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Created July 18, 2018 06:27
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  • Save Swizec/100cf58948c84e7454ad9c9dbe9e1d37 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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15:53:14.409 [INFO ] Copying the repository's data: RepositoryEntry{id=9dd45702-6fa8-11e8-99db-fa163e67f194, projectId=76bade28-2ce8-11e8-bb6e-fa163ee88118, name='non-root-uf', url='', branch='master', commitId='null', path='null', secretId=28c1842a-67c0-11e8-94f9-fa163e67f194, secretName='mls-uf-pass_1', hasWebHook=true, secretStoreType=null}
15:53:15.719 [INFO ] Storing policy 'concord-system' data
15:53:15.768 [INFO ] Using entry point: default
15:53:16.449 [INFO ] Applying policies...
15:53:19.026 [INFO ] Acquired by: Concord-Agent: id=2fe38959-6d20-56a7-8e49-2bfbbc206741 (
15:53:20.609 [INFO ] Process status: RUNNING
Agent ID: 2fe38959-6d20-56a7-8e49-2bfbbc206741
15:53:20.399 [INFO ] Checking the dependency policy
15:52:34.668 [INFO ] c.walmartlabs.concord.common.IOUtils - Using /tmp/concord as TMP
15:52:34.688 [INFO ] c.w.concord.runner.ApiClientProvider - Using the API address:
15:52:34.735 [INFO ] com.walmartlabs.concord.runner.Main - run -> working directory: /tmp/concord/prefork5922007485562481227/payload
15:53:20.635 [INFO ] c.w.concord.runner.ProcessHeartbeat - start ['d62e5717-deac-460b-8b41-5611f7084478'] -> running every 10000ms
15:53:21.503 [INFO ] c.w.concord.plugins.log.LoggingTask - Done!
Process finished with: 0
15:53:22.637 [INFO ] Process status: SUSPENDED
15:53:26.167 [INFO ] Acquired by: Concord-Agent: id=ebc293b8-b7a6-5243-8cd8-43f5d53b32d6 (
15:53:27.777 [INFO ] Process status: RUNNING
Agent ID: ebc293b8-b7a6-5243-8cd8-43f5d53b32d6
15:53:27.571 [INFO ] Checking the dependency policy
15:52:42.254 [INFO ] c.walmartlabs.concord.common.IOUtils - Using /tmp/concord as TMP
15:52:42.280 [INFO ] c.w.concord.runner.ApiClientProvider - Using the API address:
15:52:42.339 [INFO ] com.walmartlabs.concord.runner.Main - run -> working directory: /tmp/concord/prefork2927482960680256606/payload
15:53:27.805 [INFO ] c.w.concord.runner.ProcessHeartbeat - start ['d62e5717-deac-460b-8b41-5611f7084478'] -> running every 10000ms
15:53:39.198 [INFO ] c.w.c.plugins.slack.SlackClient - message ['mls_concord_deploy', '{as_user=true, channel=mls_concord_deploy, text=On-boarding task initiated for, Organization:bogrccc, Assembly:FSPT, Platform:MasterData}'] -> Response{ok=true, error='null'}
15:53:39.199 [INFO ] c.w.concord.plugins.slack.SlackTask - Slack message sent into 'mls_concord_deploy' channel
15:53:39.227 [INFO ] c.w.c.p.oneops.OneOpsClientTask - Getting IPs of FSPT/stg/MasterData/compute...
15:53:40.693 [INFO ] c.w.c.p.ansible.RunPlaybookTask2 - Using a playbook: roles/Nonroot_splunk/tasks/install_nonroot.yml
15:53:40.696 [INFO ] c.w.c.p.ansible.RunPlaybookTask2 - Using an inline inventory
15:53:40.713 [INFO ] c.w.c.p.ansible.RunPlaybookTask2 - Using the private key: .tmp/private7201195688067236220.key
15:53:42.278 [INFO ] c.w.c.p.ansible.RunPlaybookTask2 - ANSIBLE: Log filter is enabled...
