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Last active February 8, 2018 18:45
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Apache MIME for httpd.conf or .htaccess
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AddType application/ .kml
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AddType image/x-quicktime .qti .qtif
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AddType image/x-pcx .pcx
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AddType image/x-tga .targa .tga .tpic
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AddType image/x-rgb .rgb
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AddType image/x-ilbm .ilbm
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AddType image/x-ras .ras
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AddType image/webp .webp
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AddType image/jpeg .jpeg .jpg .jpe .jif .jfif .jfi
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AddType image/jpx .jpx .jpf
AddType image/jpm .jpm
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AddType image/ .hdp .jxr .wdp
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AddType video/x-ms-wmp .wmp
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AddType image/x-pcd .pcd
AddType image/x-photo-cd .pcd
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AddType image/png .apng
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AddType video/x-mng .mng
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AddType image/gif .gif
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AddType image/svg+xml .svg .svgz
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AddType application/postscript .ai
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AddType image/x-freehand .fh .fhc .fh4 .fh5 .fh7
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AddType image/x-cdr .cdr
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AddType application/x-coreldraw .cdr
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AddType application/vnd.xara .xar
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AddType image/x-emf .emf .emz
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AddType application/x-msmetafile .wmf
AddType image/x-wmf .wmf .wmz
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AddType image/x-pict .pict .pct .pic
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AddType image/cgm .cgm
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AddType image/x-xcf .xcf
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AddType image/tiff .tiff .tif
AddType image/tiff-fx .tiff .tif
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AddType application/mac-compactpro .cpt
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AddType application/postscript .ps
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AddType application/postscript .eps .epsf .epsi
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AddType image/vnd.adobe.photoshop .psd
AddType image/x-photoshop .psd
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AddType image/vnd.djvu .djvu .djv
AddType image/x-djvu .djvu .djv
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AddType application/pdf .pdf
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AddType application/x-gzpdf .pdf
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AddType application/oxps .oxps
AddType application/ .xps
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AddType image/vnd.dwg .dwg
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AddType application/x-autocad .dwg .dxf .dwf
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AddType model/iges .igs .iges
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AddType model/mesh .msh .mesh .silo
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AddType model/x3d+vrml .x3d .x3dz
AddType model/x3d+xml .x3dv .x3dvz
AddType model/x3d+binary .x3db .x3dbz
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AddType model/vrml .wrl .wrz .vrml
AddType x-world/x-vrml .wrl .wrz .vrml
AddType application/x-cc3d .wrl .wrz .vrml
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AddType application/smil+xml .smi .smil
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AddType application/xspf+xml .xspf
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AddType audio/x-mpegurl .m3u
AddType application/ .m3u8
AddType video/vnd.mpegurl .mxu .m4u
AddType application/pls+xml .pls
AddType audio/x-scpls .pls
# Foobar2000 playlist (FPL) playlist
AddType application/octet-stream .fpl
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AddType application/ .wpl
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AddType video/x-ms-asf .asx
AddType video/x-la-asf .lsx
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AddType video/x-ms-wmx .wmx
AddType audio/x-ms-wax .wax
AddType video/x-ms-wvx .wvx
