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Created July 18, 2016 01:53
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# This helps you migrate to new repo from origin
USAGE_INFO="Usage: `basename $0` URL-New-Remote"
USAGE_EXAMPLE="Example: `basename $0`"
# Check in usage
case $# in
echo -e "${USAGE_INFO}"
echo -e "${USAGE_EXAMPLE}"
exit 1
if [ $# -gt 1 ]
then \
echo "Fatal: wrong parameters!"
echo -e "${USAGE_INFO}"
echo -e "${USAGE_EXAMPLE}"
exit 1
# Define remote
echo -e "Migrate to repo ${URL_NEW_ORIGIN} from ${ORIGIN}...\n"
### Step 1. Make sure you have a local copy of all "old repo"
### branches and tags.
# Fetch all of the remote branches and tags:
echo -e "git fetch -p ${ORIGIN}"
git fetch -p ${ORIGIN}
# View all "old repo" local and remote branches:
echo -e "git branch -a"
git branch -a
# If some of the remotes/ branches doesn't have a local copy,
# checkout to create a local copy of the missing ones:
# git checkout -b <branch> origin/<branch>
# 1. grep env, make sure that branches belong to only one remote!
# for remote in `git branch -r | grep -v /HEAD`; do git checkout --track $remote ; done
for remote in `git branch -r | grep -v /HEAD`;do
echo "git branch --track ${local} ${remote}"
git branch --track ${local} ${remote}
# 2. no grep env
# for remote in `git branch -r`; do git branch --track $remote; done
#for remote in `git branch -r`;do
# if [[ ${remote} == *"${ORIGIN}"* ]] && [[ ${remote} != *"HEAD"* ]] && [[ ${remote} != "->" ]]; then
# local=${remote#"${ORIGIN}/"}
# echo "git branch --track ${local} ${remote}"
# git branch --track ${local} ${remote}
# fi
# Update the branches, assuming there are no changes on your local tracking branches:
# for remote in `git branch -r`;do git checkout ${remote} ; git pull;done
# Now we have to have all remote branches locally.
## Step 2. Add a "new repo" as a new remote origin:
echo -e "git remote add ${NEW_ORIGIN} ${URL_NEW_ORIGIN}"
git remote add ${NEW_ORIGIN} ${URL_NEW_ORIGIN}
### Step 3. Push all local branches and tags to a "new repo".
# Push all local branches (note we're pushing to new-origin):
echo -e "git push --all ${NEW_ORIGIN}"
git push --all ${NEW_ORIGIN}
# Push all tags:
echo -e "git push --tags ${NEW_ORIGIN}"
git push --tags ${NEW_ORIGIN}
# Check command status
if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
echo -e "\n"
echo -e "exit!"
exit 1
### Step 4. Remove "old repo" origin and its dependencies.
# View existing remotes
echo -e "\nRename remote..."
echo -e "git remote -v"
git remote -v
# Remove "old repo" remote:
echo -e "git remote rm ${ORIGIN}"
git remote rm ${ORIGIN}
# Rename "new repo" remote into 'origin':
echo -e "git remote rename ${NEW_ORIGIN} ${ORIGIN}"
git remote rename ${NEW_ORIGIN} ${ORIGIN}
# Show remote status
echo -e "\nMigrating completed!"
git remote -v
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