15:53:42.278 [INFO ] c.w.c.p.ansible.RunPlaybookTask2 - ANSIBLE: Ansible event recording started...
15:53:42.278 [INFO ] c.w.c.p.ansible.RunPlaybookTask2 - ANSIBLE:
15:53:42.278 [INFO ] c.w.c.p.ansible.RunPlaybookTask2 - ANSIBLE: PLAY [all] *********************************************************************
15:53:42.292 [INFO ] c.w.c.p.ansible.RunPlaybookTask2 - ANSIBLE: play strategy 'concord_linear'
15:53:42.293 [INFO ] c.w.c.p.ansible.RunPlaybookTask2 - ANSIBLE: Loading policy from /tmp/concord/prefork2927482960680256606/payload/.concord/policy.json
15:53:42.293 [INFO ] c.w.c.p.ansible.RunPlaybookTask2 - ANSIBLE: TASK [ Gathering Facts ] *************************************************************************
15:53:43.075 [INFO ] c.w.c.p.ansible.RunPlaybookTask2 - ANSIBLE: ok: []
15:53:43.138 [INFO ] c.w.c.p.ansible.RunPlaybookTask2 - ANSIBLE: ok: []
15:53:43.413 [INFO ] c.w.c.p.ansible.RunPlaybookTask2 - ANSIBLE: ok: []
15:53:43.442 [INFO ] c.w.c.p.ansible.RunPlaybookTask2 - ANSIBLE: ok: []
15:53:43.467 [INFO ] c.w.c.p.ansible.RunPlaybookTask2 - ANSIBLE: TASK [ include_vars ] *************************************************************************
15:53:43.573 [INFO ] c.w.c.p.ansible.RunPlaybookTask2 - ANSIBLE: [WARNING]: While constructing a mapping from /tmp/concord/prefork2927482960680
15:53:43.573 [INFO ] c.w.c.p.ansible.RunPlaybookTask2 - ANSIBLE: 256606/payload/roles/Nonroot_splunk/tasks/../../../vars/conf/oneops/bogrccc/FSP
15:53:43.573 [INFO ] c.w.c.p.ansible.RunPlaybookTask2 - ANSIBLE: T/MasterData/stg/settings.yml, line 1, column 1, found a duplicate dict key
15:53:43.573 [INFO ] c.w.c.p.ansible.RunPlaybookTask2 - ANSIBLE: (date). Using last defined value only.
15:53:43.585 [INFO ] c.w.c.p.ansible.RunPlaybookTask2 - ANSIBLE: ok: []
15:53:43.587 [INFO ] c.w.c.p.ansible.RunPlaybookTask2 - ANSIBLE: [WARNING]: While constructing a mapping from /tmp/concord/prefork2927482960680
15:53:43.587 [INFO ] c.w.c.p.ansible.RunPlaybookTask2 - ANSIBLE: 256606/payload/roles/Nonroot_splunk/tasks/../../../vars/conf/oneops/bogrccc/FSP
15:53:43.587 [INFO ] c.w.c.p.ansible.RunPlaybookTask2 - ANSIBLE: T/MasterData/stg/settings.yml, line 1, column 1, found a duplicate dict key
15:53:43.587 [INFO ] c.w.c.p.ansible.RunPlaybookTask2 - ANSIBLE: (date). Using last defined value only.
15:53:43.599 [INFO ] c.w.c.p.ansible.RunPlaybookTask2 - ANSIBLE: ok: []
15:53:43.622 [INFO ] c.w.c.p.ansible.RunPlaybookTask2 - ANSIBLE: [WARNING]: While constructing a mapping from /tmp/concord/prefork2927482960680
15:53:43.622 [INFO ] c.w.c.p.ansible.RunPlaybookTask2 - ANSIBLE: 256606/payload/roles/Nonroot_splunk/tasks/../../../vars/conf/oneops/bogrccc/FSP
15:53:43.622 [INFO ] c.w.c.p.ansible.RunPlaybookTask2 - ANSIBLE: T/MasterData/stg/settings.yml, line 1, column 1, found a duplicate dict key
15:53:43.622 [INFO ] c.w.c.p.ansible.RunPlaybookTask2 - ANSIBLE: (date). Using last defined value only.
