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Last active September 4, 2023 03:42
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Install ChromeDriver using PowerShell on Windows/Linux/MacOS, for more information read this blog post:
param (
[Parameter(Mandatory = $True)]
[Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
[Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
# store original preference to revert back later
$OriginalProgressPreference = $ProgressPreference;
# setting progress preference to silently continue will massively increase the performance of downloading the ChromeDriver
$ProgressPreference = 'SilentlyContinue';
Function Get-ChromeVersion {
# $IsWindows will PowerShell Core but not on PowerShell 5 and below, but $Env:OS does
# this way you can safely check whether the current machine is running Windows pre and post PowerShell Core
If ($IsWindows -or $Env:OS) {
Try {
(Get-Item (Get-ItemProperty 'HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\App Paths\chrome.exe' -ErrorAction Stop).'(Default)').VersionInfo.FileVersion;
Catch {
Throw "Google Chrome not found in registry";
ElseIf ($IsLinux) {
Try {
# this will check whether google-chrome command is available
Get-Command google-chrome -ErrorAction Stop | Out-Null;
google-chrome --product-version;
Catch {
Throw "'google-chrome' command not found";
ElseIf ($IsMacOS) {
$ChromePath = '/Applications/Google Chrome';
If (Test-Path $ChromePath) {
$Version = & $ChromePath --version;
$Version = $Version.Replace("Google Chrome ", "");
Else {
Throw "Google Chrome not found on your MacOS machine";
Else {
Throw "Your operating system is not supported by this script.";
# Instructions from
# First, find out which version of Chrome you are using. Let's say you have Chrome 72.0.3626.81.
If ([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($ChromeVersion)) {
$ChromeVersion = Get-ChromeVersion -ErrorAction Stop;
Write-Output "Google Chrome version $ChromeVersion found on machine";
# Take the Chrome version number, remove the last part,
$ChromeVersion = $ChromeVersion.Substring(0, $ChromeVersion.LastIndexOf("."));
# and append the result to URL "".
# For example, with Chrome version 72.0.3626.81, you'd get a URL "".
$ChromeDriverVersion = (Invoke-WebRequest "$ChromeVersion").Content;
Write-Output "Latest matching version of Chrome Driver is $ChromeDriverVersion";
If (($ForceDownload -eq $False) -and (Test-path $ChromeDriverOutputPath)) {
#ChromeDriver 88.0.4324.96 (68dba2d8a0b149a1d3afac56fa74648032bcf46b-refs/branch-heads/4324@{#1784})
$ExistingChromeDriverVersion = & $ChromeDriverOutputPath --version;
$ExistingChromeDriverVersion = $ExistingChromeDriverVersion.Split(" ")[1];
If ($ChromeDriverVersion -eq $ExistingChromeDriverVersion) {
Write-Output "Chromedriver on machine is already latest version. Skipping.";
Write-Output "Use -ForceDownload to reinstall regardless";
$TempFilePath = [System.IO.Path]::GetTempFileName();
$TempZipFilePath = $TempFilePath.Replace(".tmp", ".zip");
Rename-Item -Path $TempFilePath -NewName $TempZipFilePath;
$TempFileUnzipPath = $TempFilePath.Replace(".tmp", "");
# Use the URL created in the last step to retrieve a small file containing the version of ChromeDriver to use. For example, the above URL will get your a file containing "72.0.3626.69". (The actual number may change in the future, of course.)
# Use the version number retrieved from the previous step to construct the URL to download ChromeDriver. With version 72.0.3626.69, the URL would be "".
If ($IsWindows -or $Env:OS) {
Invoke-WebRequest "$ChromeDriverVersion/" -OutFile $TempZipFilePath;
Expand-Archive $TempZipFilePath -DestinationPath $TempFileUnzipPath;
Move-Item "$TempFileUnzipPath/chromedriver.exe" -Destination $ChromeDriverOutputPath -Force;
ElseIf ($IsLinux) {
Invoke-WebRequest "$ChromeDriverVersion/" -OutFile $TempZipFilePath;
Expand-Archive $TempZipFilePath -DestinationPath $TempFileUnzipPath;
Move-Item "$TempFileUnzipPath/chromedriver" -Destination $ChromeDriverOutputPath -Force;
ElseIf ($IsMacOS) {
Invoke-WebRequest "$ChromeDriverVersion/" -OutFile $TempZipFilePath;
Expand-Archive $TempZipFilePath -DestinationPath $TempFileUnzipPath;
Move-Item "$TempFileUnzipPath/chromedriver" -Destination $ChromeDriverOutputPath -Force;
Else {
Throw "Your operating system is not supported by this script.";
