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Created July 1, 2019 15:24
Show Gist options
  • Save Syerram/dc37e4bff7821e6e7fdb45fd4f105100 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save Syerram/dc37e4bff7821e6e7fdb45fd4f105100 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Test failure - Option A
• Failure [253.063 seconds]
Route Services
when a route binds to a service
when service broker returns a route service url
a request to the app is routed through the route service [It]
Timed out after 60.000s.
Got stuck at:
2019-05-06T23:37:32.79+0000 [API/0] OUT Created app with guid 6a444c66-4c16-4c31-b34b-7b2533035975
2019-05-06T23:37:33.25+0000 [API/0] OUT Uploading bits for app with guid 6a444c66-4c16-4c31-b34b-7b2533035975
2019-05-06T23:37:36.54+0000 [API/1] OUT Creating build for app with guid 6a444c66-4c16-4c31-b34b-7b2533035975
2019-05-06T23:37:36.85+0000 [API/1] OUT Updated app with guid 6a444c66-4c16-4c31-b34b-7b2533035975 ({"state"=>"STARTED"})
2019-05-06T23:37:36.89+0000 [STG/0] OUT Downloading go_buildpack...
2019-05-06T23:37:36.95+0000 [STG/0] OUT Downloaded go_buildpack
2019-05-06T23:37:36.95+0000 [STG/0] OUT Cell 65d36463-a04d-43b1-a84a-37517562a38d creating container for instance 7e6fc789-a83c-45a4-b06f-46c39e14f98d
2019-05-06T23:37:37.39+0000 [STG/0] OUT Cell 65d36463-a04d-43b1-a84a-37517562a38d successfully created container for instance 7e6fc789-a83c-45a4-b06f-46c39e14f98d
2019-05-06T23:37:37.71+0000 [STG/0] OUT Downloading app package...
2019-05-06T23:37:37.81+0000 [STG/0] OUT Downloaded app package (6.3K)
2019-05-06T23:37:37.91+0000 [STG/0] OUT -----> Go Buildpack version 1.8.39
2019-05-06T23:37:37.91+0000 [STG/0] OUT **WARNING** [DEPRECATION WARNING]:
2019-05-06T23:37:37.91+0000 [STG/0] OUT **WARNING** Please use AppDynamics extension buildpack for Golang Application instrumentation
2019-05-06T23:37:37.91+0000 [STG/0] OUT **WARNING** for more details:
2019-05-06T23:37:37.91+0000 [STG/0] OUT -----> Installing godep 80
2019-05-06T23:37:37.91+0000 [STG/0] OUT Download []
2019-05-06T23:37:38.26+0000 [STG/0] OUT -----> Installing glide 0.13.2
2019-05-06T23:37:38.26+0000 [STG/0] OUT Download []
2019-05-06T23:37:38.44+0000 [STG/0] OUT -----> Installing dep 0.5.1
2019-05-06T23:37:38.44+0000 [STG/0] OUT Download []
2019-05-06T23:37:38.69+0000 [STG/0] OUT -----> Installing go 1.12.4
2019-05-06T23:37:38.69+0000 [STG/0] OUT Download []
2019-05-06T23:37:58.66+0000 [STG/0] OUT **WARNING** Installing package '.' (default)
2019-05-06T23:37:58.66+0000 [STG/0] OUT -----> Running: go install -tags cloudfoundry -buildmode pie .
2019-05-06T23:38:26.25+0000 [STG/0] OUT Exit status 0
2019-05-06T23:38:26.25+0000 [STG/0] OUT Uploading droplet, build artifacts cache...
2019-05-06T23:38:26.25+0000 [STG/0] OUT Uploading droplet...
2019-05-06T23:38:26.25+0000 [STG/0] OUT Uploading build artifacts cache...