15:53:43.623 [INFO ] c.w.c.p.ansible.RunPlaybookTask2 - ANSIBLE: [WARNING]: While constructing a mapping from /tmp/concord/prefork2927482960680
15:53:43.624 [INFO ] c.w.c.p.ansible.RunPlaybookTask2 - ANSIBLE: 256606/payload/roles/Nonroot_splunk/tasks/../../../vars/conf/oneops/bogrccc/FSP
15:53:43.624 [INFO ] c.w.c.p.ansible.RunPlaybookTask2 - ANSIBLE: T/MasterData/stg/settings.yml, line 1, column 1, found a duplicate dict key
15:53:43.624 [INFO ] c.w.c.p.ansible.RunPlaybookTask2 - ANSIBLE: (date). Using last defined value only.
15:53:43.628 [INFO ] c.w.c.p.ansible.RunPlaybookTask2 - ANSIBLE: ok: []
15:53:43.643 [INFO ] c.w.c.p.ansible.RunPlaybookTask2 - ANSIBLE: ok: []
15:53:43.664 [INFO ] c.w.c.p.ansible.RunPlaybookTask2 - ANSIBLE: TASK [ Check if the user is already there ] *************************************************************************
15:53:44.078 [INFO ] c.w.c.p.ansible.RunPlaybookTask2 - ANSIBLE: ok: []
15:53:44.090 [INFO ] c.w.c.p.ansible.RunPlaybookTask2 - ANSIBLE: ok: []
15:53:44.171 [INFO ] c.w.c.p.ansible.RunPlaybookTask2 - ANSIBLE: ok: []
15:53:44.189 [INFO ] c.w.c.p.ansible.RunPlaybookTask2 - ANSIBLE: ok: []
15:53:44.208 [INFO ] c.w.c.p.ansible.RunPlaybookTask2 - ANSIBLE: TASK [ Remove old splunk forwarder if present ] *************************************************************************
15:53:44.245 [INFO ] c.w.c.p.ansible.RunPlaybookTask2 - ANSIBLE: skipping: []
15:53:44.262 [INFO ] c.w.c.p.ansible.RunPlaybookTask2 - ANSIBLE: skipping: []
15:53:44.263 [INFO ] c.w.c.p.ansible.RunPlaybookTask2 - ANSIBLE: skipping: []
15:53:44.283 [INFO ] c.w.c.p.ansible.RunPlaybookTask2 - ANSIBLE: skipping: []
15:53:44.292 [INFO ] c.w.c.p.ansible.RunPlaybookTask2 - ANSIBLE: TASK [ Check if UF is already running ] *************************************************************************
15:53:44.571 [INFO ] c.w.c.p.ansible.RunPlaybookTask2 - ANSIBLE: ok: []
15:53:44.591 [INFO ] c.w.c.p.ansible.RunPlaybookTask2 - ANSIBLE: ok: []
15:53:44.640 [INFO ] c.w.c.p.ansible.RunPlaybookTask2 - ANSIBLE: ok: []
15:53:44.654 [INFO ] c.w.c.p.ansible.RunPlaybookTask2 - ANSIBLE: ok: []
15:53:44.678 [INFO ] c.w.c.p.ansible.RunPlaybookTask2 - ANSIBLE: TASK [ Create "app" group ] *************************************************************************
15:53:44.708 [INFO ] c.w.c.p.ansible.RunPlaybookTask2 - ANSIBLE: skipping: []
15:53:44.729 [INFO ] c.w.c.p.ansible.RunPlaybookTask2 - ANSIBLE: skipping: []
15:53:44.729 [INFO ] c.w.c.p.ansible.RunPlaybookTask2 - ANSIBLE: skipping: []
15:53:44.737 [INFO ] c.w.c.p.ansible.RunPlaybookTask2 - ANSIBLE: skipping: []
15:53:44.751 [INFO ] c.w.c.p.ansible.RunPlaybookTask2 - ANSIBLE: TASK [ Create 'splunkuser' service user ] *************************************************************************