# After the initial download, it is recommended that you occasionally go through the above process again to see if there are any bug fix releases.
# Clean up temp files
Remove-Item $TempZipFilePath;
Remove-Item $TempFileUnzipPath -Recurse;
# reset back to original Progress Preference
$ProgressPreference = $OriginalProgressPreference;
param (
[Parameter(Mandatory = $True)]
[Parameter(Mandatory = $True)]
[ValidateSet('linux64','mac-arm64', 'mac-x64', 'win32', 'win64')]
[Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
[Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
# store original preference to revert back later
$OriginalProgressPreference = $ProgressPreference;
# setting progress preference to silently continue will massively increase the performance of downloading the ChromeDriver
$ProgressPreference = 'SilentlyContinue';
Function Get-ChromeVersion {
# $IsWindows will PowerShell Core but not on PowerShell 5 and below, but $Env:OS does
# this way you can safely check whether the current machine is running Windows pre and post PowerShell Core
If ($IsWindows -or $Env:OS) {
Try {
(Get-Item (Get-ItemProperty 'HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\App Paths\chrome.exe' -ErrorAction Stop).'(Default)').VersionInfo.FileVersion;
Catch {
Throw "Google Chrome not found in registry";
ElseIf ($IsLinux) {
Try {
# this will check whether google-chrome command is available
Get-Command google-chrome -ErrorAction Stop | Out-Null;
google-chrome --product-version;
Catch {
Throw "'google-chrome' command not found";
ElseIf ($IsMacOS) {
$ChromePath = '/Applications/Google Chrome';
If (Test-Path $ChromePath) {
$Version = & $ChromePath --version;
$Version = $Version.Replace("Google Chrome ", "");
Else {
Throw "Google Chrome not found on your MacOS machine";
Else {
Throw "Your operating system is not supported by this script.";
If ([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($ChromeVersion)) {
$ChromeVersion = Get-ChromeVersion -ErrorAction Stop;
Write-Output "Google Chrome version $ChromeVersion found on machine";
$ChromeVersion = $ChromeVersion.Substring(0, $ChromeVersion.LastIndexOf("."));
$ChromeDriverVersion = Invoke-WebRequest "$ChromeVersion" `
-ContentType 'text/plain' |
Select-Object -ExpandProperty Content;
$ChromeDriverVersion = [System.Text.Encoding]::UTF8.GetString($ChromeDriverVersion);
Write-Output "Latest matching version of Chrome Driver is $ChromeDriverVersion";
$DownloadUrl = Invoke-WebRequest ''
| Select-Object -ExpandProperty Content
| ConvertFrom-Json
| Select-Object -ExpandProperty versions
| Where-Object { $_.version -eq $ChromeDriverVersion }
| Select-Object -ExpandProperty downloads
| Select-Object -ExpandProperty chromedriver
| Where-Object { $_.platform -eq $Platform }
| Select-Object -ExpandProperty url;
If (($ForceDownload -eq $False) -and (Test-path $ChromeDriverOutputPath)) {
$ExistingChromeDriverVersion = & $ChromeDriverOutputPath --version;
$ExistingChromeDriverVersion = $ExistingChromeDriverVersion.Split(" ")[1];
If ($ChromeDriverVersion -eq $ExistingChromeDriverVersion) {
Write-Output "Chromedriver on machine is already latest version. Skipping.";
Write-Output "Use -ForceDownload to reinstall regardless";
$TempFilePath = [System.IO.Path]::GetTempFileName();
$TempZipFilePath = $TempFilePath.Replace(".tmp", ".zip");
Rename-Item -Path $TempFilePath -NewName $TempZipFilePath;
$TempFileUnzipPath = $TempFilePath.Replace(".tmp", "");
Invoke-WebRequest $DownloadUrl -OutFile $TempZipFilePath;
Expand-Archive $TempZipFilePath -DestinationPath $TempFileUnzipPath;
Get-Childitem $TempFileUnzipPath -Recurse -File -Filter 'chromedriver*'
| Move-Item -Destination $ChromeDriverOutputPath -Force;
# Clean up temp files
Remove-Item $TempZipFilePath;
Remove-Item $TempFileUnzipPath -Recurse;
# reset back to original Progress Preference
$ProgressPreference = $OriginalProgressPreference;
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GlennM commented Aug 21, 2023

Did Google change the endpoint since Chrome version 115?
Their documentation now points to

Think this script may need an update now @Swimburger

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@GlennM I added an updated script.
You can use it like this: ./InstallChromeDriver.ps1 -OutputPath ./chromedriver.exe -Platform win32
On non Windows machines you'd not add an extension to the chromedriver:
./InstallChromeDriver.ps1 -OutputPath ./chromedriver -Platform mac-arm64

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