2019-05-06T23:38:26.43+0000 [API/1] OUT Creating droplet for app with guid 6a444c66-4c16-4c31-b34b-7b2533035975
2019-05-06T23:38:29.99+0000 [STG/0] OUT Uploaded droplet (3.7M)
2019-05-06T23:38:31.85+0000 [STG/0] OUT Uploaded build artifacts cache (189.6M)
2019-05-06T23:38:31.91+0000 [STG/0] OUT Uploading complete
2019-05-06T23:38:32.16+0000 [STG/0] OUT Cell 65d36463-a04d-43b1-a84a-37517562a38d stopping instance 7e6fc789-a83c-45a4-b06f-46c39e14f98d
2019-05-06T23:38:32.16+0000 [STG/0] OUT Cell 65d36463-a04d-43b1-a84a-37517562a38d destroying container for instance 7e6fc789-a83c-45a4-b06f-46c39e14f98d
2019-05-06T23:38:32.56+0000 [CELL/0] OUT Cell fec0bceb-97b2-4565-bef7-4afcacb43159 creating container for instance 6451e2c9-a7ca-4d81-4d4f-1548
2019-05-06T23:38:33.21+0000 [CELL/0] OUT Cell fec0bceb-97b2-4565-bef7-4afcacb43159 successfully created container for instance 6451e2c9-a7ca-4d81-4d4f-1548
2019-05-06T23:38:33.37+0000 [CELL/0] OUT Downloading droplet...
2019-05-06T23:38:33.62+0000 [STG/0] OUT Cell 65d36463-a04d-43b1-a84a-37517562a38d successfully destroyed container for instance 7e6fc789-a83c-45a4-b06f-46c39e14f98d
2019-05-06T23:38:33.75+0000 [CELL/0] OUT Downloaded droplet (3.7M)
2019-05-06T23:38:33.75+0000 [CELL/0] OUT Starting health monitoring of container
2019-05-06T23:38:34.21+0000 [CELL/0] OUT Container became healthy
Waiting for:
Response Body: go, world
***** SETUP *****
STEP: Create service broker
STEP: Push service broker app (CATS-5-APP-519f45001663aee9)
STEP: Configure service broker
STEP: Enable service broker as user
STEP: Create service instance
STEP: Push route service app (CATS-5-APP-7972b3aa2a6bdc9f)
STEP: Push app (CATS-5-APP-988a6e5e1e11edcb)
STEP: Configure service broker with route service app
STEP: Bind route service app
***** TEST *****
STEP: Polling app
POLLING: Curling app
POLLING: Tail app logs
(failed after 20 times)
(sample output below)
>> [2019-05-06 23:38:41.13 (UTC)]> curl -k -H Expect: -s
>> 502 Bad Gateway: Registered endpoint failed to handle the request.
***** APP REPORT: CATS-5-APP-988a6e5e1e11edcb *****
[2019-05-06 23:39:41.13 (UTC)]> cf app CATS-5-APP-988a6e5e1e11edcb --guid
[2019-05-06 23:39:41.13 (UTC)]> cf app CATS-5-APP-988a6e5e1e11edcb
Showing health and status for app CATS-5-APP-988a6e5e1e11edcb in org system / space test as admin...
name: CATS-5-APP-988a6e5e1e11edcb
requested state: started
last uploaded: Mon 06 May 23:37:22 UTC 2019
stack: cflinuxfs3
buildpacks: go
type: web
instances: 1/1
memory usage: 256M
state since cpu memory disk details
#0 running 2019-05-06T23:37:31Z 0.0% 0 of 256M 0 of 1G
[2019-05-06 23:39:42.13 (UTC)]> cf tail --envelope-class=logs CATS-5-APP-988a6e5e1e11edcb --lines 125
2019-05-06T23:36:42.53+0000 [API/0] OUT Created app with guid 9a3ac682-6edf-4930-8304-5b95f46f8473
2019-05-06T23:36:42.90+0000 [API/0] OUT Uploading bits for app with guid 9a3ac682-6edf-4930-8304-5b95f46f8473
2019-05-06T23:36:49.44+0000 [API/1] OUT Creating build for app with guid 9a3ac682-6edf-4930-8304-5b95f46f8473
2019-05-06T23:36:49.76+0000 [API/1] OUT Updated app with guid 9a3ac682-6edf-4930-8304-5b95f46f8473 ({"state"=>"STARTED"})
2019-05-06T23:36:49.79+0000 [STG/0] OUT Downloading go_buildpack...
