, tableType = 'Special Gobbiedial Keys', loopable = true, loopWait = 14},
{name = 'Rewardox', idTable = spGobbieKeyIDs, tableType = 'Special Gobbiedial Keys', loopable = true, loopWait = 14},
{name = 'Winrix', idTable = spGobbieKeyIDs, tableType = 'Special Gobbiedial Keys', loopable = true, loopWait = 14},
{name = 'Talib', idTable = zincOreIDs, tableType = 'Zinc Ore', loopable = true, loopWait = 3},
{name = 'Nanaa Mihgo', idTable = yagudoNecklaceIDs, tableType = 'Yagudo Necklaces', loopable = true, loopWait = 10},
{name = 'Yoran-Oran', idTable = mandragoraMadIDs, tableType = 'Mandragora Mad Items', loopable = true, loopWait = 8},
{name = 'Melyon', idTable = onlyTheBestIDs, tableType = 'Only the Best Items', loopable = true, loopWait = 10},
{name = 'Sanraku', idTable = soulPlateIDs, tableType = 'Soul Plates', loopable = true, loopWait = 10},
{name = 'A.M.A.N. Reclaimer', idTable = jseCapeIDs, tableType = 'JSE Capes', loopable = true, loopWait = 4},
{name = 'Makel-Pakel', idTable = jseCapeIDs, tableType = 'JSE Capes x3', loopable = false, loopWait = 0},
{name = 'Sagheera', idTable = ancientBeastcoinIDs, tableType = 'Ancient Beastcoins', loopable = true, loopWait = 3},
{name = 'Oseem', idTable = reisenjimaStones, tableType = 'Reisenjima Stones', loopable = true, loopWait = 5},
{name = 'Odyssean Passage', idTable = befouledWaterIDs, tableType = 'Befouled Water', loopable = false, loopWait = 10},
{name = 'Affi', idTable = geasFeteZitahIDs, tableType = "Geas Fete Zi'Tah Items", loopable = false, loopWait = 0},
{name = 'Dremi', idTable = geasFeteRuaunIDs, tableType = "Geas Fete Ru'Aun Items", loopable = false, loopWait = 0},
{name = 'Shiftrix', idTable = geasFeteReisenjimaIDs, tableType = "Geas Fete Reisenjima Items", loopable = true, loopWait = 5},
{name = 'Divainy-Gamainy', idTable = skirmishIDs, tableType = "Skirmish Stones", loopable = false, loopWait = 0},
{name = 'Greyson', idTable = silverVoucherIDs, tableType = 'Silver Vouchers', loopable = true, loopWait = 3},
{name = 'Mighty Fist', idTable = theDarksmithIDs, tableType = 'The Darksmith Items', loopable = true, loopWait = 5},
{name = 'Lola', idTable = lebondoptWingIDs, tableType = 'Lebondopt Wings', loopable = false, loopWait = 5},
{name = 'Anomaly Expert', idTable = delveEntranceIDs, tableType = 'Delve Entrace Items', loopable = False, loopWait = 0},
{name = 'Geosuke', idTable = HPbayldIDs, tableType = 'HPbayld', loopable = true, loopWait = 5},
{name = 'Haggleblix', idTable = ancientCurrencyByneIDs, tableType = '1 Byne Bill', loopable = true, loopWait = 3},
{name = 'Lootblox', idTable = ancientCurrencyBronzeIDs, tableType = 'O. Bronzepiece', loopable = false, loopWait = 0},
{name = 'Antiqix', idTable = ancientCurrencyWhiteshellIDs, tableType = 'Tukuku Whiteshell', loopable = false, loopWait = 0},
{name = 'Bonanza Moogle', idTable = bonanzaIDs, tableType = 'Bonanza Marbles', loopable = false, loopWait = 0},
{name = 'Kuu Mohzolhi', idTable = ExitSandyIDs, tableType = 'Quest item', loopable = false, loopWait = 0},
{name = 'Valah Molkot', idTable = ExitBastyIDs, tableType = 'Quest item', loopable = false, loopWait = 0},
{name = 'Ojha Rhawash', idTable = ExitWindyIDs, tableType = 'Quest item', loopable = false, loopWait = 0},
{name = 'Burrow Researcher', idTable = MeeblesIDs, tableType = 'Mebbles Grimoire', loopable = false, loopWait = 0},
local idTable = {}
local tableType = ''
local target = windower.ffxi.get_mob_by_target('t')
if not target then
windower.send_command('input /targetnpc')
