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Last active December 19, 2023 19:38
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Deriving tail recursive Fibonacci
Here's a derivation for a tail recursive fibonacci function.
Let's start from the Maths definition:
fib(0) = 0
fib(1) = 1
fib(n) = fib(n - 1) + fib(n - 2)
// Let's translate the structure, leaving the recursive case unspecified:
def fib0(n: Int) = n match {
case 0 => 0
case 1 => 1
case n =>
// fib(n) = fib(n - 1) + fib(n - 2)
the recursive definition is made of 4 components:
n, fib(n), fib(n - 1), fib(n - 2)
let's call them:
counter, current, last, secondLast
and order them according to how they are ordered visually:
counter, secondLast, last, current
// Each component becomes an argument to our tailrec helper:
def fib1(n: Int) = n match {
case 0 => 0
case 1 => 1
case n =>
def go(counter: Int, secondLast: Int, last: Int, current: Int): Int = ???
Now let's think about the starting state, we know that counter
needs to start at 2 because 0 and 1 are already covered by the
previous cases.
The rest follows by how Fibonacci looks.
The starting state is what we call `go` with.
def fib2(n: Int) = n match {
case 0 => 0
case 1 => 1
case n =>
def go(counter: Int, secondLast: Int, last: Int, current: Int): Int = ???
go(counter = 2, secondLast = 0, last = 1, current = 1)
Now let's write `go`:
If counter is at `n`, we are in the right spot, so we can return `current`.
If not, we update all variables according to the definition of Fibonacci, and recur.
def fib3(n: Int) = n match {
case 0 => 0
case 1 => 1
case n =>
def go(counter: Int, secondLast: Int, last: Int, current: Int): Int = {
if (counter == n) current
val counterNext = counter + 1
val secondLastNext = last // we move to the right
val lastNext = current // we move to the right
val currentNext = lastNext + secondLastNext // definition of Fibonacci
counter = counterNext,
secondLast = secondLastNext,
last = lastNext,
current = currentNext
go(counter = 2, secondLast = 0, last = 1, current = 1)
Now we are done, but we can simplify by applying inlining,
i.e. we replace each name with its definition in `go`.
This is safe to do because even though the algorithm is conceptually
evolving variables, it's expressed as immutable transformations for which
inlining can always be done without changing behaviour.
As an example:
go(..., currentNext, ...)
currentNext = lastNext + secondLastNext
go(..., lastNext + secondLastNext, ...)
lastNext = current
secondLastNext = last
go(..., current + last, ...)
we do the same across the board:
def fib4(n: Int) = n match {
case 0 => 0
case 1 => 1
case n =>
def go(counter: Int, secondLast: Int, last: Int, current: Int): Int = {
if (counter == n) current
counter = counter + 1,
secondLast = last,
last = current,
current = current + last
go(counter = 2, secondLast = 0, last = 1, current = 1)
but now we notice that `secondLast` is updated but never actually used it
so we can eliminate it.
To see that, start from the expression that returns the result, which is `current`.
Then see how `current` is computed, which is with `current + last`, then see how
`last` doesn't depend on `secondLast`, i.e `secondLast` is never used.
def fib5(n: Int) = n match {
case 0 => 0
case 1 => 1
case n =>
def go(counter: Int, last: Int, current: Int): Int = {
if (counter == n) current
counter = counter + 1,
last = current,
current = current + last
go(counter = 2, last = 1, current = 1)
// Now let's eliminate the named arguments, and hoist the helper at the top
def fib6(n: Int) = {
def go(counter: Int, last: Int, current: Int): Int =
if (counter == n) current
else go(counter + 1, current, current + last)
n match {
case 0 => 0
case 1 => 1
case n => go(2, 1, 1)
The pattern matching has redundant logic in the first two cases,
and doesn't use the pattern in the third, we can replace it with
an if.
`go` is tail recursive, we can make sure by adding an annotation.
This is our final version
def fib(n: Int) = {
def go(counter: Int, last: Int, current: Int): Int =
if (counter == n) current
else go(counter + 1, current, current + last)
if (n <= 1) n else go(2, 1, 1)
val a = (0 to 8).map(fib)
// Vector(0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21)
// Alternative derivation //
The derivation above uses equational thinking a lot, but often with
tail recursion we can apply more operational thinking.
