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Created July 17, 2017 05:50
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import Data.List (groupBy, unfoldr)
import Data.Function (on)
import Text.Printf (printf)
import Control.Monad (forM)
-- |
-- TODO | - Rename
-- - Deal with combining characters (eg. diacritics) (should probably use a Unicode-aware library)
-- - Allow linebreaks after punctuation
restrict :: Int -> String -> [String]
restrict n text = map concat $ takeLines (atomise text)
takeLine :: [String] -> Maybe ([String], [String])
takeLine [] = Nothing
takeLine atoms = Just $ go 0 ([], atoms)
takeLines :: [String] -> [[String]]
takeLines = unfoldr takeLine
go _ (ln, []) = (ln, [])
go m (ln, a:toms)
| hasNewline a = (ln, toms) -- Strip trailing whitespace. We've completed the line.
| (m + length a) <= n = go (m + length a) (ln ++ [a], toms)
| otherwise = (ln, dropWhile (any isWhitespace) $ a:toms)
-- | Group into indivisible 'atoms' of text
atomise :: String -> [String]
atomise = groupBy (on (==) isWhitespace)
-- |
isWhitespace :: Char -> Bool
isWhitespace = flip elem " \n\r\t"
-- |
isLinearSpace :: Char -> Bool
isLinearSpace = flip elem " \r\t"
-- |
hasNewline :: String -> Bool
hasNewline s = '\n' `elem` s
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