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Created June 10, 2019 15:34
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module App.View
open Elmish
open Fable.React
open Fable.React.Props
open State
open Types
open Fulma
open Fable.FontAwesome
open Fable.FontAwesome.Free
let private navbarEnd =
Navbar.End.div [ ]
[ Navbar.Item.div [ ]
[ Field.div [ Field.IsGrouped ]
[ Control.p [ ]
[ Button.a [ Button.Props [ Href "" ] ]
[ Icon.icon [ ]
[ Fa.i [ Fa.Brand.Github ] [ ] ]
span [ ] [ str "Source" ] ] ] ] ] ]
let private navbarStart dispatch =
Navbar.Start.div [ ]
[ Navbar.Item.a [ Navbar.Item.Props [ OnClick (fun _ ->
|> Router.Question
|> Router.modifyLocation) ] ]
[ str "Home" ]
Navbar.Item.div [ Navbar.Item.HasDropdown
Navbar.Item.IsHoverable ]
[ Navbar.Link.div [ ]
[ str "Options" ]
Navbar.Dropdown.div [ ]
[ Navbar.Item.a [ Navbar.Item.Props [ OnClick (fun _ -> dispatch ResetDatabase)] ]
[ str "Reset demo" ] ] ] ]
let private navbarView isBurgerOpen dispatch =
div [ ClassName "navbar-bg" ]
[ Container.container [ ]
[ Navbar.navbar [ Navbar.CustomClass "is-primary" ]
[ Navbar.Brand.div [ ]
[ Navbar.Item.a [ Navbar.Item.Props [ Href "#" ] ]
[ Image.image [ Image.Is32x32 ]
[ img [ Src "assets/mini_logo.svg" ] ]
Heading.p [ Heading.Is4 ]
[ str "Fulma-demo" ] ]
// Icon display only on mobile
Navbar.Item.a [ Navbar.Item.Props [ Href "" ]
Navbar.Item.CustomClass "is-hidden-desktop" ]
[ Icon.icon [ ]
[ Fa.i [ Fa.Brand.Github
Fa.Size Fa.FaLarge ] [ ] ] ]
// Make sure to have the navbar burger as the last child of the brand
Navbar.burger [ Fulma.Common.CustomClass (if isBurgerOpen then "is-active" else "")
Fulma.Common.Props [
OnClick (fun _ -> dispatch ToggleBurger) ] ]
[ span [ ] [ ]
span [ ] [ ]
span [ ] [ ] ] ] [ Navbar.Menu.IsActive isBurgerOpen ]
[ navbarStart dispatch
navbarEnd ] ] ] ]
let private renderPage model dispatch =
match model with
| { CurrentPage = Router.Question _
QuestionDispatcher = Some extractedModel } ->
Question.Dispatcher.View.root model.Session extractedModel (QuestionDispatcherMsg >> dispatch)
| _ ->
let private root model dispatch =
div [ ]
[ navbarView model.IsBurgerOpen dispatch
renderPage model dispatch ]
open Elmish.Debug
open Elmish.Navigation
open Elmish.UrlParser
open Elmish.HMR
// Init the first datas into the database
Program.mkProgram init update root
|> Program.toNavigable (parseHash Router.pageParser) urlUpdate
|> Program.withConsoleTrace
|> Program.withReactSynchronous "elmish-app"
|> Program.withDebugger
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