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Created February 18, 2019 21:06
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`use strict`;
const telegraf = require(`telegraf`);
const { Markup } = telegraf;
const bot = new telegraf(`secret`);
const botId = bot.token.split(`:`)[0];
var map = new Map();
bot.context.keyboard = function () {
const { id } = this.message.new_chat_member;
return Markup.inlineKeyboard([//btn[Math.round(Math.random()*btn.length)]
Markup.callbackButton(`${'I\'m not a bot 🤖'}`, `unmute.${id}`)
bot.command([`start`, `help`], async (ctx) => {
if ( === `private`) {
await ctx.reply(
`Hi, I can help you prevent spam attacks in your group. Just add me to your group with permission to ban and I will mute all new users until they prove their humanity. If you give also give me permission to delete messages, I can delete join messages after the user is unmuted.`,
{ parse_mode: `markdown` }
bot.on(`new_chat_members`, async (ctx) => {
const { message_id } = ctx.message;
const { first_name, id } = ctx.message.new_chat_member;
const { title, id: chatId } =
if (id == botId) {
const { user, status } = await ctx.getChatMember(;
const statuses = [`creator`, `administrator`];
if (!statuses.includes(status)) {
await ctx.reply(
`Hi [${user.first_name}](tg://user?id=${}). Thanks for adding me but you don't seem to have admin rights here so I will have to leave - please ask an admin to add me back :)`,
{ parse_mode: `markdown` }
await ctx.leaveChat();
try {
await ctx.restrictChatMember(id, {
can_send_messages: false
const reply = await ctx.reply(
`Hi ${first_name}, for the safety of this chat, please also confirm your humanity by clicking the button below within 48 hours.`, // Can include ${title}
reply_to_message_id: message_id,
const timeout = setTimeout(() => {
// delete reply or edit with "message expired. message an admin to be unmuted"
bot.telegram.unbanChatMember(chatId, id);
}, 10000);
map.set(`${chatId}:${id}`, timeout);
} catch (err) {
switch (err.description) {
case `Bad Request: can't demote chat creator`:
ctx.reply(`Why would you leave if you're the creator?`);
case `Bad Request: user is an administrator of the chat`:
await ctx.reply(err.description);
await ctx.leaveChat();
bot.action(/unmute\.(\d+)/, async (ctx) => {
const clickedId =;
const unmuteId = ctx.match[1];
const chatId =;
if (clickedId == unmuteId) {
try {
await ctx.restrictChatMember(clickedId, {
// until_date: (( + 86400000) / 1000)*2, // 48 hours
can_send_messages: true
} catch (err) {
const key = `${chatId}:${clickedId}`;
if (ctx.callbackQuery.message) {
const { reply_to_message: reply } = ctx.callbackQuery.message;
.catch(() => { /* Do nothing */ });
} else {
ctx.answerCbQuery(`⛔ Sorry, this button doesn't belong to you! ⛔`);
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