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Last active February 7, 2021 09:15
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Placeholder Plugin Wrapper
import org.jetbrains.annotations.Contract;
import org.jetbrains.annotations.NotNull;
import org.jetbrains.annotations.Nullable;
import org.bukkit.Bukkit;
import org.bukkit.OfflinePlayer;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.function.BiFunction;
import java.util.function.Supplier;
* Drag and Drop Placeholder Replacement Wrapper
* @see Replace#set(OfflinePlayer, String)
public final class Replace implements BiFunction<@Nullable OfflinePlayer, @NotNull String, @NotNull String>
private static final String PAPI_PLUGIN_NAME = "PlaceholderAPI";
private static final String MVDW_PLUGIN_NAME = "MVdWPlaceholderAPI";
private static Replace instance;
* @return The singleton instance of {@link Replace}
* @apiNote Lazily initializes a singleton instance of this wrapper,
* automatically registering the main two placeholder plugin integrations
public static @NotNull Replace get()
// check if singleton is initialized
if (instance == null)
// create new instance
instance = new Replace();
// attempt to register placeholderapi
() -> me.clip.placeholderapi.PlaceholderAPI::setPlaceholders);
// attempt to register mvdwplaceholderapi
() -> be.maximvdw.placeholderapi.PlaceholderAPI::replacePlaceholders);
// return cached instance
return instance;
* Convenience function for setting the placeholders using the singleton {@link Replace} instance
* @see Replace#apply(OfflinePlayer, String)
@Contract(pure = true)
public static @NotNull String set(@Nullable final OfflinePlayer player, @NotNull final String string)
return get().apply(player, string);
* A list of replacement functions, could technically be anything, but here we focus on these spigot plugins
private final List<BiFunction<@Nullable OfflinePlayer, @NotNull String, @NotNull String>> replacers = new ArrayList<>();
* Function for setting the placeholders using the stored replacer BiFunctions
* @param player The player to use as the context for the placeholders
* @param string The string containing placeholders
* @return A new string containing the replaced values for applicable placeholders
@Contract(pure = true)
public @NotNull String apply(@Nullable final OfflinePlayer player, @NotNull final String string)
return this.replacers
// create stream of replacer functions
// reduce the collection of replacers using the input string as our identity, and each function as the accumulator
(text, replacer) -> replacer.apply(player, text),
// this is kinda not what's supposed to happen as a combiner, this is not a parallel stream, so it doesn't matter anyway...
* Checks if the source plugin is enabled, and attempts to register it's replacement function
* @param name The name of the source plugin
* @param supplier A supplier that returns the replacement function
private void attemptToRegister(@NotNull final String name, @NotNull final Supplier<BiFunction<OfflinePlayer, String, String>> supplier)
// check if a plugin by this name is enabled
if (!Bukkit.getPluginManager().isPluginEnabled(name))
// if not, do nothing, fail gracefully
// attempt to retrieve the replacer function from the supplier, and add it to our list
catch (final Throwable ignored /* most likely would be a NCDFE */)
// maybe pass in a logger?
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Sxtanna commented Feb 7, 2021

Plugin Description

// ....
  - "PlaceholderAPI"
  - "MVdWPlaceholderAPI"

Repository and Dependency


repositories {
    // ....
    maven {
        url = uri("")
    maven {
        url = uri("")

dependencies {
    // ....
    compileOnly("me.clip:placeholderapi:2.10.9") {
        transitive false
    compileOnly("be.maximvdw:MVdWPlaceholderAPI:3.1.1-SNAPSHOT") {
        transitive false


    // ....

    // ....

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