2019-05-06T23:36:49.85+0000 [STG/0] OUT Downloaded go_buildpack
2019-05-06T23:36:49.85+0000 [STG/0] OUT Cell 750e0cdc-47d0-4a1c-a1f9-d41055d9fc18 creating container for instance a47aef19-300d-48c5-831a-4ae7692ecd39
2019-05-06T23:36:50.26+0000 [STG/0] OUT Cell 750e0cdc-47d0-4a1c-a1f9-d41055d9fc18 successfully created container for instance a47aef19-300d-48c5-831a-4ae7692ecd39
2019-05-06T23:36:50.47+0000 [STG/0] OUT Downloading app package...
2019-05-06T23:36:50.59+0000 [STG/0] OUT Downloaded app package (444B)
2019-05-06T23:36:50.73+0000 [STG/0] OUT -----> Go Buildpack version 1.8.39
2019-05-06T23:36:50.73+0000 [STG/0] OUT **WARNING** [DEPRECATION WARNING]:
2019-05-06T23:36:50.73+0000 [STG/0] OUT **WARNING** Please use AppDynamics extension buildpack for Golang Application instrumentation
2019-05-06T23:36:50.73+0000 [STG/0] OUT **WARNING** for more details:
2019-05-06T23:36:50.73+0000 [STG/0] OUT -----> Installing godep 80
2019-05-06T23:36:50.73+0000 [STG/0] OUT Download []
2019-05-06T23:36:51.06+0000 [STG/0] OUT -----> Installing glide 0.13.2
2019-05-06T23:36:51.06+0000 [STG/0] OUT Download []
2019-05-06T23:36:51.26+0000 [STG/0] OUT -----> Installing dep 0.5.1
2019-05-06T23:36:51.26+0000 [STG/0] OUT Download []
2019-05-06T23:36:51.54+0000 [STG/0] OUT -----> Installing go 1.10.8
2019-05-06T23:36:51.54+0000 [STG/0] OUT Download []
2019-05-06T23:36:52.63+0000 [STG/0] OUT **WARNING** go 1.10.x will no longer be available in new buildpacks released after 2019-02-25.
2019-05-06T23:36:52.63+0000 [STG/0] OUT See:
2019-05-06T23:36:59.07+0000 [STG/0] OUT **WARNING** Installing package '.' (default)
2019-05-06T23:36:59.07+0000 [STG/0] OUT -----> Running: go install -tags cloudfoundry -buildmode pie .
2019-05-06T23:37:22.85+0000 [STG/0] OUT Exit status 0
2019-05-06T23:37:22.85+0000 [STG/0] OUT Uploading droplet, build artifacts cache...
2019-05-06T23:37:22.85+0000 [STG/0] OUT Uploading droplet...
2019-05-06T23:37:22.85+0000 [STG/0] OUT Uploading build artifacts cache...
2019-05-06T23:37:22.98+0000 [API/0] OUT Creating droplet for app with guid 9a3ac682-6edf-4930-8304-5b95f46f8473
2019-05-06T23:37:26.57+0000 [STG/0] OUT Uploaded build artifacts cache (123.7M)
2019-05-06T23:37:28.06+0000 [STG/0] OUT Uploaded droplet (2.5M)
2019-05-06T23:37:28.06+0000 [STG/0] OUT Uploading complete
2019-05-06T23:37:28.41+0000 [STG/0] OUT Cell 750e0cdc-47d0-4a1c-a1f9-d41055d9fc18 stopping instance a47aef19-300d-48c5-831a-4ae7692ecd39
2019-05-06T23:37:28.41+0000 [STG/0] OUT Cell 750e0cdc-47d0-4a1c-a1f9-d41055d9fc18 destroying container for instance a47aef19-300d-48c5-831a-4ae7692ecd39
2019-05-06T23:37:28.72+0000 [CELL/0] OUT Cell fec0bceb-97b2-4565-bef7-4afcacb43159 creating container for instance 06815b36-68dd-4559-5c5a-3599
2019-05-06T23:37:29.25+0000 [CELL/0] OUT Cell fec0bceb-97b2-4565-bef7-4afcacb43159 successfully created container for instance 06815b36-68dd-4559-5c5a-3599
2019-05-06T23:37:29.42+0000 [CELL/0] OUT Downloading droplet...
