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Created August 10, 2022 15:10
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{-# LANGUAGE PatternSynonyms
, TypeApplications
, RankNTypes
, ScopedTypeVariables
, ViewPatterns
-- GADT of possible types
data Type a where
TInt :: Type Int
class ToType a where
toType :: Type a
instance ToType Int where
toType = TInt
-- some opaque type
data Expr a where
EInt :: Expr Int
-- existential adding info of ToType dictionary
data SomeExpr where
Expr :: ToType a => Expr a -> SomeExpr
-- explicit use of dictionary
typeof :: forall a. ToType a => Expr a -> Type a
typeof _ = toType @a
-- here something wrong happens
{-# COMPLETE (:::) #-}
--pattern (:::) :: ToType a => Expr a -> Type a -> SomeExpr
pattern expr ::: tt <- Expr expr@(typeof -> tt)
where expr ::: _ = Expr expr
test :: (MonadFail m) => m String
test = do
_e ::: t <- pure $ Expr EInt
case t of
TInt -> pure "int"
main :: IO ()
main = test >>= putStrLn
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