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Created May 31, 2023 21:17
import typing
from opentrons import protocol_api
metadata = {
"protocolName": "Deck slot test",
"author": "Max Marrone <>",
"description": "A protocol designed to exercise the code that was changed in PR #12571.",
requirements = {
# "apiLevel": "2.13",
"apiLevel": "2.15",
# "robotType": "OT-2",
"robotType": "OT-3",
def run(protocol: protocol_api.ProtocolContext) -> None:
is_ot3 = requirements["robotType"] == "OT-3"
thermocycler_load_name = (
"thermocyclerModuleV2" if is_ot3 else "thermocyclerModuleV1"
thermocycler = typing.cast(
protocol_api.ThermocyclerContext, protocol.load_module(thermocycler_load_name)
# Two slots that require dodging around the Thermocycler.
# Specified in different styles, for bonus points.
some_slot = "B3"
some_other_slot = 4
tip_rack_load_name = (
"opentrons_ot3_96_tiprack_50ul" if is_ot3 else "opentrons_96_tiprack_300ul"
tip_rack = protocol.load_labware(tip_rack_load_name, some_slot)
well_plate_1 = protocol.load_labware(
"armadillo_96_wellplate_200ul_pcr_full_skirt", some_other_slot
well_plate_2 = thermocycler.load_labware(
# On an OT-2, uncommenting this line should raise an error because it conflicts with the Thermocycler.
# labware_in_bad_location = protocol.load_labware("opentrons_96_tiprack_300ul", "8")
pipette_load_name = "p50_single_gen3" if is_ot3 else "p300_single_gen2"
pipette = protocol.load_instrument(
pipette_load_name, mount="left", tip_racks=[tip_rack]
transfer_count = 3
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