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Forked from oza/spark-default.conf
Created November 15, 2017 09:19
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# Default system properties included when running spark-submit.
# This is useful for setting default environmental settings.
# Example:
# spark.master spark://master:7077
spark.eventLog.enabled true
spark.eventLog.dir file:///home/ozawa/sparkeventlogs
# spark.serializer org.apache.spark.serializer.KryoSerializer
# spark.driver.memory 5g
# spark.executor.extraJavaOptions -XX:+PrintGCDetails -Dkey=value -Dnumbers="one two three"
spark.serializer org.apache.spark.serializer.KryoSerializer
spark.shuffle.manager SORT
spark.shuffle.consolidateFiles true
spark.shuffle.spill true
spark.shuffle.memoryFraction 0.75 0.45
spark.shuffle.spill.compress false
spark.shuffle.compress false
#spark.dynamicAllocation.enabled true
#!/usr/bin/env bash
# This file is sourced when running various Spark programs.
# Copy it as and edit that to configure Spark for your site.
# Options read when launching programs locally with
# ./bin/run-example or ./bin/spark-submit
# - HADOOP_CONF_DIR, to point Spark towards Hadoop configuration files
# - SPARK_LOCAL_IP, to set the IP address Spark binds to on this node
# - SPARK_PUBLIC_DNS, to set the public dns name of the driver program
# - SPARK_CLASSPATH, default classpath entries to append
# Options read by executors and drivers running inside the cluster
# - SPARK_LOCAL_IP, to set the IP address Spark binds to on this node
# - SPARK_PUBLIC_DNS, to set the public DNS name of the driver program
# - SPARK_CLASSPATH, default classpath entries to append
# - SPARK_LOCAL_DIRS, storage directories to use on this node for shuffle and RDD data
# - MESOS_NATIVE_LIBRARY, to point to your if you use Mesos
# Options read in YARN client mode
# - HADOOP_CONF_DIR, to point Spark towards Hadoop configuration files
# - SPARK_EXECUTOR_INSTANCES, Number of workers to start (Default: 2)
# - SPARK_EXECUTOR_CORES, Number of cores for the workers (Default: 1).
# - SPARK_EXECUTOR_MEMORY, Memory per Worker (e.g. 1000M, 2G) (Default: 1G)
# - SPARK_DRIVER_MEMORY, Memory for Master (e.g. 1000M, 2G) (Default: 512 Mb)
# - SPARK_YARN_APP_NAME, The name of your application (Default: Spark)
# - SPARK_YARN_QUEUE, The hadoop queue to use for allocation requests (Default: ?~@~Xdefault?~@~Y)
# - SPARK_YARN_DIST_FILES, Comma separated list of files to be distributed with the job.
# - SPARK_YARN_DIST_ARCHIVES, Comma separated list of archives to be distributed with the job.
# Options for the daemons used in the standalone deploy mode:
# - SPARK_MASTER_IP, to bind the master to a different IP address or hostname
# - SPARK_MASTER_PORT / SPARK_MASTER_WEBUI_PORT, to use non-default ports for the master
# - SPARK_MASTER_OPTS, to set config properties only for the master (e.g. "-Dx=y")
# - SPARK_WORKER_CORES, to set the number of cores to use on this machine
# - SPARK_WORKER_MEMORY, to set how much total memory workers have to give executors (e.g. 1000m, 2g)
# - SPARK_WORKER_PORT / SPARK_WORKER_WEBUI_PORT, to use non-default ports for the worker
# - SPARK_WORKER_INSTANCES, to set the number of worker processes per node
# - SPARK_WORKER_DIR, to set the working directory of worker processes
# - SPARK_WORKER_OPTS, to set config properties only for the worker (e.g. "-Dx=y")
# - SPARK_HISTORY_OPTS, to set config properties only for the history server (e.g. "-Dx=y")
# - SPARK_DAEMON_JAVA_OPTS, to set config properties for all daemons (e.g. "-Dx=y")
# - SPARK_PUBLIC_DNS, to set the public dns name of the master or workers
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