target = windower.ffxi.get_mob_by_target('t')
if not target then
--- print('QuickTrade: No target selected')
loopCount = 0
for i = 1, #npcTable do
if == npcTable[i].name then
idTable = npcTable[i].idTable
tableType = npcTable[i].tableType
loopable = npcTable[i].loopable
loopWait = npcTable[i].loopWait
-- Extra stuff by Daneblood. Really need to clean it all up
if Var_IonisNPC:contains( then
windower.send_command('setkey enter down;wait 0.1;setkey enter up;wait 2;setkey enter down;wait 0.1;setkey enter up;wait 0.3;setkey up down;wait 0.1;setkey up up;wait 0.1;setkey enter down;wait 0.1;setkey enter up');
elseif Var_SanctionNPC:contains( then
windower.send_command('setkey enter down;wait 0.1;setkey enter up;wait 2;setkey enter down;wait 0.1;setkey enter up;wait 0.3;setkey enter down;wait 0.1;setkey enter up')
elseif Var_SigilNPC:contains( then
windower.send_command('setkey enter down;wait 0.1;setkey enter up;wait 2;setkey enter down;wait 0.1;setkey enter up;wait 0.3;setkey enter down;wait 0.1;setkey enter up')
elseif Var_SignetNPC:contains( then
windower.send_command('setkey enter down;wait 0.1;setkey enter up;wait 2;setkey enter down;wait 0.1;setkey enter up')
elseif == 'Incantrix' then
windower.send_command('setkey enter down;wait 0.1;setkey enter up;wait 2;setkey enter down;wait 0.1;setkey enter up')
elseif == 'Cruor Prospector' then
windower.send_command('setkey enter down;wait 0.1;setkey enter up;wait 2;setkey down down;wait 0.1;setkey down up;wait 0.1;setkey down down;wait 0.1;setkey down up;wait 0.1;setkey down down;wait 0.1;setkey down up;wait 0.1;setkey down down;wait 0.1;setkey down up;wait 0.1;setkey down down;wait 0.1;setkey down up;wait 0.1;setkey enter down;wait 0.1;setkey enter up;wait 0.2;setkey down down;wait 0.1;setkey down up;wait 0.1;setkey down down;wait 0.1;setkey down up;wait 0.1;setkey down down;wait 0.1;setkey down up;wait 0.1;setkey down down;wait 0.1;setkey down up;wait 0.1;setkey down down;wait 0.1;setkey down up;wait 0.1;setkey down down;wait 0.1;setkey down up;wait 0.1;setkey enter down;wait 0.1;setkey enter up;wait 0.2;setkey up down;wait 0.1;setkey up up;wait 0.1;setkey enter down;wait 0.1;setkey enter up')
elseif == 'Atma Infusionist' then
windower.send_command('setkey enter down;wait 0.1;setkey enter up;wait 2;setkey down down;wait 0.1;setkey down up;wait 0.1;setkey down down;wait 0.1;setkey down up;wait 0.1;setkey down down;wait 0.1;setkey down up;wait 0.1;setkey enter down;wait 0.1;setkey enter up;wait 0.3;setkey down down;wait 0.1;setkey down up;wait 0.1;setkey down down;wait 0.1;setkey down up;wait 0.1;setkey down down;wait 0.1;setkey down up;wait 0.1;setkey down down;wait 0.1;setkey down up;wait 0.1;setkey enter down;wait 0.1;setkey enter up;wait 0.3;setkey up down;wait 0.1;setkey up up;wait 0.1;setkey enter down;wait 0.1;setkey enter up;wait 0.3;')
elseif == '???' then
local var_thiszone = windower.ffxi.get_info()['zone']
windower.add_to_chat(chatColor, target.x)
if var_thiszone == 15 then -- Abyssea-Konschtat
windower.send_command('TradeNPC 1 "Giant Bugard Tusk"') -- Kukulkan
windower.send_command('TradeNPC 1 "Armored Dragonhorn"')
windower.send_command('TradeNPC 1 "Clouded Lens"')
windower.send_command('TradeNPC 1 "Tiny Morbol Vine"') -- Misc
elseif var_thiszone == 45 then -- Abyssea-Tahrongi
windower.send_command('TradeNPC 1 " H.Q. Cli. Wing"') -- Chloris
windower.send_command('TradeNPC 1 "H.Q. Lim. Pincer "')
windower.send_command('TradeNPC 1 "Bloodshot Hecteye" 1 "Shriveled Wing" 1 "Tarnished Pincer"')
