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Last active October 12, 2021 18:36
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Simple Hangman Game
# Hangman is a paper and pencil guessing game for 2 or more players. One player thinks of a word,
# Phrase or sentence and the other tries to guess it by suggesting letters, within a certain number of guesses.
# You are the moderator. Given an entry word or sentence, check the input letters in order. If the entry is completed,
# the game is won: display the resulting handman and the final entry.
# The player is allowed 5 mistakes, corresponding to hangman's head, body, left arm, right arm, left leg. At the 6th
# Mistake the right leg is drawn and the game is over. if a letter is repeated more than once, the repeating occurrences
# Are always considered as an error, even if the first time was correct.
import os;
import re;
import random;
# Function to clear console
clear_console = lambda: os.system('cls' if in ('nt', 'dos') else 'clear');
# Function to detect if char is valid
def is_valid_char( char ) :
return ( char.isalpha() );
# Initialize list of possible entry words
possible_entry_words = [
'Hello World',
'I <3 Python',
'This Took Hours!!!',
'I\'m Running Out of Things to Say!',
# Feel free to add more!
# Initialize entry word
entry_word = possible_entry_words[ random.randint( 0, len( possible_entry_words ) - 1 ) ];
# Get blank version of entry word
blank_entry = re.sub( '[a-z]', '_', entry_word.lower() );
# Get list of all unique characters in entry word
entry_letters = [];
# Loop through all characters in entry word and add them to the list
# If they aren't already added and are a valid character
for char in entry_word.lower() :
if ( char not in entry_letters and is_valid_char( char ) ) : entry_letters.append( char );
# Initialize list of already guessed letters
letters_guessed = [];
# Initialize list of incorrect guesses
incorrect_guesses = [];
# Initialize mistakes count
mistakes_count = 0;
# Method to print title
def print_title() :
print( '-'*5 + ' H A N G M A N ' + '-'*5 + '\n' );
# Print hangman method
def print_hangman() :
# Initialize hangman body parts
hangman_bodyparts = [
'O', # Head
'|', # Body
'/', # Left arm
'\\', # Right arm
'/', # Left leg
'\\', # Right leg
# Function to draw the head
def make_head() :
return ( ' '*5 + hangman_bodyparts[0] + '\n' );
# Function to draw the body with optional arms
def make_body( arm_count:int = 0 ) :
if ( arm_count == 1 ) :
return ( ' '*4 + hangman_bodyparts[2] + hangman_bodyparts[1] + '\n' );
elif ( arm_count == 2 ) :
return ( ' '*4 + hangman_bodyparts[2] + hangman_bodyparts[1] + hangman_bodyparts[3] + '\n' );
else :
return ( ' '*5 + hangman_bodyparts[1] + '\n' );
# Function to draw the legs
def make_legs( leg_count:int = 0 ) :
if ( leg_count == 1 ) :
return ( ' '*4 + hangman_bodyparts[4] + '\n' );
elif ( leg_count == 2 ) :
return ( ' '*4 + hangman_bodyparts[4] + ' ' + hangman_bodyparts[5] + '\n' );
else :
return '\n';
# Function to make hangman drawing
def make_hangman() :
# Initialize hangman image
hangman_image = '';
# Construct hangman based on mistakes count
if ( mistakes_count == 0 ) : hangman_image += ( '\n' + '\n' + '\n' );
elif ( mistakes_count == 1 ) : hangman_image += ( make_head() + '\n' + '\n' );
elif ( mistakes_count == 2 ) : hangman_image += ( make_head() + make_body() + '\n' );
elif ( mistakes_count == 3 ) : hangman_image += ( make_head() + make_body(1) + '\n' );
elif ( mistakes_count == 4 ) : hangman_image += ( make_head() + make_body(2) + '\n' );
elif ( mistakes_count == 5 ) : hangman_image += ( make_head() + make_body(2) + make_legs(1) );
elif ( mistakes_count == 6 ) : hangman_image += ( make_head() + make_body(2) + make_legs(2) );
return hangman_image;
# Print out hangman drawing
print( make_hangman() );
# Display results
def print_results() :
# Initialize display text
display_text = '';
# Loop through chars in entry word and check if they have been guessed
for char in entry_word :
# If char is a letter that has been guessed or not a valid char then add it to display text
if ( char.lower() in letters_guessed or not is_valid_char( char ) ) :
display_text += char;
# If char has not been guessed yet then add an underscore
else :
display_text += '_';
display_text += '\n\n';
# Show a list of incorrect guesses
display_text += f'Incorrect Guesses: [ {", ".join( incorrect_guesses )} ]'.title();
print( display_text + '\n' );
# Get user input
def get_user_input() :
global mistakes_count;
# Get user input
user_input = input( 'Guess a letter: ' ).lower();
# Validate user input
while( user_input == '' or user_input.isspace() or user_input.isdigit() or len(user_input) > 1 ) :
user_input = input( 'Please enter a single letter: ' ).lower();
# Check if user already guessed the letter or if its wrong
if ( user_input in letters_guessed or user_input not in entry_letters ) :
# Increment mistakes count
mistakes_count += 1;
# Add the incorrect guess to a list if it hasn't been added already and is not a space nor a valid letter
if ( user_input not in incorrect_guesses + entry_letters and user_input != ' ' ) :
incorrect_guesses.append( user_input );
else :
# If the user guessed a new letter, add it to the list
letters_guessed.append( user_input );
# Check if game is over
def is_game_over() :
return ( mistakes_count > 5 or set( entry_letters ) == set( letters_guessed ) );
# Method to display hangman game interface
def start_game() :
while ( True ) :
# Clear console
# Display title
# Display hangman
# Display results
# Get user input if game is not over yet
if ( not is_game_over() ) :
# Get user input
else :
# Break if the game is over
# Start game
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