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Created July 17, 2023 08:09
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Welcome to FixYourMod

First of all the name FixYourMod may sound rude, but It's just a fancy name for a bunch of bug reports. Don't worry, no one is yelling at you. 😃
If you have every played fabric/quilt with a bunch of mods, you may noticed one thing. When you launch your game and take look at the logs there is a good chance you will see a bunch of errors, often mixin related. These errors don't crash the game, they let you play, and everything seems to work properly. But does it? Those are still errors, warnings that something is wrong.
Missing annotations, conflicts, ClassNotFoundExceptions, shaded dependency clashes, these all need to be addressed. For example in my personal client side modpack I counted 60 warnings and around 5 errors. We need to do something about this.

So over the course of coming days I will try to contribute to modded minecraft's community by reporting those bugs and/or sending pull requests/suggestions with solutions to them. I hope that everyone will benefit from this action and it will make minecraft run smoother, possibly fixing some bugs and issues on the way.

Error types to be reported:


Errors related to mixins.

  • Mixin conflicts

    Errors where two mixinn's from two different mods conflict, for example two mixin's overwriting one method - they don't crash, but something probably isn't going to work.
  • Missing annotations / statements

    Errors where someone for example didn't add the @Final annotation or didn't made mixin method static where it should be. These probably aren't harmfull to game in any way, but still should be reported.


Error related to dependencies / soft dependencies.

  • ClassNotFoundExceptions

    A class wasn't found. I guess it's not needed. Or is it? This should probably be fixed.
  • Multiple paths added for /path/to/class, but only a single one can be returned!

    This means that a class is supplied by two or more sources. This usually happens when mod shades (includes) it's dependency, but doesn't relocate it properly.

Those are types of errors / warnings that you often see in logs and I will report them.


If you want you can help, by finding and reporting errors yourself. But do it only if you know how to make a proper error report, so you don't waste mod author's time.

  1. Open your minecraft log and find on of the errors from catergories specified above.
  2. Check what mod causes it. These mods may be helpfull with identifying the problem:
  1. Find the mod's source and issues page.
  2. If you can, take a look at the source code and check if you see any way to fix the error.
  3. Create a bug report with all required information, so the author can easily fix the error. If you found a solution send it or open a pull request.
  4. Here, in the comments send a link to the report, so it can be put on a list.

Note that some error may be unfixable.


Errors reported and fixed as a part of this action.

Reported bugs (open)

Squashed bugs (fixed)

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