windower.send_command('TradeNPC 1 "Baleful Skull"')
windower.send_command('TradeNPC 1 "Exorcised Skull" 1 "Bloody Fang"')
windower.send_command('TradeNPC 1 "Alkaline Humus"')
windower.send_command('TradeNPC 1 "Acidic Humus" 1 " V. Scorp. Stinger "')
windower.send_command('TradeNPC 1 "Eft Egg"') -- Glavoid
windower.send_command('TradeNPC 1 "Quiv. Eft Egg" 1 "Ctrice. Tailmeat"')
windower.send_command('TradeNPC 1 "Shocking Whisker"')
windower.send_command('TradeNPC 1 "Smooth Whisker" 1 "Resilient Mane"')
elseif var_thiszone == 132 then -- Abyssea-La_Theine
windower.send_command('TradeNPC 1 "Trophy Shield"') -- Briareus
windower.send_command('TradeNPC 1 "Oversized Sock"')
windower.send_command('TradeNPC 1 "Massive Armband"')
windower.send_command('TradeNPC 1 "Tr. Insect Wing "') -- Carabosse
windower.send_command('TradeNPC 1 "Piceous Scale"')
windower.send_command('TradeNPC 1 "Raw Mutton Chop') -- Misc
windower.send_command('TradeNPC 1 "Gargantuan Black Tiger Fang"')
elseif var_thiszone == 215 then -- Abyssea-Attohwa
windower.send_command('TradeNPC 1 "Withered Cocoon"')
windower.send_command('TradeNPC 1 "Eruca Egg"')
windower.send_command('TradeNPC 1 "Undying Ooze"')
windower.send_command('TradeNPC 1 "Bone Chips"')
windower.send_command('TradeNPC 1 "Wailing Rags"')
windower.send_command('TradeNPC 1 "Blanched Silver"')
windower.send_command('TradeNPC 1 "Cracked Dragonscale"')
windower.send_command('TradeNPC 1 "Mangled Cockatrice Skin"')
windower.send_command('TradeNPC 1 "Coeurl Round"')
windower.send_command('TradeNPC 1 "Gory Pincer"')
windower.send_command('TradeNPC 1 "Withered Bud"')
windower.send_command('TradeNPC 1 "Great Root*"')
windower.send_command('TradeNPC 1 "Extended Eyestalk"')
elseif var_thiszone == 216 then -- Abyssea-Misareaux
windower.send_command('TradeNPC 1 "Orobon Cheekmeat"')
windower.send_command('TradeNPC 1 "Apkallu Down"')
windower.send_command('TradeNPC 1 "Avian Remex"')
windower.send_command('TradeNPC 1 "Bewitching Tusk"')
windower.send_command('TradeNPC 1 "Handful of molt scraps"')
windower.send_command('TradeNPC 1 "Spheroid Plate"')
windower.send_command('TradeNPC 1 "High-quality crab meat"')
windower.send_command('TradeNPC 1 "High-Quality Rock Salt"')
windower.send_command('TradeNPC 1 "Mocking Beak"')
windower.send_command('TradeNPC 1 "Hardened Raptor Skin"')
windower.send_command('TradeNPC 1 "Worm-Eaten Bud"')
windower.send_command('TradeNPC 1 "Black Rabbit Tail"')
windower.send_command('TradeNPC 1 "Spotted Flyfrond "')
elseif var_thiszone == 217 then -- Abyssea-Vunkerl
windower.send_command('TradeNPC 1 "Gargouille Stone"')
windower.send_command('TradeNPC 1 "Gnarled Taurus Horn"')
windower.send_command('TradeNPC 1 "Dented Skull"')
windower.send_command('TradeNPC 1 "Stiffened Tentacle"')
windower.send_command('TradeNPC 1 "Black Whisker"')
windower.send_command('TradeNPC 1 "Moonbeam Clam"')
elseif var_thiszone == 218 then -- Abyssea-Altepa
windower.send_command('TradeNPC 1 "High-Quality Dhalmel Hide" 1 "Sharabha Hide" 1 "Tiger King\'s Hide"')
windower.send_command('TradeNPC 1 "Sabulous Clay"')
windower.send_command('TradeNPC 1 "High-quality Cockatrice Skin"')
windower.send_command('TradeNPC 1 "Oasis Water" 1 "Giant Mistletoe"')
windower.send_command('TradeNPC 1 "Smoldering Arm" 1 "Tablilla Mercury"')
windower.send_command('TradeNPC 1 "Sand-caked fang"')
windower.send_command('TradeNPC 1 "Vadleany Fluid" 1 "High-Quality Scorpion Claw"')
windower.send_command('TradeNPC 1 "Sandy Shard"')
windower.send_command('TradeNPC 1 "Ladybird Leaf"')