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AddType audio/mpeg .m3a
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AddType video/webm .webm
AddType audio/webm .webm
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AddType audio/x-matroska .mka
AddType video/x-matroska .mkv .mks
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AddType application/ogg .ogx
AddType audio/ogg .ogg
AddType video/ogg .ogg
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AddType application/x-winamp .nsv .nsa
# RealMedia Variable Bitrate (RMVB) audio/video container
AddType application/vnd.rn-realmedia-vbr .rmvb
# RealMedia (RM) audio/video container
AddType application/vnd.rn-realmedia .rm
AddType audio/x-pn-realaudio-plugin .rmp
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AddType audio/x-f4a .f4a .f4b
AddType audio/mp4 .f4a .f4b
AddType video/x-f4v .f4v .f4p
AddType video/mp4 .f4v .f4p
AddType video/x-fli .fli
AddType video/x-flv .flv
AddType video/x-m4v .m4v
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AddType audio/3gpp .3gp .3ggp
AddType audio/3gpp2 .3g2 .3gp2
AddType video/3gpp .3gp .3ggp
AddType video/3gpp2 .3g2 .3gp2
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AddType application/mp4 .mp4 .mpg4 .mp4s
AddType audio/mp4 .mp4 .mpg4
AddType video/mp4 .mp4 .mpg4
# Microsoft Advanced Systems Format (ASF) audio/video container
AddType application/ .asf
AddType video/x-ms-asf .asf
AddType video/x-la-asf .lsf
# Microsoft Audio Video Interleave (AVI) audio/video container
AddType video/vnd.avi .avi
AddType video/avi .avi
AddType video/msvideo .avi
AddType video/x-msvideo .avi
# Musical Instrument Digital Interface (MIDI) synthetized music
AddType audio/midi .mid .midi .kar .rmi
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AddType audio/speex .spx
AddType audio/ogg .spx
# Adaptive Multi-Rate Wideband (AMR-WB) lossy speech
AddType audio/amr-wb .awb
# Adaptive Multi-Rate (AMR/AMR-NB) lossy speech
AddType audio/amr .amr
# Free Lossless Audio Codec (FLAC) lossless audio
AddType audio/x-flac .flac
# WavPack (WV) lossless audio
AddType audio/x-wavpack .wv
# True Audio (TTA) lossless audio
AddType audio/x-tta .tta
# Monkey's Audio (APE) lossless audio
AddType audio/x-ape .ape .apl
# Apple Lossless Audio Codec (ALAC) lossless audio
AddType audio/x-alac .m4a
# Microsoft Windows Media Audio Lossless (WMA) lossless audio
AddType audio/x-ms-wma .wma
# Sony Adaptive Transform Acoustic Coding (ATRAC) Advanced Lossless (AA3) lossless audio
AddType audio/atrac-advanced-lossless .aa3 .at3
# Shorten (SHN) lossless audio
AddType audio/x-shorten .shn
# Apple Audio Interchange File Format (AIFF) lossless audio
AddType audio/x-aiff .aif .aiff .aifc
AddType audio/aiff .aif .aiff .aifc
# Adaptive Differential Pulse Code Modulation (ADPCM) lossless audio
AddType audio/adpcm .adp .adpcm
# Linear Pulse Code Modulation (LPCM) lossless audio
AddType audio/l16 .pcm .l16
AddType audio/l8 .pcm
AddType audio/l20 .pcm
AddType audio/l24 .pcm
# Microsoft Waveform Audio File Format (WAVE) lossless audio
AddType audio/vnd.wave .wav .wave
AddType audio/wav .wav .wave
AddType audio/wave .wav .wave
AddType audio/x-wav .wav .wave
# Vorbis (OGA/OGG) lossy audio
AddType audio/ogg .oga
AddType audio/vorbis .oga
AddType audio/vorbis-config .oga
# MusePack (MPC) lossy audio
AddType audio/x-musepack .mpc .mp+ .mpp
AddType audio/musepack .mpc .mp+ .mpp
# RealAudio (RA) lossy audio
AddType audio/x-pn-realaudio .ra .ram
# Microsoft Windows Media Audio (WMA) lossy audio
AddType audio/x-ms-wma .wma
# Sony Adaptive Transform Acoustic Coding (ATRAC) (AA3) lossy audio
AddType audio/atrac-x .aa3 .at3
AddType audio/atrac3 .aa3 .at3
AddType audio/x-oma .oma
# DTS Theater System (DTS) lossy audio
AddType audio/vnd.dts .dts
AddType audio/vnd.dts.hd .dtshd
# Dolby Digital (AC3) lossy audio
AddType audio/ac3 .ac3
# MPEG-4 Part 3, Audio, High-Efficiency Advanced Audio Coding (HE-AAC) (AAC) lossy audio
AddType audio/aacp .aac
# MPEG-4 Part 3, Audio, Advanced Audio Coding (AAC) lossy audio
AddType audio/x-aac .aac
AddType audio/aac .aac
AddType audio/mp4 .aac
# MPEG-4 Part 3, Audio, various formats (M4A) lossy audio
AddType audio/mp4 .m4a .mp4a .m4p .m4b .m4r
AddType audio/mp4a-latm .m4a
AddType audio/mpeg4-generic .m4a
# MPEG-2 Part 3, Audio, Layer I/II/II (M2A) lossy audio
AddType audio/mpeg .m2a .mp2a
# MPEG-1 Part 3, Audio, Layer III (MP3) lossy audio
AddType audio/mpeg .mp3
AddType audio/mpa .mp3
AddType audio/mpa-robust .mp3
# MPEG-1 Part 3, Audio, Layer II (MP2) lossy audio
AddType audio/mpeg .mp2 .mpa .mpga .mpega
AddType audio/mpa .mp2 .mpa .mpga .mpega
# MPEG-1 Part 3, Audio, Layer I (MP1) lossy audio
AddType audio/mpeg .mp1 .m1a .mpa .mpga .mpega
AddType audio/mpa .mp1 .m1a .mpa .mpga .mpega
# Sun Au file format (AU/SND) lossy audio
AddType audio/basic .au .snd
# Theora, VP3 (OGV/OGG) lossy video
AddType video/ogg .ogv
