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Created July 19, 2024 14:09
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  • Save Sword-Smith/4ecf808756a436ccfcf027e51af2b65b to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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Rust code for approximating size of compressed authentication structure vs. naive Merkle tree approach
// Add this test to `twenty-first`'s `twenty-first/src/util_types/` to run it.
fn size_test_for_swbfi_authentication_path_merging() {
const NUM_SAMPLES: usize = 2000;
const TREE_HEIGHT: usize = 12;
const INDEX_RANGE: usize = 1 << 8;
const BIG_TREE_HEIGHT: usize = 32;
const NUM_LEAFS: usize = 1 << TREE_HEIGHT;
const NUM_OPENED_LEAFS: usize = 45;
let merkle_tree = MerkleTree::<Tip5>::test_tree_of_height(TREE_HEIGHT);
let mut rng = thread_rng();
let mut first_moment = 0f64;
let mut second_moment = 0f64;
for _ in 0..NUM_SAMPLES {
let active_window_start = rng.gen_range(0..(NUM_LEAFS - INDEX_RANGE));
let active_window = active_window_start..(active_window_start + INDEX_RANGE);
let indices = (0..NUM_OPENED_LEAFS)
.map(|_| rng.gen_range(active_window.clone()))
let proof = merkle_tree
first_moment += proof.authentication_structure.len() as f64;
second_moment += (proof.authentication_structure.len() as f64).powf(2f64);
let naive_approach = {
let proof = merkle_tree.inclusion_proof_for_leaf_indices(&[4]).unwrap();
let auth_paths = proof.into_authentication_paths().unwrap();
(auth_paths.iter().flatten().count() * NUM_OPENED_LEAFS) as f64
let mean_compressed = first_moment / NUM_SAMPLES as f64;
let std_deviation_avg_compressed =
(second_moment / NUM_SAMPLES as f64 - mean_compressed.powf(2f64)).sqrt();
let relative_savings = 1f64 - mean_compressed / naive_approach;
let stddev_relative_savings = std_deviation_avg_compressed / naive_approach;
"compressed, number of digests: mean: {mean_compressed}±{std_deviation_avg_compressed}"
println!("naive approach: {naive_approach}");
"Savings: {} % ±{}",
relative_savings * 100f64,
stddev_relative_savings * 100f64
let compressed_in_big_tree = mean_compressed + (BIG_TREE_HEIGHT - TREE_HEIGHT) as f64;
let naive_in_big_tree = BIG_TREE_HEIGHT as f64 * naive_approach / TREE_HEIGHT as f64;
println!("compressed, number of digests, big tree: {compressed_in_big_tree}");
println!("naive approach, big tree: {naive_in_big_tree}");
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