windower.send_command('TradeNPC 1 "Puppet\'s Blood"')
elseif var_thiszone == 253 then -- Abyssea-Uleguerand
windower.send_command('TradeNPC 1 "Whiteworm Clay"')
windower.send_command('TradeNPC 1 "High-Quality Buffalo Horn"')
windower.send_command('TradeNPC 1 "Trade Rimed Wing" 1 "Benumbed Eye"')
windower.send_command('TradeNPC 1 "Imp Sentry\'s Horn"')
windower.send_command('TradeNPC 1 "High-Quality Marid Hide" 1 "Sisyphus Fragment" 1 "Snow God Core"')
windower.send_command('TradeNPC 1 "Bevel Gear" 1 "Gear Fluid"')
windower.send_command('TradeNPC 1 "Helical Gear"')
windower.send_command('TradeNPC 1 "Gelid Arm"')
windower.send_command('TradeNPC 1 "Ice Wyvern Scale"')
windower.send_command('TradeNPC 1 "High-Quality Black Tiger Hide" 1 "Audumbla Hide"')
elseif var_thiszone == 254 then -- Abyssea-Grauberg
windower.send_command('TradeNPC 1 "Goblin Oil" 1 "Goblin Gunpowder"')
windower.send_command('TradeNPC 1 "Goblin Rope"')
windower.send_command('TradeNPC 1 "High-Quality Pugil Scale"')
windower.send_command('TradeNPC 1 "Teekesselchen Fragment" 1 "Darkflame Arm"')
windower.send_command('TradeNPC 1 "Fay Teardrop"')
windower.send_command('TradeNPC 1 "Pursuer\'s Wing"')
windower.send_command('TradeNPC 1 "High-Quality Wivre Hide" 1 "Jaculus Wing" 1 "Minaruja Skull"')
windower.send_command('TradeNPC 1 "Bubbling Oil"')
windower.send_command('TradeNPC 1 "Unseelie Eye" 1 "Naiad\'s Lock"')
windower.send_command('TradeNPC 1 "Decaying Molar"')
elseif var_thiszone == 51 then -- Wajaom_Woodlands
windower.send_command('TradeNPC 1 "Hellcage Butterfly"')
windower.send_command('TradeNPC 1 "Senorita pamama"')
windower.send_command('TradeNPC 1 "Sheep Botfly"')
elseif var_thiszone == 52 then -- Bhaflau_Thickets
windower.send_command('TradeNPC 1 "Olzhiryan Cactus"')
elseif var_thiszone == 54 then -- Arrapago_Reef
windower.send_command('TradeNPC 1 "Golden Teeth"')
windower.send_command('TradeNPC 1 "Greenling"')
windower.send_command('TradeNPC 1 "Merrow No. 11 Molting"')
windower.send_command('TradeNPC 1 "Rose Scampi"')
elseif var_thiszone == 61 then -- Mount_Zhayolm
windower.send_command('TradeNPC 1 "Pectin"')
windower.send_command('TradeNPC 1 "Raw Buffalo"')
windower.send_command('TradeNPC 1 "Shadeleaf"')
windower.send_command('TradeNPC 1 "Vinegar Pie"')
elseif var_thiszone == 65 then -- Mamook
windower.send_command('TradeNPC 1 "Floral Nectar"')
windower.send_command('TradeNPC 1 "Samariri Corpsehair"')
elseif var_thiszone == 68 then -- Aydeewa_Subterrane
windower.send_command('TradeNPC 1 "Pure Blood"')
windower.send_command('TradeNPC 1 "Spoilt Blood"')
elseif var_thiszone == 72 then -- Alzadaal_Undersea_Ruins
windower.send_command('TradeNPC 1 "Cog Lubricant"')
windower.send_command('TradeNPC 1 "Ferrite"')
windower.send_command('TradeNPC 1 "Opalus Gem" ')
windower.send_command('TradeNPC 1 "Rodent Cheese"')
elseif var_thiszone == 79 then -- Caedarva_Mire
windower.send_command('TradeNPC 1 "Exorcism Treatise"')
elseif == 'Treasure Coffer' then
local var_thiszone = windower.ffxi.get_info()['zone']
windower.add_to_chat(chatColor, target.x)
if var_thiszone == 12 then -- Newton_Movalpolos
windower.send_command('TradeNPC 1 "Newton Coffer Key"')
elseif var_thiszone == 144 then -- Beadeaux
windower.send_command('TradeNPC 1 "Beadeaux Coffer Key"')
elseif var_thiszone == 130 then -- Ru'Aun_Gardens
windower.send_command('TradeNPC 1 "Ru\'Aun Coffer Key "')
elseif var_thiszone == 150 then -- Monastic_Cavern
windower.send_command('TradeNPC 1 "Davoi Coffer Key"')
elseif var_thiszone == 151 then -- Castle_Oztroja