2019-05-06T23:37:29.73+0000 [CELL/0] OUT Downloaded droplet (2.5M)
2019-05-06T23:37:29.73+0000 [CELL/0] OUT Starting health monitoring of container
2019-05-06T23:37:29.95+0000 [APP/PROC/WEB/0] OUT listening...
2019-05-06T23:37:30.11+0000 [STG/0] OUT Cell 750e0cdc-47d0-4a1c-a1f9-d41055d9fc18 successfully destroyed container for instance a47aef19-300d-48c5-831a-4ae7692ecd39
2019-05-06T23:37:30.17+0000 [CELL/0] OUT Container became healthy
*** END APP REPORT: CATS-5-APP-988a6e5e1e11edcb ***
***** APP REPORT: CATS-5-APP-7972b3aa2a6bdc9f *****
[2019-05-06 23:39:43.13 (UTC)]> cf app CATS-5-APP-7972b3aa2a6bdc9f --guid
[2019-05-06 23:39:43.13 (UTC)]> cf app CATS-5-APP-7972b3aa2a6bdc9f
Showing health and status for app CATS-5-APP-7972b3aa2a6bdc9f in org system / space test as admin...
name: CATS-5-APP-7972b3aa2a6bdc9f
requested state: started
last uploaded: Mon 06 May 23:38:26 UTC 2019
stack: cflinuxfs3
buildpacks: go
type: web
instances: 1/1
memory usage: 256M
state since cpu memory disk details
#0 running 2019-05-06T23:38:35Z 0.0% 0 of 256M 0 of 1G
[2019-05-06 23:39:44.13 (UTC)]> cf tail --envelope-class=logs CATS-5-APP-7972b3aa2a6bdc9f --lines 125
2019-05-06T23:37:32.79+0000 [API/0] OUT Created app with guid 6a444c66-4c16-4c31-b34b-7b2533035975
2019-05-06T23:37:33.25+0000 [API/0] OUT Uploading bits for app with guid 6a444c66-4c16-4c31-b34b-7b2533035975
2019-05-06T23:37:36.54+0000 [API/1] OUT Creating build for app with guid 6a444c66-4c16-4c31-b34b-7b2533035975
2019-05-06T23:37:36.85+0000 [API/1] OUT Updated app with guid 6a444c66-4c16-4c31-b34b-7b2533035975 ({"state"=>"STARTED"})
2019-05-06T23:37:36.89+0000 [STG/0] OUT Downloading go_buildpack...
2019-05-06T23:37:36.95+0000 [STG/0] OUT Downloaded go_buildpack
2019-05-06T23:37:36.95+0000 [STG/0] OUT Cell 65d36463-a04d-43b1-a84a-37517562a38d creating container for instance 7e6fc789-a83c-45a4-b06f-46c39e14f98d
2019-05-06T23:37:37.39+0000 [STG/0] OUT Cell 65d36463-a04d-43b1-a84a-37517562a38d successfully created container for instance 7e6fc789-a83c-45a4-b06f-46c39e14f98d
2019-05-06T23:37:37.71+0000 [STG/0] OUT Downloading app package...
