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Created November 8, 2017 19:07
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from openpyxl import Workbook
from pathlib import Path
import csv, sys
expdir = Path(sys.argv[1])
datfile = expdir / 'Component.dat'
__datalen__ = 103
wb = Workbook()
ws =
with open(datfile, 'r') as f:
l = f.readline()
molecules = [m for m in l.split(" ") if m != '']
filtered_molecules = [m for m in molecules if (m is not "E") and ("C" not in m) and ("N" not in m)]
print('Only these colums', filtered_molecules)
for row in f:
formated_row = [m for m in row.split(" ") if m != '']
filteredrow = []
for i, molecule in enumerate(formated_row):
if (molecules[i] is not "E") and ("N" not in molecules[i]) and ("C" not in molecules[i]):
filteredrow.append(molecule.replace(".", ","))
for i in range(1, len(filtered_molecules)+1):
for j in range(1, __datalen__+1):
c = ws.cell(row=j + 6 + __datalen__, column=i)
c.value = f"={alphabet[i-1]}{j}/1"
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