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Created March 13, 2012 00:53
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Weighted Selection
import java.util.Random
case class WeightedItem[T](item: T, weight: Double)
def weightedSelection[T](items: Seq[WeightedItem[T]], numSelections: Int, r: Random): Seq[T] = {
val (alternativesBackwards, limit) = items.foldLeft((Seq.empty[(Double, T)], 0.0)){(acc, wi) =>
val (items, weightSum): (Seq[(Double, T)], Double) = acc
val newWeightSum: Double = wi.weight + weightSum
val newItems: Seq[(Double, T)] = (newWeightSum, wi.item) +: items
(newItems, newWeightSum)
val alternatives = alternativesBackwards.reverse
def select(selections: Seq[T], selectionsRemaining: Int): Seq[T] = {
if (selectionsRemaining == 0) selections.reverse
else {
val selectIdx = r.nextDouble() * limit
val selected = alternatives.dropWhile{_._1 < selectIdx}.head._2
select(selected +: selections, selectionsRemaining - 1)
select(Seq.empty[T], numSelections)
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