2019-05-06T23:37:37.81+0000 [STG/0] OUT Downloaded app package (6.3K)
2019-05-06T23:37:37.91+0000 [STG/0] OUT -----> Go Buildpack version 1.8.39
2019-05-06T23:37:37.91+0000 [STG/0] OUT **WARNING** [DEPRECATION WARNING]:
2019-05-06T23:37:37.91+0000 [STG/0] OUT **WARNING** Please use AppDynamics extension buildpack for Golang Application instrumentation
2019-05-06T23:37:37.91+0000 [STG/0] OUT **WARNING** for more details:
2019-05-06T23:37:37.91+0000 [STG/0] OUT -----> Installing godep 80
2019-05-06T23:37:37.91+0000 [STG/0] OUT Download []
2019-05-06T23:37:38.26+0000 [STG/0] OUT -----> Installing glide 0.13.2
2019-05-06T23:37:38.26+0000 [STG/0] OUT Download []
2019-05-06T23:37:38.44+0000 [STG/0] OUT -----> Installing dep 0.5.1
2019-05-06T23:37:38.44+0000 [STG/0] OUT Download []
2019-05-06T23:37:38.69+0000 [STG/0] OUT -----> Installing go 1.12.4
2019-05-06T23:37:38.69+0000 [STG/0] OUT Download []
2019-05-06T23:37:58.66+0000 [STG/0] OUT **WARNING** Installing package '.' (default)
2019-05-06T23:37:58.66+0000 [STG/0] OUT -----> Running: go install -tags cloudfoundry -buildmode pie .
2019-05-06T23:38:26.25+0000 [STG/0] OUT Exit status 0
2019-05-06T23:38:26.25+0000 [STG/0] OUT Uploading droplet, build artifacts cache...
2019-05-06T23:38:26.25+0000 [STG/0] OUT Uploading droplet...
2019-05-06T23:38:26.25+0000 [STG/0] OUT Uploading build artifacts cache...
2019-05-06T23:38:26.43+0000 [API/1] OUT Creating droplet for app with guid 6a444c66-4c16-4c31-b34b-7b2533035975
2019-05-06T23:38:29.99+0000 [STG/0] OUT Uploaded droplet (3.7M)
2019-05-06T23:38:31.85+0000 [STG/0] OUT Uploaded build artifacts cache (189.6M)
2019-05-06T23:38:31.91+0000 [STG/0] OUT Uploading complete
2019-05-06T23:38:32.16+0000 [STG/0] OUT Cell 65d36463-a04d-43b1-a84a-37517562a38d stopping instance 7e6fc789-a83c-45a4-b06f-46c39e14f98d
2019-05-06T23:38:32.16+0000 [STG/0] OUT Cell 65d36463-a04d-43b1-a84a-37517562a38d destroying container for instance 7e6fc789-a83c-45a4-b06f-46c39e14f98d
2019-05-06T23:38:32.56+0000 [CELL/0] OUT Cell fec0bceb-97b2-4565-bef7-4afcacb43159 creating container for instance 6451e2c9-a7ca-4d81-4d4f-1548
2019-05-06T23:38:33.21+0000 [CELL/0] OUT Cell fec0bceb-97b2-4565-bef7-4afcacb43159 successfully created container for instance 6451e2c9-a7ca-4d81-4d4f-1548
2019-05-06T23:38:33.37+0000 [CELL/0] OUT Downloading droplet...
2019-05-06T23:38:33.62+0000 [STG/0] OUT Cell 65d36463-a04d-43b1-a84a-37517562a38d successfully destroyed container for instance 7e6fc789-a83c-45a4-b06f-46c39e14f98d
2019-05-06T23:38:33.75+0000 [CELL/0] OUT Downloaded droplet (3.7M)
2019-05-06T23:38:33.75+0000 [CELL/0] OUT Starting health monitoring of container
2019-05-06T23:38:34.21+0000 [CELL/0] OUT Container became healthy
*** END APP REPORT: CATS-5-APP-7972b3aa2a6bdc9f ***
***** TEAR-DOWN *****
STEP: Unbind service
STEP: Delete service instance
STEP: Delete service broker as user
STEP: Delete route service app (CATS-5-APP-7972b3aa2a6bdc9f)
STEP: Delete app (CATS-5-APP-988a6e5e1e11edcb)
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