Tail recursion can be understood as a translation from mutable state algorithms,
except with a more explicit explicit representation of imperative thinking, where
for each variable `x` you distinguish the updated version x' from x (due to immutability),
and you loop via a restricted GOTO (the recursive call) instead of using `while`.
To derive tail recursive functions with this type of thinking, the guiding principle is
generally trying to figure out which state you need to keep track of.
Let's start from the Maths definition again:
fib(0) = 0
fib(1) = 1
fib(n) = fib(n - 1) + fib(n - 2)
This time, we start by recognising the first two cases can be done with an `if`,
and then we know there is going to be some iteration after, which we can represent
with a helper. At this point, the only information we have about the helper is its
return type
def fib0(n: Int) = {
def go(): Int = go()
if (n <= 1) n else go()
tail recursive helpers have to return a result which is updated during the iteration,
so we can start by keeping track of that.
Note that to do that, we have to figure out what its initial value should be.
In this case, because the `if` arleady covers 0 and 1, the value is 1.
def fib1(n: Int) = {
def go(result: Int): Int = go(result)
if (n <= 1) n else go(1)
Now we have to figure out when it's possible to return `result`, i.e. we have to
to figure out a termination condition.
Sometimes this can be done as a predicate on `result`, requiring no additional state,
but in this case the result has to be returned once we reach the nTh iteration, which means
we have to add some state to keep track of that with a `counter: Int`.
Similarly, we have to figure out the initial value of `counter`, because the `if` in `fib2`
covers iterations 0 and 1, the value is 2.
def fib2(n: Int) = {
def go(counter: Int, result: Int): Int =
if (counter == n) result
else go(counter, result)
if (n <= 1) n else go(counter = 2, result = 1)
Now we have some state with initial values, and we have to figure out
how to update it before recurring.
def fib3(n: Int) = {
def go(counter: Int, result: Int): Int =
if (counter == n) result
else {
val counterNext = counter + 1
val resultNext = ???
go(counterNext, resultNext)
if (n <= 1) n else go(counter = 2, result = 1)
Updating counter is easy, but we don't know what `resultNext` should be.
According to the definition of fibonacci, it's the sum of `fib(n - 1)` and
`fib(n - 2)`. We already have the result of `fib(n - 1)`, it's `result`!
def fib4(n: Int) = {
def go(counter: Int, result: Int): Int =
if (counter == n) result
else {
val counterNext = counter + 1
val resultNext = result // + something
go(counterNext, resultNext)
if (n <= 1) n else go(counter = 2, result = 1)
However, we don't have info about `fib(n - 2)`, which means we are missing some state
to track it, let's call it `last`.
Understanding why this is the `last` value can be a bit tricky: remember that we need
`fib(n - 2)` in the _next_ iteration, which means we need `fib(n - 1)` in this iteration,
i.e. the last value.
Once you understand that, the rest is easy: `lastNext` is the same as `result` now, and
the initial value of `last` is `fib(n - 1)` when `n == 2`, i.e. `1
At any let's call it `last`.
The initial value of `old` is `fib(n - 2)` when `n = 2`, i.e. 0
def fib5(n: Int) = {
def go(counter: Int, last: Int, result: Int): Int =
if (counter == n) result
else {
val counterNext = counter + 1
val resultNext = result + last
val lastNext = result
go(counterNext, lastNext, resultNext)
if (n <= 1) n else go(counter = 2, last = 1, result = 1)
Again, we can apply some inlining and remove name params,
and we're done
def fib(n: Int) = {
def go(counter: Int, last: Int, result: Int): Int =
if (counter == n) result
else go(counter + 1, result, result + last)
if (n <= 1) n else go(2, 1, 1)
So, which mindset should you use?
The truth is that both are useful for this task, and both are also useful in general:
equational reasoning comes up when refactoring FP code a lot,
whereas being able to systematically identify essential state is useful when developing concurrent and
distributed algorithms.
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