windower.send_command('TradeNPC 1 "Oztroja Coffer Key"')
elseif var_thiszone == 153 then -- The_Boyahda_Tree
windower.send_command('TradeNPC 1 "Boyahda Coffer Key"')
elseif var_thiszone == 160 then -- Den_of_Rancor
windower.send_command('TradeNPC 1 "Den Coffer Key"')
elseif var_thiszone == 161 then -- Castle_Zvahl_Baileys
windower.send_command('TradeNPC 1 "Zvahl Coffer Key"')
elseif var_thiszone == 169 then -- Toraimarai_Canal
windower.send_command('TradeNPC 1 "Toraimarai Coffer Key"')
elseif var_thiszone == 174 then -- Kuftal_Tunnel
windower.send_command('TradeNPC 1 "Kuftal Coffer Key"')
elseif var_thiszone == 176 then -- Sea_Serpent_Grotto
windower.send_command('TradeNPC 1 "Grotto Coffer Key')
elseif var_thiszone == 177 then -- Ve'Lugannon_Palace
windower.send_command('TradeNPC 1 "Ve\'Lugannon Coffer Key"')
elseif var_thiszone == 195 then -- The_Eldieme_Necropolis
windower.send_command('TradeNPC 1 "Eldieme Coffer Key"')
elseif var_thiszone == 197 then -- Crawlers_Nest
windower.send_command('TradeNPC 1 "Nest Coffer Key"')
elseif var_thiszone == 200 then -- Garlaige_Citadel
windower.send_command('TradeNPC 1 "Garlaige Coffer Key"')
elseif var_thiszone == 205 then -- Ifrits_Cauldron
windower.send_command('TradeNPC 1 "Cauldron Coffer Key"')
elseif var_thiszone == 208 then -- Quicksand_Caves
windower.send_command('TradeNPC 1 "Quicksand Coffer Key"')
elseif var_thiszone == 259 then -- Temple_of_Uggalepih
windower.send_command('TradeNPC 1 "Uggalepih Coffer Key"')
--idTable = table.copy(geasFeteRuaunIDs)
--tableType = "Geas Fete Ru'Aun Items"
--exampleOnly = true
if #idTable == 0 or tableType == '' then
--- print('QuickTrade: Invalid target')
lastNPC = ''
lastLoopNPC = ''
loopCount = 0
mogSackTable = table.copy(idTable)
mogCaseTable = table.copy(idTable)
-- Scan the mog sack for each item in idTable
local mogSack = windower.ffxi.get_items('sack')
if not mogSack then
print('mogSack read error')
for i = 1, #mogSackTable do
for k, v in ipairs(mogSack) do
if == mogSackTable[i].id then
mogSackTable[i].count = mogSackTable[i].count + v.count -- Updates the total number of items of each type
mogSackTable[i].stacks = mogSackTable[i].stacks + 1 -- Updates the total number of stacks of each type
-- Scan the mog case for each item in idTable
local mogCase = windower.ffxi.get_items('case')
if not mogCase then
print('mogCase read error')
for i = 1, #mogCaseTable do
for k, v in ipairs(mogCase) do
if == mogCaseTable[i].id then
mogCaseTable[i].count = mogCaseTable[i].count + v.count -- Updates the total number of items of each type
mogCaseTable[i].stacks = mogCaseTable[i].stacks + 1 -- Updates the total number of stacks of each type
-- Uses the Itemizer addon to move tradable items from the mog case/sack into the player's inventory
if arg[1] == 'all' and mogCase and mogSack then
inventory = windower.ffxi.get_items('inventory')
for i = 1, #idTable do
for k, v in ipairs(inventory) do
if == idTable[i].id then
idTable[i].count = idTable[i].count + v.count -- Updates the total number of items of each type
idTable[i].stacks = idTable[i].stacks + 1 -- Updates the total number of stacks of each type
for i = 1, #mogSackTable do
if mogSackTable[i].count + mogCaseTable[i].count > 0 then
inventory = windower.ffxi.get_items('inventory')
if inventory.count + mogSackTable[i].stacks + mogCaseTable[i].stacks <= inventory.max then
if exampleOnly then
print('get "' .. mogSackTable[i].name .. '" ' .. idTable[i].count + mogSackTable[i].count + mogCaseTable[i].count)
