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Created November 4, 2021 15:31
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package me.szczurekyt.magnoliechowany;
import org.bukkit.Bukkit;
import org.bukkit.entity.Player;
import org.bukkit.scoreboard.Scoreboard;
import org.bukkit.scoreboard.Team;
import java.util.*;
public final class Main extends JavaPlugin {
public Game game; // Currently, running game
public Map<String, GameMap> maps = new HashMap<>();
public Map<Player, Game> gameCreation = new HashMap<>();
public List<Player> waitingForInput = new ArrayList<>();
public Scoreboard scoreboard;
public void onEnable() {
// Plugin startup logic
// Register commands and events
this.getCommand("chowany").setExecutor(new ChowanyCMD(this));
this.getServer().getPluginManager().registerEvents(new DeathListener(this), this);
this.getServer().getPluginManager().registerEvents(new InventoryListener(this), this);
this.getServer().getPluginManager().registerEvents(new ChatListener(this), this);
// create scoreboard
// Create no tag team
scoreboard.registerNewTeam("NoTag").setOption(Team.Option.NAME_TAG_VISIBILITY, Team.OptionStatus.NEVER);
// Save default config
// If there is data to load than load it
if (this.getConfig().contains("maps")) {
// Remove old data
this.getConfig().set("maps", null);
public void onDisable() {
// Plugin shutdown logic
if (!(maps.isEmpty())) {
// There are maps to save
public void saveMaps() {
for (Map.Entry<String, GameMap> map: this.maps.entrySet()) {
this.getConfig().set("maps." + map.getKey() + ".name", map.getValue().name);
this.getConfig().set("maps." + map.getKey() + ".icon", map.getValue().icon);
this.getConfig().set("maps." + map.getKey() + ".lobby", map.getValue().lobbySpawn);
this.getConfig().set("maps." + map.getKey() + ".spectator", map.getValue().spectatorSpawn);
this.getConfig().set("maps." + map.getKey() + ".seeker", map.getValue().seekerSpawn);
this.getConfig().set("maps." + map.getKey() + ".start", map.getValue().startSpawn);
public void loadMaps() {
// Used to load all maps from config
for (String key: this.getConfig().getConfigurationSection("maps").getKeys(false)) {
// Iterate over all saved maps
// Recreate the GameMap
String name = this.getConfig().getString("maps." + key + ".name");
GameMap map = new GameMap(name);
map.icon = this.getConfig().getItemStack("maps." + key + ".icon");
map.lobbySpawn = this.getConfig().getLocation("maps." + key + ".lobby");
map.spectatorSpawn = this.getConfig().getLocation("maps." + key + ".spectator");
map.seekerSpawn = this.getConfig().getLocation("maps." + key + ".seeker");
map.startSpawn = this.getConfig().getLocation("maps." + key + ".start");
// Put map in the hashmap
this.maps.put(name, map);
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