15:53:44.772 [INFO ] c.w.c.p.ansible.RunPlaybookTask2 - ANSIBLE: skipping: []
15:53:44.807 [INFO ] c.w.c.p.ansible.RunPlaybookTask2 - ANSIBLE: skipping: []
15:53:44.811 [INFO ] c.w.c.p.ansible.RunPlaybookTask2 - ANSIBLE: skipping: []
15:53:44.822 [INFO ] c.w.c.p.ansible.RunPlaybookTask2 - ANSIBLE: skipping: []
15:53:44.836 [INFO ] c.w.c.p.ansible.RunPlaybookTask2 - ANSIBLE: TASK [ Add "splunkuser" to "app" group ] *************************************************************************
15:53:45.110 [INFO ] c.w.c.p.ansible.RunPlaybookTask2 - ANSIBLE: changed: []
15:53:45.165 [INFO ] c.w.c.p.ansible.RunPlaybookTask2 - ANSIBLE: changed: []
15:53:45.178 [INFO ] c.w.c.p.ansible.RunPlaybookTask2 - ANSIBLE: changed: []
15:53:45.202 [INFO ] c.w.c.p.ansible.RunPlaybookTask2 - ANSIBLE: changed: []
15:53:45.218 [INFO ] c.w.c.p.ansible.RunPlaybookTask2 - ANSIBLE: TASK [ Download splunk archive ] *************************************************************************
15:53:46.915 [INFO ] c.w.c.p.ansible.RunPlaybookTask2 - ANSIBLE: [DEPRECATION WARNING]: Using tests as filters is deprecated. Instead of using
15:53:46.915 [INFO ] c.w.c.p.ansible.RunPlaybookTask2 - ANSIBLE: `result|success` instead use `result is success`. This feature will be removed
15:53:46.915 [INFO ] c.w.c.p.ansible.RunPlaybookTask2 - ANSIBLE: in version 2.9. Deprecation warnings can be disabled by setting
15:53:46.915 [INFO ] c.w.c.p.ansible.RunPlaybookTask2 - ANSIBLE: deprecation_warnings=False in ansible.cfg.
15:53:46.921 [INFO ] c.w.c.p.ansible.RunPlaybookTask2 - ANSIBLE: ok: []
15:53:47.055 [INFO ] c.w.c.p.ansible.RunPlaybookTask2 - ANSIBLE: [DEPRECATION WARNING]: Using tests as filters is deprecated. Instead of using
15:53:47.055 [INFO ] c.w.c.p.ansible.RunPlaybookTask2 - ANSIBLE: `result|success` instead use `result is success`. This feature will be removed
15:53:47.055 [INFO ] c.w.c.p.ansible.RunPlaybookTask2 - ANSIBLE: in version 2.9. Deprecation warnings can be disabled by setting
15:53:47.055 [INFO ] c.w.c.p.ansible.RunPlaybookTask2 - ANSIBLE: deprecation_warnings=False in ansible.cfg.
15:53:47.060 [INFO ] c.w.c.p.ansible.RunPlaybookTask2 - ANSIBLE: ok: []
15:53:47.233 [INFO ] c.w.c.p.ansible.RunPlaybookTask2 - ANSIBLE: [DEPRECATION WARNING]: Using tests as filters is deprecated. Instead of using
15:53:47.233 [INFO ] c.w.c.p.ansible.RunPlaybookTask2 - ANSIBLE: `result|success` instead use `result is success`. This feature will be removed
15:53:47.233 [INFO ] c.w.c.p.ansible.RunPlaybookTask2 - ANSIBLE: in version 2.9. Deprecation warnings can be disabled by setting
15:53:47.233 [INFO ] c.w.c.p.ansible.RunPlaybookTask2 - ANSIBLE: deprecation_warnings=False in ansible.cfg.
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