windower.add_to_chat(chatColor, 'QuickTrade: Please wait - Using Itemizer to transfer ' .. mogSackTable[i].count + mogCaseTable[i].count .. ' ' .. mogSackTable[i].name .. ' to inventory')
windower.send_command('get "' .. mogSackTable[i].name .. '" ' .. idTable[i].count + mogSackTable[i].count + mogCaseTable[i].count)
performLoopsAfterAll = performLoopsAfterAll + 1
windower.add_to_chat(chatColor, 'QuickTrade: Not enough inventory space to pull ' .. mogSackTable[i].count + mogCaseTable[i].count .. ' ' .. mogSackTable[i].name)
if #arg > 1 and #arg[2] == 'loop' and performLoopsAfterAll > 0 then
loopCount = 0
for i = 1, #idTable do
idTable[i].count = 0
idTable[i].stacks = 0
if ~= lastNPC then
lastNPC =
if loopModeSet then
if lastLoopNPC == '' then
lastLoopNPC =
print('New NPC detected after trade loop started. Aborting to prevent accidental trades.')
loopCount = 0
local mogCount = 0
for i = 1, #mogSackTable do
mogCount = mogCount + mogSackTable[i].count + mogCaseTable[i].count
if mogCount > 0 then
windower.add_to_chat(chatColor, 'QuickTrade: ' .. mogCount .. ' of these items are in your mog sack/case. Type "//qtr all" if you wish to move them into your inventory and trade them. Requires Itemizer')
-- Read the player inventory
inventory = windower.ffxi.get_items('inventory')
if not inventory then
print('QuickTrade: Unable to read inventory')
loopCount = 0
if tableType == 'Special Gobbiedial Keys' and inventory.count == inventory.max then
windower.add_to_chat(chatColor, 'QuickTrade: Inventory full. Cancelling Special Gobbiedial Key Trades.')
loopCount = 0
-- Scan the inventory for each item in idTable
for i = 1, #idTable do
for k, v in ipairs(inventory) do
if == idTable[i].id then
idTable[i].count = idTable[i].count + v.count -- Updates the total number of items of each type
idTable[i].stacks = idTable[i].stacks + 1 -- Updates the total number of stacks of each type
local numTrades = 0 -- Number of times //qtr needs to be run to empty the player inventory
local availableTradeSlots = 8
if tableType == 'Crystals' then
if == 'Ephemeral Moogle' then
for i = 1, 8 do
if idTable[i].stacks > 0 or idTable[i + 8].stacks > 0 then
numTrades = numTrades + math.ceil((idTable[i].stacks + idTable[i + 8].stacks) / 8)
for i = 1, 8 do
if idTable[i].stacks > 0 or idTable[i + 8].stacks > 0 then
numTrades = numTrades + idTable[i].stacks + idTable[i + 8].stacks
numTrades = math.ceil(numTrades / 8)
elseif tableType == 'Zinc Ore' or tableType == 'Yagudo Necklaces' then -- 4 at a time
numTrades = math.floor(idTable[1].count / 4)
elseif tableType == 'Mandragora Mad Items' or tableType == 'JSE Capes' or tableType == 'Special Gobbiedial Keys' or tableType == 'Soul Plates' then -- 1 at a time
for i = 1, #idTable do
numTrades = numTrades + idTable[i].count
elseif tableType == 'JSE Capes x3' then -- 3 of the same kind
for i = 1, #idTable do
if idTable[i].count >= 3 then
numTrades = numTrades + math.min(1, math.floor(idTable[i].count / 3))
elseif tableType == 'Only the Best Items' then -- Unique for this quest
numTrades = numTrades + math.floor(idTable[1].count / 5)
numTrades = numTrades + math.floor(idTable[2].count / 3)
numTrades = numTrades + idTable[3].count
elseif tableType == 'Reisenjima Stones' then -- Can trade all types at once
numTrades = math.ceil((idTable[1].stacks + idTable[2].stacks + idTable[3].stacks) / 8)
elseif tableType == "Geas Fete Zi'Tah Items" or tableType == "Geas Fete Ru'Aun Items" or tableType == "Geas Fete Reisenjima Items" then
for i = 1, #idTable do
