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Last active June 30, 2017 16:14
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hyperapp component proposal
export default (props = { initialValue: 0, unit: '' }, children) => ({
state: {
count: props.initialValue,
unit: props.unit
actions: {
inc: (state, actions, data, emit) => emit('change', { count: state.count + 1 }),
dec: (state, actions, data, emit) => emit('change', { count: state.count + 1 })
view: (state, actions) => (
<div class={"counter"}>
<button onclick={}> + </button>
<span>{state.count} {state.unit}</span>
<button onclick={actions.dec}> - </button>
import { h, app } from "hyperapp"
import Counter from "./counter"
state: {
title: 'Best counter ever',
unit: 'monkeys'
view: (state, actions, { Counter }, emit) => (
components: state => ({
Counter: (
<Counter initialValue={5}, unit={state.unit}, onchange={value => emit('change', value)}/>
events: {
change: (state, actions, value) => { alert(value) }
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