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Created May 31, 2017 11:33
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HydraSlayer Makefile
# A correct Makefile for HydraSlayer, fixing SDL2 linking issue
all: ../noteye
#for development:
CFLAGS=-Wall -Werror -g
#for release:
#CFLAGS=-O9 -Wall
#link with lua or luajit?
#add -DAVOID_FFI if using standard Lua
# note: for Raspberry Pi (and possibly others) add -DRASPBERRY_FIX
#noteye: noteye.cpp noteye.h util.cpp screen.cpp tiles.cpp gfx.cpp linux.cpp image.cpp fpp.cpp font.cpp internal.cpp stream.cpp
# $(CC) noteye.cpp -o noteye -lSDL -lSDL_image -llua5.1 -lutil -DLINUX -lSDL_net -lz
libnoteye.o: libnoteye.cpp noteye.h util.cpp screen.cpp tiles.cpp gfx.cpp linux.cpp image.cpp fpp.cpp font.cpp internal.cpp stream.cpp consout.cpp sound.cpp lua.cpp iso.cpp noteye-curses.h opengl.cpp drawtile.cpp sdltex.cpp utf8.cpp obsolete.cpp
$(CC) -fpic -I/usr/include/lua5.1 libnoteye.cpp -c -o libnoteye.o $(CFLAGS) $(DEF) $(TGT)
noteye-jni.o: noteye-jni.cpp noteye.h
$(CC) -fpic -I. noteye-jni.cpp -c -o noteye-jni.o $(CFLAGS) $(DEF)
# dynamic library (used for development)
../ libnoteye.o noteye-jni.o
$(CC) -shared -Wl,-soname, -o ../ libnoteye.o noteye-jni.o -lSDL2 -lSDL2_image $(LUAVER) -lutil -lSDL2_mixer -lSDL2_net -lGL -lGLU $(TGT) -lz -lcurses -lSDL2_ttf
# static library (used for Steam version)
../libnoteye.a: libnoteye.o noteye-jni.o
ar rcs ../libnoteye.a libnoteye.o noteye-jni.o
hydra.o: noteye-curses.h ../hydra/classes.cpp ../hydra/hydra.cpp ../hydra/mainmenu.cpp ../hydra/ui.cpp ../hydra/tutorial.cpp ../hydra/weapons.cpp ../hydra/data.cpp ../hydra/save.cpp ../hydra/achieve.cpp ../hydra/utils.cpp ../hydra/level.cpp ../hydra/monster.cpp ../hydra/drawhydras.cpp
$(CC) ../hydra/hydra.cpp -c -o hydra.o -DNOTEYE $(CFLAGS) $(TGT) $(DEF)
../noteye: ../ hydra.o noteye-main.cpp ../hydra/hydra-noteye.cpp
$(CC) $(DEF) -Wl,-rpath,. -Wl,-rpath,/usr/share/noteye hydra.o noteye-main.cpp -o ../noteye ../ -lGL -lGLU -lSDL2 $(TGT)
#../noteye: ../ noteye-main.cpp noteye.h
# $(CC) -Wl,-rpath,. noteye-main.cpp -o ../noteye ../
DESTDIR = /usr/share/noteye
install: ../noteye
strip ../noteye
install -T -D -m 755 ../noteye "$(DESTDIR)/noteye"
install -T -D -m 755 ../ "$(DESTDIR)/"
install -D -m 755 "$(DESTDIR)/"
install -D -m 755 "$(DESTDIR)/rogue"
mkdir -p $(DESTDIR)/gfx
mkdir -p $(DESTDIR)/gfx/dawnlike
mkdir -p $(DESTDIR)/gfx/dawnlike/Items
mkdir -p $(DESTDIR)/gfx/dawnlike/Objects
mkdir -p $(DESTDIR)/gfx/dawnlike/Characters
mkdir -p $(DESTDIR)/gfx/dawnlike/GUI
mkdir -p $(DESTDIR)/sound
mkdir -p $(DESTDIR)/sound/hydra-old
mkdir -p $(DESTDIR)/sound/hydra-new
mkdir -p $(DESTDIR)/sound/hydra-new/other
mkdir -p $(DESTDIR)/sound/hydra-new/elements
mkdir -p $(DESTDIR)/sound/hydra-new/hydras
mkdir -p $(DESTDIR)/sound/hydra-new/weapons
mkdir -p $(DESTDIR)/common
mkdir -p $(DESTDIR)/games
ln -s /usr/share/noteye/ /usr/lib/
bash -c "cd ../gfx; install -D -m 744 -t \"$(DESTDIR)/gfx/\" *.png *.jpeg *.ttf *.otf"
bash -c "cd ../gfx/dawnlike; install -D -m 744 -t \"$(DESTDIR)/gfx/dawnlike/\" README.txt"
bash -c "cd ../gfx/dawnlike/Items/; install -D -m 744 -t \"$(DESTDIR)/gfx/dawnlike/Items/\" *.png"
bash -c "cd ../gfx/dawnlike/Objects/; install -D -m 744 -t \"$(DESTDIR)/gfx/dawnlike/Objects/\" *.png"
bash -c "cd ../gfx/dawnlike/Characters/; install -D -m 744 -t \"$(DESTDIR)/gfx/dawnlike/Characters/\" *.png"
bash -c "cd ../gfx/dawnlike/GUI/; install -D -m 744 -t \"$(DESTDIR)/gfx/dawnlike/GUI/\" *.png"
#bash -c "cd ../sound; install -D -m 744 -t \"$(DESTDIR)/sound/\" *.ogg"
bash -c "cd ../sound/hydra-old; install -D -m 744 -t \"$(DESTDIR)/sound/hydra-old/\" *.ogg"
bash -c "cd ../sound/hydra-new; install -D -m 744 -t \"$(DESTDIR)/sound/hydra-new/\" *.ogg"
bash -c "cd ../sound/hydra-new/other; install -D -m 744 -t \"$(DESTDIR)/sound/hydra-new/other/\" *.ogg"
bash -c "cd ../sound/hydra-new/elements; install -D -m 744 -t \"$(DESTDIR)/sound/hydra-new/elements/\" *.ogg"
bash -c "cd ../sound/hydra-new/hydras; install -D -m 744 -t \"$(DESTDIR)/sound/hydra-new/hydras/\" *.ogg"
bash -c "cd ../sound/hydra-new/weapons; install -D -m 744 -t \"$(DESTDIR)/sound/hydra-new/weapons/\" *.ogg"
bash -c "cd ..; install -D -m 744 -t \"$(DESTDIR)/common\" common/*.noe"
bash -c "cd ..; install -D -m 744 -t \"$(DESTDIR)/games\" games/*.noe"
touch "$(DESTDIR)/hydrascores.sav"
chmod 666 "$(DESTDIR)/hydrascores.sav"
install -T -D -m 755 "/usr/bin/hydraslayer"
install -T -D -m 755 "/usr/bin/noteye"
rm -rf /usr/share/noteye /usr/bin/noteye /usr/bin/hydraslayer
rm *.o
# note about the install script:
# unfortunately I cannot set the group ID to games since it would cause a security hole (NotEye is scriptable)
# I don't know how to solve this (other than creating a separate hydra slayer executable), thus I simply make
# the scores writeable by anyone
# uninstall will remove the global highscores!
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