if idTable[i].count >= idTable[i].minimum then
numTrades = numTrades + math.floor(idTable[i].count / idTable[i].minimum)
for i = 1, #idTable do
if idTable[i].stacks > 0 then
numTrades = numTrades + math.ceil(idTable[i].stacks / 8)
if exampleOnly then
print(numTrades .. ' total trades')
-- Prepare and send command through TradeNPC if there are trades to be made
if numTrades > 0 then
local tradeString = 'tradenpc '
local tradeList = ''
availableTradeSlots = 8
if tableType == 'Crystals' then
tradeString = 'tradenpc'
for i = 1, 8 do
-- Build the string that will be used as the command
if idTable[i].count > 0 then
tradeString = tradeString .. ' ' .. math.min(availableTradeSlots * idTable[i].stacksize, idTable[i].count) .. ' "' .. idTable[i].name .. '"'
availableTradeSlots = math.max(0, availableTradeSlots - idTable[i].stacks)
if availableTradeSlots > 0 and idTable[i + 8].count > 0 then
tradeString = tradeString .. ' ' .. math.min(availableTradeSlots * idTable[i + 8].stacksize, idTable[i + 8].count) .. ' "' .. idTable[i + 8].name .. '"'
availableTradeSlots = math.max(0, availableTradeSlots - idTable[i].stacks)
if ( == 'Ephemeral Moogle' and (idTable[i].count > 0 or idTable[i + 8].count > 0)) or availableTradeSlots < 1 then
elseif tableType == 'Special Gobbiedial Keys' or tableType == 'Soul Plates' then -- 1 item at a time
tradeString = 'tradenpc 1 "' .. idTable[1].name .. '"'
elseif tableType == 'Zinc Ore' or tableType == 'Yagudo Necklaces' then -- 4 items at a time
if idTable[1].count >= 4 then
tradeString = 'tradenpc 4 "' .. idTable[1].name .. '"'
elseif tableType == 'Mandragora Mad Items' or tableType == 'JSE Capes' then
for i = 1, #idTable do
tradeString = 'tradenpc '
if idTable[i].count > 0 then
tradeString = tradeString .. '1 "' .. idTable[i].name .. '"'
elseif tableType == 'JSE Capes x3' then
for i = 1, #idTable do
tradeString = 'tradenpc '
if idTable[i].count >= 3 then
tradeString = tradeString .. '3 "' .. idTable[i].name .. '"'
elseif tableType == 'Only the Best Items' then
for i = 1, #idTable do
tradeString = 'tradenpc '
if idTable[1].count >= 5 then
tradeString = tradeString .. '5 "' .. idTable[1].name .. '"'
if idTable[2].count >= 3 then
tradeString = tradeString .. '3 "' .. idTable[2].name .. '"'
if idTable[3].count > 0 then
tradeString = tradeString .. '1 "' .. idTable[3].name .. '"'
elseif tableType == 'Reisenjima Stones' then
tradeString = 'tradenpc'
for i = 1, #idTable do
if idTable[i].count > 0 then
if availableTradeSlots > 0 then
tradeString = tradeString .. ' ' .. math.min(availableTradeSlots * idTable[i].stacksize, idTable[i].count) .. ' "' .. idTable[i].name .. '"'
availableTradeSlots = math.max(0, availableTradeSlots - idTable[i].stacks)
elseif tableType == "Geas Fete Zi'Tah Items" or tableType == "Geas Fete Ru'Aun Items" or tableType == "Geas Fete Reisenjima Items" then
local keyItemFound = false
local validTradeFound = false
local possibleTrades = 0
if getGeasFeteKeyItems() then
for i = 1, #idTable do
keyItemFound = false
if idTable[i].count >= idTable[i].minimum then
possibleTrades = possibleTrades + 1
for o = 1, #ownedGeasFeteKeyItems do
if ownedGeasFeteKeyItems[o].id == idTable[i].ki then
keyItemFound = true
if not keyItemFound then
validTradeFound = true
tradeString = 'tradenpc ' .. idTable[i].minimum .. ' "' .. idTable[i].name .. '"'
tradeList = idTable[i].minimum .. ' ' .. idTable[i].name
if possibleTrades > 0 and not validTradeFound then
windower.add_to_chat(chatColor, 'QuickTrade: You but you already possess all possible pop items.')