# RealVideo (RV) lossy video
AddType video/x-pn-realvideo .rv
AddType video/x-rn-realvideo .rv
# Apple QuickTime File Format (QTFF) (QT/MOV) lossy video
AddType video/quicktime .mov .qt
AddType video/x-sgi-movie .movie
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AddType video/x-ms-wm .wm
AddType video/x-ms-wmv .wmv
AddType video/x-ms-wmx .wmx
AddType video/x-ms-wvx .wvx
# MPEG-4 Part 10, Advanced Video Coding (AVC), H.264 lossy video
AddType video/h264 .h264
# VCEG H.261/H.263 lossy video
AddType video/h261 .h261
AddType video/h263 .h263
# MPEG-4 Part 2, Visual, Advanced Simple Profile (ASP), Xvid/DivX lossy video
AddType video/x-divx .xvid .divx
# MPEG-4 Part 2/10/14, Video, various formats (M4V) video
AddType video/mp4 .m4v .mp4v .3gp .3g2
AddType video/mpeg4-generic .m4v
# MPEG-2 Part 2, Video, H.262/DVD (M2V/VOB) lossy video
AddType video/mpeg .m2v .mpv2 .vob
# MPEG-1 Part 2, Video, VideoCD (M1V) lossy video
AddType video/mpeg .m1v .mpv .mpe .mpg .mpeg
AddType video/mpv .m1v .mpv .mpe .mpg .mpeg
# Motion JPEG 2000 (M-JPEG2K) (MJ2) lossy/lossless video
AddType video/mj2 .mj2 .mjp2
AddType video/jpeg2000 .mj2 .mjp2
# Motion JPEG (M-JPEG) (MJPG) lossy video
AddType video/x-motion-jpeg .mjpg
AddType video/jpeg .jpgv
# Digital Video (DV) DV-DIF raw video (DV/DIF) lossy video
AddType video/dv .dv .dif
AddType video/x-dv .dv .dif
# RAD Game Tools Bink Video (BIK) lossy video
AddType video/x-bink .bik
# RAD Game Tools Smacker Video (SMK) lossy video
AddType video/x-smacker .smk
# Mozilla XPInstall (Cross-Platform Install) (XPI) application
AddType application/x-xpinstall .xpi
# Adobe Adobe Integrated Runtime (AIR) application
AddType application/vnd.adobe.air-application-installer-package+zip .air
# Adobe Flash (SWF) application
AddType application/x-shockwave-flash .swf
# Adobe Director (DIR) application
AddType application/x-director .dir .dcr .dxr .cst .cct .cxt .w3d .fgd .swa
# Microsoft Silverlight (XAP) application
AddType application/x-silverlight-app .xap
AddType application/x-ms-xbap .xbap
# Java binaries
AddType application/octet-stream .java
AddType application/java-archive .jar
AddType application/java-serialized-object .ser
AddType application/java-vm .class
AddType application/x-java-jnlp-file .jnlp
# Windows binaries
AddType application/x-msdownload .exe .dll .ocx .com .bat .msi .mso
AddType application/x-ms-manifest .manifest
# Linux / Mac OS binaries
AddType application/octet-stream .bin .dms .lrf .so .o .elf .dist .distz .pkg .bpk .dump .elc .deploy
# Signatures
AddType application/pgp-encrypted .pgp
AddType application/pgp-signature .asc .sig
# BinHex (HQX) encoding
AddType application/mac-binhex40 .hqx
AddType application/mac-binhex .hqx
AddType application/binhex .hqx
# UUEncode (UU) encoding
AddType text/x-uuencode .uu
# Multi-Purpose Internet Mail Extension (MIME) encoding
AddType message/rfc822 .mime
# Encryption
AddType application/pkcs10 .p10
AddType application/x-pkcs12 .p12 .pfx
AddType application/pkcs7-mime .p7m .p7c
AddType application/pkcs7-signature .p7s
AddType application/x-pkcs7-certificates .p7b .spc
AddType application/x-pkcs7-certreqresp .p7r
AddType application/pkix-cert .cer
AddType application/pkix-crl .crl
AddType application/pkix-pkipath .pkipath
AddType application/pkixcmp .pki
AddType application/ .pko
AddType application/ .sst
AddType application/ .cat
AddType application/ .stl
AddType application/x-x509-ca-cert .der .crt
# BitTorrent metadata (TORRENT) download
AddType application/x-bittorrent .torrent
# Tape (TAR) archives
AddType application/x-tar .tar
AddType application/x-gtar .gtar
# Gzip (GZ) archives
AddType application/x-gzip .gz .tgz
AddType application/x-compressed .tgz
# Bzip (BZ) archives
AddType application/x-bzip .bz .tbz
AddType application/x-bzip2 .bz2 .boz .tbz2 .tb2
# Compress (Z) archives
AddType application/x-compress .Z .taz
# LZMA (LZMA) archives
AddType application/x-lzma .lzma .tlz
# LZMA2 (XZ) archives
AddType application/x-xz .xz .txz
# LZIP (LZ) archives
AddType application/x-lzip .lz
# LHA and LZH archives
AddType application/x-lzh-compressed .lha .lzh
# LZX archives
AddType application/x-lzx .lzx
# Disk Archiver (DAR) archives
AddType application/x-dar .dar
# Compact File Set (CFS) archives
AddType application/x-cfs-compressed .cfs
# 7-ZIP (7z) archives
AddType application/x-7z-compressed .7z
# ZIP archives
AddType application/zip .zip .zipx
# RAR files
AddType application/x-rar-compressed .rar .rev .r00 .r01 .r02 .r03 .r04 .r05
# Cabinet (CAB) archives
AddType application/ .cab
# Stuffit (SIT) archives
AddType application/x-stuffit .sit
AddType application/x-stuffitx .sitx
# Debian (DEB) archives
AddType application/x-debian-package .deb .udeb
# Apple DiskImage (DMG) archive
AddType application/x-apple-diskimage .dmg .smi .img
# ISO 9660 (ISO) archive
AddType application/x-iso9660-image .iso
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