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Last active December 29, 2020 12:21
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Functional programming Task async in parallel
// Task(functor,applicative,monad)
const Task = fork => ({
map: f => Task((reject, resolve) =>
fork(reject, a => resolve(f(a)))),
ap: fn =>
Task((reject, resolve) => fork(reject, a =>, resolve)
chain: f =>
Task((reject, resolve) => fork(reject, a =>
f(a).fork(reject, resolve))),
[Symbol.for('nodejs.util.inspect.custom')]: () => 'Task(?)'
// lift
Task.of = a => Task((_, resolve) => resolve(a))
// --------------------------async------------
// async get user name
const fetchName = Task((_, resolve) => {
setTimeout(() => {
}, 2000)
// async get user age
const fetchAge = Task((_, resolve) => {
setTimeout(() => {
}, 2000)
// pure app
const app = Task
.of(name => age => ({ name, age }))
// effect
app.fork(() => {
console.log('something went wrong')
}, x => {
console.log('x', x) // 4 seconds later log {name:'Melo', age:24}
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Yes, Promise.then is almost chain, because Promise is almost a monad. But there is the policy in the functional (Haskell) community that demands ap must have the same semantics as chain, that is, both must be evaluated in-sequence. For that reason there are two distinct types for async computations, a monadic type with in-sequence semantics, which has an applicative instance with the same semantics. And an applicative type with in-parallel semantics, which has no monad instance, because monads cannot be evaluated in-parallel by design.

However, it is just a policy to make async code more readable. You can mix both types if you want to. Here is a brief post I wrote about this topic.

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Great post! Thanks.

Do you have a plan to put all posts on github? I can do the translation (chinese) work.

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I will actually need a Mandarin translation for my course on Github at some point. However, for the time being everything is still in flux, chapters are revised. Translating it makes only sense when things get more stable.

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Sylvenas commented Dec 29, 2020

Similar to Promise.all. But the ap function only needs to receive one Task.

const Task = fork => ({
    ap: fn => Task((reject, resolve) => {
          let func, rejected
          const firstState = fork(x => {
              rejected = true;
              return reject(x)
          }, x => func = x)
          const senondState = fn.fork(x => {
              rejected = true;
              return reject(x)
          }, x => {
              if (rejected) return
              return resolve(func(x))
          return [firstState, senondState]

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