elseif tableType == "1 Byne Bill" then -- Added by DaneBlood
if idTable[1].count >= 100 then
tradeString = 'tradenpc 100 "' .. idTable[1].name .. '"'
-- windower.send_command('TradeNPC 100 "1 byne bill";wait 1;setkey enter down;wait 0.1;setkey enter up ')
for i = 1, #idTable do
loopable = true -- May not work for everything
tradeString = 'tradenpc '
availableTradeSlots = 8
if idTable[i].count > 0 then
tradeString = tradeString .. math.min(availableTradeSlots * idTable[i].stacksize, idTable[i].count) .. ' "' .. idTable[i].name .. '"'
if loopModeSet and loopable then
loopCount = numTrades
if loopMax ~= 100000 then
numTrades = loopMax - loopCurrent + 1
loopText = ' Loop: ' .. loopCurrent .. '/' .. loopMax
loopMax = numTrades
loopText = ' Loop: ' .. loopCurrent .. '/' .. numTrades
loopCount = 0
loopText = ''
if tradeString ~= 'tradenpc ' and not (#arg > 1 and #arg[2] == 'loop' and performLoopsAfterAll > 0) then
if numTrades - 1 == 0 then
windower.add_to_chat(chatColor, 'QuickTrade: Trading Complete.' .. loopText)
windower.add_to_chat(chatColor, 'QuickTrade: Trades Remaining: ' .. (numTrades - 1) .. loopText)
if exampleOnly then
if tableType ~= 'JSE Capes x3' and not string.find(tableType, 'Geas Fete') then
textSkipTimer = os.time()
if string.find(tableType, 'Geas Fete') then
windower.add_to_chat(chatColor, 'QuickTrade: Trading '.. tradeList)
if loopModeSet then
loopCount = loopCount - 1
if string.find(tableType, 'Geas Fete') then
if tribulensOrRadialensFound then
windower.add_to_chat(chatColor, "QuickTrade: You already possess a Tribulens or Radialens!")
windower.add_to_chat(chatColor, "QuickTrade: Don't forget your Tribulens or Radialens!")
if arg[1] == 'all' then
windower.add_to_chat(chatColor, "QuickTrade: No " .. tableType .. " in inventory, mog case, or mog sack")
windower.add_to_chat(chatColor, "QuickTrade: No " .. tableType .. " in inventory")
loopCount = 0
loopModeSet = false
function getGeasFeteKeyItems()
-- This provides a list of all key items in resources that are under the category "Geas Fete"
ownedGeasFeteKeyItems = {}
tribulensOrRadialensFound = false
if getOwnedKeyItems() then
for _, keyItem in pairs(res.key_items) do
if keyItem.category == 'Geas Fete' then
for o = 1, #ownedKeyItems do
if == ownedKeyItems[o] then
table.insert(ownedGeasFeteKeyItems, {['id'] =, ['name'] = keyItem.en})
--print(ownedGeasFeteKeyItems[#ownedGeasFeteKeyItems].id, ownedGeasFeteKeyItems[#ownedGeasFeteKeyItems].name)
if keyItem.en == 'Radialens' or keyItem.en == 'Tribulens' or == 3031 or == 2894 then
tribulensOrRadialensFound = true
if #ownedGeasFeteKeyItems > 0 then
return true
return false
function getOwnedKeyItems()
ownedKeyItems = windower.ffxi.get_key_items()
if not ownedKeyItems or #ownedKeyItems == 0 then
print('Error reading key items. Try again in a moment')
ownedKeyItems = {}
return false
return true
windower.register_event('incoming text', function(original, modified, mode)
-- Allow the addon to skip the conversation text for up to 10 seconds after the trade
if os.time() - textSkipTimer > 10 then
if mode == 150 or mode == 151 then
modified = modified:gsub(string.char(0x7F, 0x31), '')
return modified
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Any chance this could be updated to pull from Mog Satchel? :) thanks!

"The addon Itemizer is required if you would like to use the command '//qtr all' to also trade items that are in your Mog Sack or Mog Case."

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SvenBent commented Apr 1, 2021

I am not the original author of this add-on nor am I editing it anymore.
I split my changes into another plugin named sir popalot.

but i think the issue lies with itemixer rather than quicktrace

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